Blog Archive

Monday, November 30, 2020



So, today as I write this, I’m hoping my phone will ring and it will be the dentist’s office. My best friend, Claudia, has a daughter that’s a dentist and I wish she were mine because she saw two emergency patients this past weekend. Unfortunately, she practices in Oakland CA, so that doesn’t do me much good.

To pass the time without a lot of movement, I’ve been watching TV and am almost finished with season two of Travelers. I almost quit watching last night because that make-believe world came down with a horrible, no cure virus that was beginning to run rampant in the world...sound familiar??? Fortunately, it’s fiction, so they came up with a cure before the 45-minute episode was over. Since I’ll most likely end up on the couch again today, I expect I’ll finish watching the series.

I really resent having a toothache, or any illness for that matter, because who knows how many days I have left in this life. Having to give up three of them, and maybe more, just makes me furious. On the other hand, I’ve watched some good television and am trying to look at this horrid experience in a more positive way.

So, cross your fingers for me, light a candle, rub Buddha’s belly, do a toothache go away dance, or use whatever method you prefer to send me positive thoughts and prayers and whatever else it’s going to take to fix this. I’m way more than ready and poor Luke and Hannah are feeling abandoned. So sorry.

Sunday, November 29, 2020



Nothing today beyond this short post. I just had a live computer chat with an MD at Kaiser and he’s calling in a prescription for penicillin which my granddaughter will pick up for me. If this isn’t a tooth gone bad…any songs about something like that???...I don’t know what else it could be. The MD agreed with my self-diagnosis…just call me Dr. paula.

I called my dentist’s ER number and left messages twice yesterday, but there has been no response. Why have an ER number if it’s not monitored???

I’m so grateful I didn’t toss John’s Percocet since it’s the only thing…and ice packs…that’s making life bearable right now. His prescription says to take three per day and he was much bigger than me, but I’m taking one about every four hours which is when the pain begins to intrude in a much more painful manner. I don’t much like the way it makes me feel, i.e., kinda out of it, removed from reality, about 105 years old because I’m being so careful getting around…do not want to add injury to insult by falling on my ass or some other part of my anatomy.

But the dentist office will be open tomorrow morning, and hopefully, she’ll take care of me immediately. If not, I’ll be looking for dentist recommendations.

Meanwhile, it will be another day on the couch with the doggies watching TV…have seen all of Queen’s Gambit and working on Travelers now. I really hate losing not one, but two entire days to doing nothing but laying down, stumbling around and reading. Seriously, the way I’m feeling, I should be put into a nursing home and I think I’d be the kind of patient they’d love to have…quiet, withdrawn, unable to make any kind of trouble.

So, y’all have a very nice day; and hopefully, Luke and Hannah can return on Tuesday.

Saturday, November 28, 2020



Yesterday, Friday, I wondered if the pain I was feeling in my left lower jaw could be a toothache. It went away for a while, but returned and while the pain is more of a discomfort, I DO NOT want it to become horribly painful. It is very reminiscent of an abscessed tooth I had decades ago. I was miserable. It was so painful I threw up.

I first went to the emergency room and the doctor there (I still remember he greatly resembled a cadaver) told me I had a huge canker sore on the very back of my tongue and that was my problem. Well, about 12-18 hours later, the nerve in that tooth came to life. It was NOT a canker sore, but a really bad tooth.

For a solid week, I had to see the dentist every single day so he could open up the tooth and release the pressure from the abscess. Meanwhile I was taking antibiotics and codeine for the pain. Thor was a baby then and if he’d been more mobile, he could have crawled out the door and I’d not have noticed a thing. I think that’s also about the time he stopped nursing…the meds must have tainted my milk. That was a real disappointment because I planned on nursing him forever as in, “Excuse me, but could you let Thor Karlberg know his mommy is here with his lunch.” Just imagine how embarrassing that would have been in high school.

I’ve called my dentist’s emergency number and left a message. I’m hoping they call soon. I also have John’s Percocet if the pain becomes unbearable; however, I have a low tolerance for pain meds, so I just might end up wandering around here without any idea of who I am or what I’m doing. Won’t that be fun. Probably even more fun if I decide to take a drive. While I’m still cognizant, it amuses me to think of the state police calling my sons, “Excuse me Mr. Karlberg, but we have a woman in custody who may be related to you. She’s over here in Spokane, has no idea who she is or where she is. What would you like us to do?” I suppose they’d claim me, but it would be the stuff of family tales and laughs forever.

I began a new chapter of Water Rights yesterday, but didn’t get it finished. I don’t know if I’ll finish it today or not. Just sitting here typing, the left side of my face is becoming more and more painful. Did I say it even hurts to breath through my nose. I think it’s time to have some cheerios and a Percocet.

Friday, November 27, 2020



           Laying in bed that night, Hannah could feel her face heating up when she thought about how wayward she’d been that afternoon. It wasn’t like she was a slut or had any experience when it came to sex, but she’d read a lot of books as she grew up. She remembered finding her first romance novel that had some pretty racy stuff in it. Neither her mom and dad nor her grandparents had looked at what she read. They were all just happy she had a book in her hands.

          Hannah remembered the first time one of those books had resulted in her touching herself. She remembered how surprised she was at the moisture between her legs, how the feeling kept building and building until it washed over her like a huge wave, just like it had been described in the book. Hannah giggled quietly to herself as she remembered how night after night, she’d touch herself and make that incredible wave of sensation wash over her entire body.

          Today, when Luke showed up at the waterfall, Hannah felt as though the meeting had been ordained. She hadn’t felt nervous or shy but determined to get some kind of reaction from Luke. What she saw in his eyes as she approached him only made her more determined to do whatever it took to get him to be with her. At first, she thought she wouldn’t be successful, but when she orgasmed against his saddle, there was no holding back. It had been the most wonderful afternoon of her entire life. As her eyes closed, she hoped and prayed just a bit that it was the first of many to come.

          The next morning, Hannah hummed as she made their breakfast. When gramps came in, he said, “Well, somebody sure seems to be in a good mood today.”

          “Yes, gramps, I am in a very good mood. I’m even making your favorite French toast for breakfast.”

          “Well, whatever got into you, I sure am glad to see your smiling face and hear that happy hum again.” Gramps said, getting his coffee and setting down.

          It was all Hannah could do to keep from laughing out loud because it wasn’t whatever got into her, it was who. Still, she was grateful gramps couldn’t read her mind or even had a clue as to what had happened the previous day.

          When Luke came in from taking care of the chores, Hannah had breakfast ready and on the table. Gramps said, “Hurry and get washed up. I don’t think you’ve had Hannah’s French toast before and it’s a real treat, especially when you put some of those huckleberry preserves on top.”

          Hannah took one look at Luke and thought, uh oh. He looks like he’s not too happy this morning. That probably means he’s really uncomfortable about yesterday, but that’s too bad. I am positively absolutely not going to leave him alone. He’d best just get used to the idea of me being with him, whether he wants it or not.

          After breakfast, Luke complimented her on the French toast and then quickly headed for the barn. Since gramps was going to clean up the kitchen, Hannah followed right after Luke. In the barn, he tried to ignore her, but she walked right up to him and put her hand on his crotch, while sticking her tongue in his ear.

          “Stop that, Hannah,” Luke demanded while removing her hand and pulling his head away from hers.

          “No, I won’t. I wanted you yesterday and I know you wanted me. You proved it more than once. And, just because we’re not at the waterfall doesn’t mean I’m going to ignore you and I’m certainly not going to let you ignore me the way you’ve been doing.”

          “Look, Hannah, that was yesterday. This is today. Your gramps would have a fit if he found us together like we were yesterday. He’d probably go looking for his whip and whip me off the property.”

          “I wouldn’t be too sure of thAT Luke,” she responded. Gramps likes you a lot and has trusted you with a lot of ranch responsibility. I bet if I told him about us, he’d be perfectly fine.”

          “Well, I’m not willing to take that chance.” By then, Luke had managed to saddle his horse while fending off Hannah’s hands, arms and mouth and began to lead it out of the barn. “Now, I’ve got to head out to huckleberry hills and check the cattle located there. I’ll try to be back for dinner.”

          Hannah stood beside the saddle after Luke mounted. She reached up and grasped his cock which was already hard inside his jeans. “I’ll be at the waterfall this afternoon if this,” and she patted his cock, “should want a bit of attention. I know I would like to have it and a lot of other attention too.”

          Luke took off at a gallop and Hannah walked slowly back to the house a small smile on her lips. She thought her sluttish ways were having the right effect on Luke and that he’d be at the waterfall that afternoon. She took care of her household chores, gathered up what she’d need for the waterfall, made sure gramps had water and a covered lunch in the fridge. Then, she mounted Onyx bareback and trotted off to the waterfall.

          Hannah wasn’t too happy when she returned late that afternoon. Luke hadn’t shown up. He wasn’t even back from the huckleberry hills, or if he was, he was hiding out. Hannah began dinner and then brought the laundry she’d put on the clothesline that morning inside and put it away. Luke arrived just as she was putting dinner on the table.

          “Oh great, you’re just in time.” Hannah said with a big smile. I’ll bet you’re starving since I know you didn’t take a lunch with you.”

          Luke looked at her as though she’d grown another head. She checked to see where her gramps’ attention was and winked. Luke just shook his head and ignored her. He spent the dinner hour telling Thomas all about his foray into the back hills. As an aside, he told Hannah he thought the huckleberries would be ready for picking in another couple of weeks. She thanked him and proposed they go picking together and once again, he ignored her.

          After dinner, gramps watched a couple of his television programs before he said, “Think I’m going to head to my bed. Seems like I need so much sleep these days I wonder sometimes why I even get myself up.” He kissed the top of her head, waved to Thomas and disappeared down the hall. Hannah continued reading her book even though she hadn’t turned a page or understood what was happening for most of the evening. It took all her will power not to get up and jump Luke where he sat.

          As if he could read her mind, Luke got up and offered her the channel changer. “Think I’m going to bed too. It was a long, hot day and I’m pretty tired. I’ll see you in the morning Hannah.”

          Hannah took the channel changer and clicked the television noise off. She called good night as Luke headed up the stairs, but she had a wicked gleam in her eyes. She sat there in her chair, the book laying on her thighs and gave her imagination free rein when it came to Luke getting in bed. After a bit, she got up and went around, checking on the doors and windows, turning off lights and got herself ready for bed.

          In her room, Hannah removed all her clothes, freed her hair from its braid and quietly opened her door and crept down the hall to Luke’s room. She remembered which boards squeaked and avoided them. She also knew Luke’s door made noise unless you pressed down on the handle. She did so and entered so quietly Luke didn’t stir from where he lay on top of the sheet, covers kicked to the bottom of the bed.

          Hannah crept across the floor and eased herself into bed. Before Luke could move, she’d covered his body with hers and all her hair. “I gathered you weren’t going to come visit me, so here I am.” She whispered in his ear.

          Luke’s hands had come up and were now on each side of her waist. He tried to push or roll her off, but she was determined to stay where she was. She rubbed her breasts against his chest and Luke’s chest hair felt a little like sandpaper being rubbed against her nipples. She nipped at Luke’s chin, found his mouth and plunged her tongue into it. Hannah not only felt Luke’s cock stir, but could feel it growing within his boxers and against her tummy. She squirmed just a bit and Luke tried to hold her still, saying, “Hannah, this is not a good idea. Now, get down. Go back to your room. Your gramps is just down the stairs. You don’t want to wake him up being in here with me.”

          “Well, we’re just going to have to be slow, careful and very quiet.” Hannah murmured into his ear. “Now, let’s get rid of these undies. She raised herself up enough to grasp his boxers on each side and gave them a yank. His cock flew free and she grabbed it with both her hands. She leaned forward just enough to reach his ear, “Mmmmm, I think I like this. I think I want this.”

          Luke tried hard not to moan or groan, but Hannah was driving him crazy. He wanted her desperately, but she was in control and not making any noise was a huge factor. Still holding his cock, Hannah raised up again and moved the tip of his cock to her entrance. She felt wet and hot and Luke wanted to haul her down until she completely encased him. Instead, she teased, rubbing his cock head against her sex, easing slowing down and then back up, but never quite seating herself completely.

          Finally, Hannah allowed his cock to enter her fully. When they were as close as possible, she again leaned forward, rested her breasts on his chest and began to give him little kisses and nips. In between, she sighed into his ear, “Doesn’t this feel good? I think I could lay like this all night. How many times do you think I can remove you almost all the way before sliding you slowly back in? How’s your ability to hold back? How long before we can both come slowly and quietly?” Her questions ended with a small huff of laughter.

          Then, there was nothing but the feel of Hannah pulling away and slowly allowing his cock back. It was torture and Luke wanted nothing more than to roll her over and fuck her brains out, but that wasn’t possible. There’d be enough bed noise to wake gramps and Luke so didn’t want him to find out about them. He already felt bad enough, but once gramps learned the truth, there’d be absolutely no future for them at all.

          Once again Hannah moved over him and this time, Luke’s hands moved to her ass and pulled her as tightly against him as possible. When her clit came in contact with his body, Hannah gave a small gasp. Luke lifted her and brought her back. Where it had been Hannah torturing Luke, now it was the other way. When he pulled her back tight, she ground herself against him and moaned.

          “Kiss me Hannah, kiss me. You can’t make any noise, so kiss me and keep silent.” Luke breathed lightly into her ear.

          The kisses were hot and wet and so satisfying. Between them and the on again off again friction against her clit, she was barely able to lay still. Luke had the upper hand now because he’d placed his legs over hers and she really couldn’t move much more than what Luke was allowing.

          Hannah could feel her orgasm growing, could feel Luke’s cock getting harder inside her. Luke’s slow movements became a bit faster, but not fast enough. She wanted more, a lot more, but Luke was determined to maintain the silence. Finally, he was trying not to pant or groan but he managed to say, “Now, Hannah, let go now,” as he held her hips and ground her tightly against his body where they were joined. Luke felt his own climax exploding as Hannah begin to quiver, to shake, to gasp and he moved one hand to her head to force his lips against hers so they could stop each other’s moans and groans.

Satiated Hannah sprawled over Luke’s body and tried hard not to laugh out loud. Her body shook with her efforts to be silent. Finally, she stopped shaking, raised her head and looked into Luke’s face. She could barely see him for the darkness, but said quietly, “Now wasn’t that fun?” and laughed again.

Over the next few weeks, Hannah refused to leave Luke alone. No matter how Luke tried, no matter his excuses, she found ways to tease him, touch him, and make love with him. That’s how she’d begun to describe their unions, making love; and to be perfectly truthful, Luke thought of it as making love too, because he’d come to realize he loved Hannah more than anything. The problem was, well, he had a problem and he wasn’t sure how he was going to deal with it. He decided that the next time they met at the waterfall, he’d tell her all about Jamison and what he wanted. She’d either have to forgive him or have gramps fire him.

Hannah also had a secret now. She was pretty sure she was pregnant and the very idea made her so happy, she wanted to shout the news to Luke and gramps. She knew Luke would marry her and stay on the ranch forever. They’d have this baby and a whole bunch more and make the ranch the successful venture it once was. Their next time at the waterfall, she’d tell Luke he was going to be a daddy.

Thursday, November 26, 2020




Earlier this year, I wrote about the tapestry of my life and how distressing it is when one of those threads breaks and no longer contributes to the beauty of my tapestry. But while the thread may have broken, its history and background remain a part of my tapestry and I can reach back and stroke a particular thread or threads and remember just how much love, wonder, magic, excitement, and and the many positive experiences that thread provided over the time my tapestry has been growing.

Today, I’m going to look hard at my tapestry and give thanks for each and every thread that’s been woven into it, whether it’s broken or not. I am so fortunate and my tapestry is so beautiful thanks to family, friends and neighbors. Bless you all and may you have a most thankful and happy day today.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020



did the shopping for Thanksgiving dinner first thing and was back home by 10:30 I think? Then, I finished off the stew I’d begun making the day before, whipped up some cranberry sauce, cleaned up the kitchen and decided to spend the remainder of the day on the couch with the doggies and a good book. What a lazy lazo I was yesterday. Of course, you know what that means…Hannah and Luke didn’t continue on into Chapter 7. It’s not likely they’ll return until Friday or even Saturday.

Today is house cleaning day and dressing preparation. While I won’t be joining either of my two sons and their families tomorrow, I am making the dressing for one of their turkeys. Maybe, just maybe if I go easy on the cleaning and dusting, I’ll be able to get back to Hannah and Luke…their lives are certainly far more interesting than mine own.

And, today is the 331st post in a row for the year. That means there are only 35 to go and I will have achieved my goal of a post every day of 2020. True, some of them, like this one, haven’t been too terribly fascinating or fun, but there were some that definitely were. Here’s looking forward to more Hannah and Luke.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020



          By the time Luke urged his horse up the little incline to the waterfall and pond, he was so eager to be cold and wet and clean, he didn’t even try to be quiet. He even uttered yeehaws to get his horse to move faster. Luke and his horse burst into the small clearing in a final surge of noise that included Luke’s loud yells and the sound of his horse’s hooves. They thoroughly disturbed the peaceful silence.

          Hannah had been comfortably dozing on her towel and idly thinking about jumping into the pond again. The sun had come around enough that her shade was now in partial sun. Only her head and neck remained out of the bright light.

          At Luke’s loud arrival, she sat up, startled and slightly frightened. Then, she saw it was Luke and saw the look in his eyes. What she saw there excited her, made her want to get up and approach him. He looked like a man who’d been in a desert and just found water. He also looked sweaty and dirty.

          Luke just sat there on his horse, staring at Hannah. God, he thought, she is absolutely gorgeous. Her hair was loose for the first time since he’d met her and it cascaded down her chest, hard rosy nipples poking through the strands. When she sat up, she’d automatically assumed a cross-legged position with both knees bent and he could see the golden-red thatch of hair between her legs. He could also see skin peeking through that hair.

          Instantly, Luke’s cock was hard and he was torn about what to do. He wanted to jump off his horse and on to Hannah. He wanted to turn his horse and ride away. His ability to make a decision was taken from him by Hannah. She rose from her towel and walked toward him, pushing her tumbling hair behind her shoulders so her entire front was open and visible to him. When she reached him and his horse, she approached from the left.

          “Take your foot out of the stirrup, Luke, please.” She asked.

          Unsure, Luke did so and Hannah placed her bare left foot into it and pulled herself up so she was astride his horse facing him, her pelvis against his saddle and her legs over his. Before he could think or respond, she put her hands on his cheeks and brought his mouth to hers. Tentatively, she kissed him and that’s all it took.

          Luke put his arms around Hannah and yanked her as close to him as possible. Where her kiss had been tentative, his was not. Luke crushed her mouth, forced her lips apart and sucked on her tongue so hard, Hannah thought he was going to remove it. But it was so exciting, so wonderful, she tightened her grip and kissed him back just as hard. Later, she would wonder how they’d managed not to split each other’s lips.

          Luke’s arms pulled back and his hands went to her breasts. He rubbed and squeezed them, finally pinching and pulling on her nipples. Hannah could barely breathe and thought between Luke’s attentions and the feel of his saddle between her thighs that she would come right that second.

          Hannah leaned back over the horses neck and head, giving Luke better access to her breasts. He didn’t waste any time, kissing his way down her neck and finally nuzzling and nursing at her nipples. Hannah squirmed her bottom against the saddle and moaned, stiffened as the orgasm took her. Luke immediately stopped making love to her and the look of horror in his eyes as he looked into hers made her grin and then laugh with delight as her orgasm finished.

          “Oh my God, did I hurt you? Oh Hannah, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t be touching you. We shouldn’t be doing this. Get down, get down right now. I need to leave. I have to be going.”

          Hannah smiled at Luke and put her arms back around him, laying her head on his chest just beneath his chin. “You’re not going anywhere Luke. You didn’t hurt me, you made me come. I loved it. I want more. And, you know what, you stink. Why don’t you get off this horse, strip and I’ll wash you squeaky clean in the pond? All of you.” she laughed as her hand came back around and found his hard cock inside his jeans.

          Luke tried to pull back, but a saddle didn’t allow much space for that. Her fingers rubbing against his cock only made it harder until it was almost painful. “Luke, you have to get down first. I can’t get back down until you get off the horse. It was hard enough getting up here, but I really cannot get down until you do.”

          Luke got down and Hannah held out her arms so he could help her. She made sure the entire length of her body rubbed against his as she slid down. She took the reins of his horse and led it to the tree where Onyx was standing. When she turned back around, she looked at Luke and said, “Okay, now strip.”

          Luke tried to come up with reasons and excuses, but Hannah wasn’t having any. She walked over and began to undo his belt, then his pants until his cock sprang free. She took it in her hand, squeezed and rubbed up and down it’s length. Luke thought his legs weren’t going to keep him up much longer, so he sat down. Hannah knelt in front of him and pulled his boots off, then his stinky socks and finally yanked his pants free of his legs.

          “Stand up Luke, and take off that nasty shirt.” Luke did so, thinking this all had to be some sort of dream or fantasy. He’d never pictured Hannah this way, all bossy and naked and calling the shots. He’d thought she was a virgin with no experience. Maybe he’d been wrong.

          When his shirt was off, Hannah led him to the pond and pushed him in. The cold water brought him back to reality. This was real. This was happening and he loved it.  Then Hannah joined him, her loose hair floating around the two of them like octopus arms. She’d said she was going to wash him and wash him she did. She began with his head and ended with his toes, giving his cock barely a touch and stroke. But, if she’d done more, he would have climaxed that very minute.

          “You can touch me too, Luke. I’d like that. I’d like more kisses too. I’d like to have and know it all. Can you do that for me, to me, with me?” Hannah asked. “I’ve done everything I know how to do to get you here, but I’ve never made love. I want to make love with you. You have to teach me how to do that.” She began to kiss him and rub her body against his in the water. Luke threw all his reasons why this wasn’t a good idea away and simply kissed and stroked and loved Hannah the best he knew how.

          Even though Hannah had two orgasms already, she really did want more. The sex between her legs seemed larger than ever, more needy than ever and she wasn’t sure how long she could wait before demanding Luke satisfy her, that is if he could. She loved the way his skin felt, the way his calloused hands moved over her body, stroking her breasts, rubbing between her thighs, pressing against her clit, but it wasn’t enough.

          When Hannah was about ready to scream with frustration, Luke led her to the side of the pond, climbed out, helped her out, picked her up and took her to the towel. They were both very cold, so the towel, warm from the sun felt so good. Once there, Luke began to kiss and lick and touch her all over again. She was doing the same for him, but she needed something else.

          “Please, Luke, please. I need you. I know I need you. You have to put your cock in me. Please, I’m desperate. I want you so much.” Hannah panted as she rolled her head back and forth and her body squirmed beside him.

          Luke knew it was time. He knew he wouldn’t last for long but he’d do his best. He moved over her and she automatically spread her legs as wide as possible. Her hand came down and spread her sex, opening herself totally to him. Luke trembled. He so wanted to slam himself into her, but he held back. “Hannah, look at me. Look at me.” He ordered.

          Hannah’s eyes opened and they looked at each other as they felt his cock at her entrance. Slowly he pushed and her eyes widened. He pushed further and her panting increased. Luke gave her a little more and it was then her legs came around him, her heels digging into his ass as she clamped him to her and all the way into her. Luke pulled back, she pulled him in and they did this slow dance for a few thrusts. It was on his last thrust her legs fell off him as her pelvis raised up even higher than it had been and he realized she was climaxing. That was all he needed and with one final thrust, he emptied himself into her.

          Luke tried to keep his entire weight from crushing her, but it was difficult. And then, he felt her chest tremble and raised up, thinking he was hurting her. Instead, she was laughing, giggling really and he wondered if he should be angry. Was she laughing at him? “Oh Luke,” she tried to explain between giggles. “I always laugh after I come. It always feels so good, and this was the absolute best come I’ve ever had. I’m surprised I’m not hysterical.  You feel so good inside me. I wish I could keep you there forever.”

          His cock was growing soft and soon escaped from its warm nest. Luke moved to his back and pulled Hannah into his arms. They lay there in the sun, intertwined, not talking until the sun became too hot. Hannah was the first to rise and pulled on Luke’s arm. He would have been perfectly happy just laying there and getting baked to a well-done, but he allowed her to pull him up. Together they walked to the pool and jumped in again. They kissed and touched as the cold water cooled their bodies once again.

          When they climbed out, Hannah moved the towel to a shady spot and they laid down together, arms around each other. For a while they just dozed, not talking, and then Hannah asked, “Is this why you’ve been so mean to me since the last time here at the waterfall?”

          “Actually, yes. I was attracted to you before I saw your tit fall out of your tank top. After that, it was all I could do to keep from touching you. I figured if I left you alone, didn’t spend much time with you, the feeling would subside.

“And did it, subside I mean?” Hannah asked, running the tip of her tongue over Luke’s nipple.

“Well, no, but I’m your grandpa’s hired help. You shouldn’t be fucking the hired help.”

“Fucking?” Hannah asked, raising up and staring down at him. “I thought we were making love. It was everything I imagine making love to be. You can’t just call what we did or will do fucking. Naughty Luke, naughty.” She put her head back on his shoulder.

“Will do?” Luke asked. “We can’t be doing this again. It isn’t right. I’m going to be leaving one of these days and then what. I’m just a broke-down cowboy and you need a man with potential. I’m definitely not that.”

“We’ll see, won’t we?” Hannah responded, reaching down to clasp his cock in her hand. With minimal attention, she had it growing and before long, was sitting on it, bending to kiss him, surrounding him with all that glorious hair until she straightened up, increased her rise and fall on his cock and made them both come within seconds of each other.

They spent the rest of the day at the waterfall. Hannah’s hair had become all tangled from getting in and out of the pond and Luke thoroughly enjoyed combing and brushing it until it fell straight and silky free down her body. They also managed to have intercourse a third time and Hannah was surprised to find she was a bit sore and unable to come.

Luke laughed and kissed her sex, telling her that his kiss would make it all better. Hannah stiffened when his tongue found her clit and it didn’t take long before she was coming in his mouth. When he rose up to kiss her, she could taste the both of them on his lips. It was exciting and so satisfying.

It was late and dusk was falling when they climbed into their saddles to head back to the ranch. In the barn, once the horses were cared for, they shared a long and heady kiss before heading up to the house. Gramps was still on the porch and took Hannah to task for not having dinner ready.

“I made most of what we’re having this morning when it was cool. C’mon in the house and I’ll set out the fried chicken and potato salad. I’m not heating up the baked beans though because it’s just too damned hot. You’ll have to eat them cold.”

“Why that sounds right good Han. I do think I remember thinking I smelled fried chicken this morning. Where you two been anyway.”

Luke felt himself freeze and couldn’t think of a thing to say, but Hannah didn’t have a problem. “I went to the waterfall before it got too hot. I was up there when Luke showed up and I was nice enough to share just like you taught me gramps.

“As a matter of fact, if it keeps on being this hot, I’m going to be spending a lot of afternoon up there. Maybe you’d like to come up there too gramps to get out of the heat. And, Luke, you’re always welcome.” When she said that, she looked at Luke and raised one eyebrow accompanied by a small secretive smile.

“Naw, I don’t think so. This heat feels good on these old bones and that cold water would most likely stop my heart. You young’uns just go on ahead and enjoy yourselves when you can. And, it’s nice to see you seem to be getting along better than before.”

“Yeah, we managed to work out our differences this afternoon. Really just a stupid misunderstanding. Isn’t that right Luke?” Hannah said.

Luke agreed while frantically thinking of ways he could avoid the waterfall and Hannah in the coming days. He was just going to have to come right out and ask the old man about his plans for the ranch and the water than ran through it. He felt so guilty for making love, no it was fucking Luke, just fucking, with Hannah that afternoon, he could barely eat his dinner. He’d had a knot in his stomach for a while now and today’s activities had only made it harder and bigger. Luke simply didn’t know what he was going to do, but he wouldn’t be fucking Hannah ever again.

Monday, November 23, 2020


          Hannah didn’t understand what had happened, but after their interaction at the waterfall pool, Luke began to be around less and less, at least around her. They still worked together when it came to taking care of the animals, but there was little in the way of talk, kidding around or anything that kept them in each other’s presence.

          Luke spent more time with gramps and that only made sense since gramps was in the process of hiring hands to help with the ranch work. He made Luke his assistant so it wasn’t necessary for him to go out onto the ranchland itself. Hannah was grateful for this because her grandpa’s strength and physical ability had suffered and gone down over the winter and spring. Luke was knowledgeable enough to undertake and execute the directions gramps provided. There were days where gramps felt well enough to climb up in the saddle and on those days, he’d ride out with Luke, but gramps never wanted to include Hannah or just ride alone with her. She was feeling very left out.

          Still, Hannah missed Luke and couldn’t understand what had changed. She went over and over their meeting at the waterfall and the only thing she could identify as something that might have changed their relationship was her boob falling out of her tank top and her being unaware. Still, it seemed as though Luke had taken a kind of dislike toward her. She didn’t like that one bit because she became even more attracted to him with each passing day. His ignoring her only made her feel more desperate for his attention.

          Hannah really hated it, but she took to following Luke around as much as possible. She attempted conversations and even attempted flirting although she didn’t actually know what that entailed. One day, just kidding around, Hannah snuck up and put her hands over Luke’s eyes. She was amazed and very hurt by his response, “Goddamn it, can’t you keep your fucking hands to yourself. And, why the fuck do you have to keep following me around all the time. I’ve got work to get done. Don’t you have any work that needs doing?”

          Hannah tried hard not to react, but could feel her eyes filling with tears as she stared at Luke’s angry face. She turned and ran as fast as she could toward the house. She didn’t stop even when she heard Luke call, “Wait, Hannah, wait, stop.”

          For the next several weeks, Hannah went back to the way she’d been when Luke first arrived. She did her chores, cooked, cleaned and worked in the small garden she’d planted, originally with Luke’s help. When he’d asked if she wanted him to assist, she politely and firmly told him no thank you. She did not look directly at him at dinner or any other time and addressed most of her talk, when she talked, to her grandfather, her voice so soft Luke was surprised the old man could hear what she said.

          At one point, Thomas said, “Seems as though you and Hannah aren’t getting along so well. What seems to be the problem?”

          Luke couldn’t, of course, tell Thomas that the problem was he wanted nothing more than to strip Hannah naked and have his way with her, so he just responded, “I’m not really sure. It’s just I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time for card games and fooling around the way we did during the winter months.”

          “Well, maybe I oughta give the two of you a day off to catch up on your games and stuff.” Thomas responded.

          “No, no need to do that. You’re paying me well to get the work done so you don’t have to work yourself into an early grave and I know Hannah is very grateful for that. It’s all fine, really.” Luke responded and then made an excuse to head for the barn, his horse and out into the ranch’s outer reaches.

          Thomas also tried to take up the subject with Hannah, but she didn’t respond any better than Luke had and eventually told him to just mind his own business, that there wasn’t anything going on between her and Luke.

          The days became not just warmer, but hot. One morning Hannah got up before dawn and completed her chores before breakfast. Once the breakfast dishes were done and her grandfather and Luke had headed out to check on the horses in the far pasture, she gathered a small lunch, towel, and other essentials, pulled Onyx out of the barn and rode out to the waterfall. Since the day was going to be the hottest one of the years, she planned to stay there until dusk. True, it would still be hot when she went home, but the main part of the day would find her wet and cool.

          At the waterfall, Hannah stripped off her hot clothes and took the band from the end of her braid. She pulled it apart and let the silken tresses flow down over her body. She knew her hair was heavy, but she’d never known it any other way because aside from small trims at the ends, she’d never actually had any of the length cut off.

          She jumped into the pool and shuddered initially because it was still quite cold. It only took a couple of minutes for the cold to become more than bearable. Using a natural shampoo because she was in water that would flow downstream to other ranches and families, she washed her hair, dunking herself a number of times and letting her hair flow downstream. It felt so good.

          Hair clean, Hannah ran her hands over her body, touching and smoothing her skin. It felt delightful when her hands slipped softly over her breasts and nipples. She wondered what it would feel like if it were Luke’s hands and immediately became aware of the sensation between her thighs. She let her hands glide down her tummy and one of them cup her sex. She pushed against herself with her hand and it felt wonderful. She decided she deserved to feel great, so she allowed herself to imagine it was Luke’s hand on her.

          Mmmm, Hannah thought, this feels so good. She’d masturbated in the past, but only in her room in her bed. Being out here in the water and thinking of Luke made the feelings more intense. She removed her hand, moved to the side of the pond and hauled herself onto one of the rocks that was partially underwater. There, she spread her legs and gave herself over to the sensations between her thighs. Soon, a couple of her fingers were inside and her thumb was rubbing on the soft and yet hard nub just above. It didn’t seem to take long and yet it seemed like forever before she began to climax. The feeling was more heightened than ever before and Hannah softly caressed herself, pulling the last small tremors forth until she lay back, gasping and laughing out loud.

          Hannah moved to the big towel she’d placed in the shade and laid down on her tummy. She rested for a bit and then sat up, pulling her big comb and brush from her knapsack. It took a bit of time to pull the comb and then the brush through the length of her hair, but she enjoyed the doing and the feeling. Finally, it was completely smooth and felt like a curtain made of silk. She laid back and arranged her hair so it flowed over her shoulders and breasts and down her tummy. She closed her eyes and dozed, enjoying the sound of the waterfall, the call of the birds and the beat of her own heart.

          While Hannah was at the waterfall satiated and cool, Luke was having one hell of a day. Because of how the ranch was situated, there weren’t many fences, but wouldn’t you just know that a number of the stupid cattle had found one he hadn’t yet checked and managed to push it over.

It took a bit of time to round up the cattle and force them back behind where the fence had been erected. Then, he had to fix a makeshift fence to keep them there while he rode to the location where spare fence posts and a shovel was located, and drag two back behind his horse while holding the shovel across his saddle. He cussed a blue streak both there and back. To make matters absolutely perfect, the fence was in full sun and it was hotter than hell.

          It seemed to take forever to get the old broken fence posts out, deepen the holes and insert the new posts. Then, he had to restring the wire. By the time he was done, he had sweated through his shirt, and even areas of his jeans. He felt dirty and dusty and miserable. And hungry, he was hungry as hell too. It had been hours since breakfast and he hadn’t brought any food with him because he was just going to be gone long enough to check on the livestock in that one small area. Finally, Luke just felt pissed off. He wanted to scream and shout and do something to alleviate all the frustration that had been building up since he’d arrived at the ranch. He wanted Hannah but couldn’t have her. He needed to know the plans for the ranch, but couldn’t get Thomas to tell him anything. He wanted and needed to leave, but Jamison was being a real son-of-a-bitch about everything, threatening to have him thrown in jail for stealing all the money he’d given Luke to date.

          Luke made it back to the ranch and found Thomas dozing in the shade on the front porch. He explained what he’d been doing for the last several hours and asked Thomas, “Where’s Hannah? Did she get you some lunch?”

          “I think she’s in her room and I wasn’t very hungry, so I just had an apple and some crackers. Don’t know if she left you any lunch out or not. I’ve just been right here since we got back from checking the horse pasture this morning.”

          “Well, I am starved and filthy. Think I’ll get me some lunch and see if I can scrub off some of this dirt and stink. You want anything Thomas?”

          Thomas asked to have his waterglass refilled which Luke was happy to do. He was even happier after he made himself a huge sandwich and gulped it down. Then, instead of a shower, he thought he’d just ride up to the waterfall. Since Hannah was in her room, it should be safe for him to go there.

          Thomas was dozing again, so Luke quietly led his horse away from the house, mounted and set off for the waterfall. He could almost feel that cold water flowing over his head, cooling both his mind and body. He couldn’t wait to get there, be alone, be clean and cool and fantasize about Hannah which he did a lot anyway. He didn’t try to make any of those fantasies become reality, but it was those thoughts that make his cock hard to the point where some times he just had to find a private place to relieve himself. He thought he’d have a fine time pleasing himself with thoughts of her and his own hand at the waterfall.

Sunday, November 22, 2020



My birthday didn’t end on Friday, but continued on into Saturday. Angie and Jackie Studioso showed up unannounced in the early afternoon. It has been their habit to decorate the outside of their homes or family homes with balloons, signs and other stuff to reflect the event that’s currently happening. What they do is amazing and I was so delighted to be included in their efforts.

I probably wouldn’t have even known they were there but I was carrying a load of laundry from the hamper to the laundry room when I came into the front hallway to see Angie walking away. I thought she’d just dropped by to leave a gift, so I opened the door and called her name. She ignored me, so I dropped the laundry and went outside to find both her and Jackie. What a surprise. I was told to go back inside until they were finished.

I did and eventually there was a knock on the window and I went outside to find what you see in the photos. They took pictures of me with my big 75 balloons, and Jackie even got one of me jumping into the air. How about that for 75, huh. There was also a small carrot cake, flowers, and a bottle of Rainier gin, with a card from AJ, Angie and Haley…HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.

The surprise didn’t end there, though because this morning I found they’d put balloons in the side yard in front of the living room window and a happy birthday sign on my bedroom window. I didn’t see those yesterday because I didn’t move to the living room or my bedroom until after dark.

Yesterday, I was also feeling much better and began two weeks-worth of laundry and vacuumed. I also spent hours on the phone talking to family and friends who had called and left messages wishing me a HB. So, while I may have felt like I was 95 on Friday, yesterday I felt more like 55. It was a very good day and I extend my love and appreciation to all those who helped make it so. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2020



Yesterday I may have joked about turning 75, but seriously, it was absolutely no joke. If you have a birthday or special occasion coming up, I highly recommend you NOT go get the second shingles shot the day before. By the end of yesterday, I knew without a single doubt what my life could/would be like when I get really old, say 95, and it sucked!!!

First my arm really hurt, and then I was roasting but had chills, so I checked my temperature and it was slightly elevated. That was probably the reason so many of my muscles and joints hurt as well. And I think I said my head felt too large for my shoulders, so my neck hurt for most of the day too. And, I stumbled around here as though I was just learning to walk or had had way too much to drink. I didn’t fall or hurt myself in any way, but if the walker I used to have had been on hand, I might have pulled it out and used it.

Friends and family remembered it was my birthday though most of them were not aware I was feeling so crummy. My friend Hadassa who lives back east and whom I met on my February cruise was the first one to text me a HB greeting. Haley was next and sent three different birthday greetings, followed by her mother, Angie’s greeting. Kathy came by on her walk and dropped off a bottle of wine, pumpkin bread, a card and a book from her neighbor Mary. Then AJ called and sang me the HB song in his own inimitable way. Thor texted HB greetings. Ernie called to wish me HB and Claudia drove out and brought me an amaryllis and card, but didn’t come inside. Kim came down with a card and Maryanne called to say HB…she was hoping I’d answer so she didn’t have to sing to voice mail. Even my old boss, Dave, called and sang me the HB song.

So, even though I felt as though I was 95, it was still a great day with family and friends reaching out to recognize my special day. I thank you all for bringing smiles to my face when by body was miserable. And finally, I just know when I do reach 95, I’m going to go around as though I’m JUST 75 because I’ll definitely deserve it…don’t ya think.

Friday, November 20, 2020



I managed to give myself a horrible birthday present. I received my second shingles shot yesterday and my arm is so sore I can barely sit here and type, plus my head feels way too big to be sitting on my shoulders. It’s only temporary and I didn’t have any big plans for today anyway. I think I’ll just snuggle down with my doggies and doze on the couch. What follows is what I wrote yesterday. I’m not happy with it, but it’s all I’ve got prepared.

This morning, round about 4:00 am, I turned 75 years old. Absolutely amazing as far as I’m concerned. I never ever thought about having this many years, even as they continued to multiply with each passing year. I look back at my Grandma and my mom and know that I’m in far better shape at 75 than they were when they gained that number. I believe both Grandma and mom died at 79. It’s a little sobering to think I may only have a few more years before I’m done and the oven gets turned off.

I do, however, have things going for me that they did not. Grandma used snuff and mom smoked Lucky Strike straights right until the bitter end, and the end was bitter because they took away her cigs and with them, I think, her will to go on living. I smoked once upon a time, but finally was able to stop. But I probably smoked far longer than I really should have.

I exercise and walk. Neither mom nor grandma did. When grandma fell and broke her hip, that was pretty much the end for her. I’ve had both hips replaced, and judging from the fall I took election night, I know they are holding up very well and will undoubtedly continue to do so.

Anyway, enough comparisons and thinking about how short four years really is. I should be writing about what I’ve learned over the last 75 years and/or what I’m most thankful for on this particular birthday. And, actually, the first thing that popped into my head is that there is no such word as “should.” I will or won’t, can or cannot, but according to one of the counselors I had decades ago, there is absolutely NO should. I always try to remember that, but I’m not always successful.

What I am most thankful for on this birthday is the life I’ve led up till now. I was so fortunate in my marriage to John and the life we shared. True, the last few years were horrid a lot of the time, but during those five plus decades, we shared so much. It’s the memories of those shared times and events that brings a smile to my face. Then, there’s my children, and it’s so hard to think of them as children when one is 50 and the other 40. They, too, are responsible for some of the best memories and experiences we’ve shared since their arrival in my life.

When it came to the women they married, I was very lucky there too. AJ’s wife, Angie, has been front and center for both my hip replacements and my shoulder repair. I literally could not have survived those without her help…okay, I’m sure I would have survived, but having her help made a huge difference. Thor married Amber who came with two children from previous relationships. Her daughter calls Thor Dad because he’s been her dad since she was three or younger. It seems a bit karma-ish that Thor became daddy to a little girl in the same way my daddy became my dad and almost at the same age

 And, of course the icing on the top of the family cake are my grandkids. I was there when Haley came into the world, the same way I was there for Xander. I cannot begin to describe the feeling I had as I watched the birth of my grandchildren. And then, to have them both be such a huge part of my life from the get go brought love and rewards that continue to multiply exponentially as time passes. I’m not sure if Arayli remembers her life before I came along, but she and I have shared special moments and times that bring me happy memories as well.

As for extended family, my younger brother passed away a couple of years ago, but my younger sister is still full of get-up and go and living on her own as am I. And let’s not forget the new extended family I found six years ago. I remain in close touch with younger brother in Tennessee and he keeps up me up-to-date on all the other family members. I had really hoped to visit again, but maybe next year after COVID leaves.

Then, there are my friends, the ones I talk to every week and who have always brought so much with them into my life. Their love and support was so important after John died and I’m so thankful they were there. And the friends I don’t see or talk to so often, but whenever we do connect, it’s as though no time has passed at all. Of course, it has, but we slot right into our places and enjoy each other just as if it hadn’t.

Last year I expected my birthday to be rather sad since it was the first one in almost 55 years that John hadn’t been present. It was my friends who stepped up and made sure I had a great day with lunch out, gifts, the birthday song and cards. It made the day extra special and I’m still so thankful for their efforts on my behalf. This year will be different and that’s perfectly fine. I think I’ll order out from this Mexican restaurant, maybe go to Trader Joe’s for some of those carrot cake muffins and listen to family and friends wish me a happy birthday or sing me the birthday song over the telephone.

When I sat down to write this, I wasn’t sure where I’d end up with it. I do feel as though it should be full of wisdomey nuggets, sage advice, ideas for making your/my life better, but I don’t think that’s happening. I think I’m just rambling from one topic to another, but it’s what’s in my head and coming out my fingers. I did think about doing a bullet point list of everything I’m grateful for, but decided no one really wants to read a list of stuff. In fact, I don’t want to get bogged down making a list and leaving off something that might be really important.

Actually, to be perfectly honest, I’m just not feeling it, the writing I mean. My head feels as though it’s stuffed with cotton which isn’t allowing those fabled thoughts of mine to surface or my wonderful humor to bring any delighted laughter forth. I find myself wondering and being slightly concerned about this. Does turning 75 cause some of your brain cells to be replaced with cotton? Am I suddenly going to fall asleep just sitting on the couch? Is my inability to remember shit going to increase? Did I tell you I don’t remember cleaning out the dishwasher last night. I swear the doggies or the cat had to have done it. Ah well, as long as it’s not something really important like where I live, I’m sure I’ll be just fine.

Still, it’s sobering to think about how little time may be ahead of me. My financial advisor projects my life to 94, and it would be great to make that number and go beyond provided I don’t end up in a wheelchair in a hallway somewhere drooling on my shirt. That is a goal to which I have no intention attaining.

I wish I could think of some way to end this that would leave both you and I laughing…I think I’m closer to tears than the laughter. I guess at this point in my life, all I can do is work hard to remain independent, catch and enjoy whatever wonders come my way, live in the day I’m actually experiencing instead of trying to cross bridges I haven’t reached (am I mixing my metaphors?), and be grateful I've had so much for so long while hoping it continues to 94 and beyond.

So, altogether now:          Happy birthday to me

                                         Happy birthday to me

                                         Happy birthday dearest moi

                                         Happy birthday to me.

Thank you all for the great birthday wishes!!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2020



No chapter about Luke and Hannah today. I didn’t get any writing done yesterday. As a matter of fact, I’m writing this now, 12 minutes after my posts usually go public. And, the way she looks on your left is the way I'm actually feeling.

Seriously, I don’t know about any of you, but the current COVID business is scaring me more now than at any other time since it all began. I saw that one person a minute is positive or that might have been that one person a minute dies. I just know whichever one, I was shocked. And the fact that loser in the White House refuses to share the information President Elect Biden needs so he can be ready to assume control come January 20, makes me so angry, I feel as though I could practically storm the White House and slap that asshole silly. I’m also sure I’m not the only one that feels this way.

In any case, we are approaching the end of the year. Thanksgiving next week and then Christmas and New Years right after that. Thankfully, more than one pharmaceutical company is trumpeting news that a vaccine will soon be available. As soon as it is, I’ll be on the line to let them jab my shoulder.

I haven’t walked in almost two weeks now. Kathy took last week off because her knee was acting up. Me, I’ve just been lazy this week. I’m going to try to walk today and wear my new Land’s End red coat. It arrived yesterday and I think it’s probably not really cold enough to wear today, but I just might do it anyway and get all sweaty.

Luke and Hanna may not return until Saturday. I’ve high hopes the next chapter will move them closer to where I need them to go. Meanwhile, stay healthy, stay safe and have a good day.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020




           Montana was a strange place. One day it could be almost below freezing and then a day or so later, it would be so hot it felt like the sun would blister bare skin. Thomas told Luke the hot spell they were currently having wouldn’t last long, but until it abated, it was a good idea to get up early and get whatever was absolutely necessary done.

Luke was trying to think of something to do that wouldn’t require his presence in the sun. He looked around for Hannah and saw her lead Onyx out of his stall, climb up bareback and leave the barnyard to disappear into the forest down behind the house. He wondered where she went but didn’t try to follow. He kept himself busy in the barn and when it became almost too hot to move, he left and took up a chair on the shaded porch with Thomas.

The heat didn’t appear to bother Thomas at all. He still wore his long-sleeved flannel shirt, but had given up his boots for soft slippers. They talked for a bit about the weather and after Luke brought iced tea out for both of them, he asked, “Where does Hannah disappear to on Onyx? It must be someplace cooler than here, plus I’ve noticed when she returns, her hair appears damp and she looks way cooler than when she leaves.”

“I reckon she rides out to the waterfall.” Thomas answered. “In all the years there’s been a Wakefield here, that waterfall has never dried up. Sure, some times it’s been just a poor trickle, but over time, its carved out a largish pool. I haven’t been up there in years, but it was one of Gracie’s and mine favorite places. We always knew no matter how hot it got, we could always go to the waterfall and cool off. You know, Luke, you’ve been here for going on five months now. I’m surprised you haven’t gone out exploring on your own.”

“Well, Thomas, you do keep me kinda busy, and I wasn’t sure if I had permission to ride out just any old place.”

“Sure, you do. As long as the chores are done on days like this, your time is your own, here on the porch, in the barn or out in the hills. I think you’d enjoy going for a nice long ride. Actually, you should ask Hannah for a tour of her and Gracie’s favorite places.”

The following day, Luke saddled one of his horses before Hannah left on Onyx. He went in the same direction she usually took. Once he was in the forest, he followed the path that had been worn over years of use. It was obvious from the marks that Hannah and Onyx went this way. Luke and his horse moved slowly along the path. In several places, another path would branch off, but he stayed on the main one because it seemed to have the most use.

He heard the water before he rode up to it. First it was a smallish river that flowed downhill on his right and as he continued up the path, the top of the waterfall came into view. It was still running quite fast, but Luke could see it might be reduced during a hot summer, especially if all the snow up on the mountain behind were to melt.

Luke found where Onyx had been tied during Hannah’s visits. He got down and tied up his own horse and walked to the edge of the largish pond at the foot of the waterfall. He kneeled and stuck his hand in the water. Oh my God, he thought, that should have ice floating on top. He couldn’t imagine taking his clothes off and getting into the pool which was surrounded by a number of large and flat rocks that more or less glowed in the sunshine. He’d bet a jump into the water would be followed by a stretch on one of those warm rocks.

Luke hopped from rock to rock until he reached the edge of one. The pool bottom appeared to be several feet or more down. The spray from the waterfall felt wonderful as it wafted his way. It felt so good, he yanked his t-shirt over his head and dropped it on the rock. He didn’t plan to go swimming, but perhaps sticking his feet into the water would feel as good as the spray did on his head, back and chest. He rolled up his jeans, pulled off his boots and socks and sat down on the rock’s edge. Initially, the cold water made his skin feel as though it were burning, but his feet were soon numb and that felt great. He lay back on the rock and closed his eyes.

Shortly, he heard noises from below and in a few minutes, he watched through barely open eyes as Hannan and Onyx rode into the little glade that surrounded the pool and waterfall. He saw Hannah’s face frown when she saw his horse and then him laying on the rock. Luke opened his eyes and sat up. “Wow, this is absolutely perfect. Your own little swimming hole even though the water’s so cold it almost hurts.”

Hannah pasted a small smile on her face. “I didn’t expect to find you here. This is one of my special places, actually the most special place on the ranch. I think if there was room, I’d build a tiny house and actually live right here. It’s so peaceful and quiet with only the music of the waterfall and birds to break the silence.”

“I agree. Now I wish I’d done more riding about in the time I’ve been here. It makes me wonder what other treats I’d find.” Luke responded.

Hannah was trying very hard not to stare at Luke’s naked upper body. She decided she wouldn’t look in his direction. Instead of jumping off Onyx, she told Luke, “Well, you were here first, so I’ll just mosey along. If you decide to actually swim, the first few seconds will take your breath away, but after that it feels wonderful, especially when you climb out on the warm rocks.”

“Hey, Hannah,” Luke’s voice was pitched a bit louder and stopped Hannah in the process of turning Onyx. “You don’t have to go. This is your place and if we can’t share it, I’ll be on my way.”

“No, no, that’s okay. First finders is keepers…so just stay and enjoy.”

By this time, Luke had hopped over the rocks in his bare feet and come to stand beside Onyx. Hannah kept her eyes downcast, hoping Luke wouldn’t notice how hard she was trying to not look at him. As he stood there, he put out his hand and clasped her bare calf with his extremely frigid hand. “Come on Hannah, I won’t bite you. Let’s stay here together and enjoy this wonderful place. If you leave, then I’m leaving too and then neither one of us can enjoy the cool before we have to head back to the barn.”

Luke’s cold hand on her calf sent shivers through Hannah’s entire body. She hoped he wouldn’t notice, but of course he did. “Oh, I’m sorry Hannah, I didn’t mean to put my freezing hand on you. I didn’t think beyond getting you to join me.”

Now that Luke had let go, Hannah swung her leg over Onyx’s back to the ground. Luke took the reins and put the big gelding alongside his own smaller horse.

“Thank you, Luke.” Hannah said over her shoulder as she walked over to the rocks. She sat down and removed her boots and socks. Then, she stood up, ran to the edge of the pool and jumped.

Hannah came to the surface, gasping, “Oh, I absolutely love this, but I hate it too. It’s so cold.” Her teeth were chattering, but she began to swim from one side of the pool to the other. After about the tenth or so crossing, she swam to the edge and lifted herself out of the water.

Luke immediately became aware of the fact Hannah was a woman. The tank top clung to her like a second skin, exposing large and hard nipples on her chest. The shorts she’d worn were denim, but it was as if the cold water had shrunk them down a couple of sizes. He had never been so aware of a woman physically and had to look away. He rolled to his stomach and put his head on his arms. He’d barely made himself comfortable when Hannah stood over him and squeezed cold water from her braid onto his back.

Luke leaped and turned over, laughing. “Oh, so that’s how you want to play it eh?” Before she could move, he’d stood, scooped her up and made for the pool. He was going to throw her right in the middle of it. At the edge, he looked down into her face. She was laughing and squirming, but when his eyes met hers, the laughter stopped and they stared at one another for what seemed like hours but probably wasn’t even a minute.

Luke put her down and let go when he was sure she was stable. “Sorry about that. I didn’t stop to think once I felt that water on my hot back. My apologies.”

Hannah could feel every single cell where Luke’s body had touched hers. She could also feel other parts of her anatomy and had to keep a tight rein on her desire to throw herself in his arms, grab his head and kiss him until, until, until…well, crap, she said to herself. Kiss him until what? He kisses back? He throws me in the water? She wished she had some idea of how to proceed here. The longer they spent time together, working, riding, eating, the more Hannah knew she was strongly attracted to Luke. She just couldn’t tell if he was attracted back. She didn’t want to make a fool of herself, so she turned away and laid down on the rock, her arm over her eyes.

As for Luke, he was aware of every place on his own body where he had pulled Hannah’s cold one against his. As he stood, ready to toss her and had looked into her eyes, he could feel his cock stir and terribly uncomfortable, he had quickly put Hannah down before it reached the size where she’d be able to feel it. Now that she’d turned away and laid down, he still felt such a strong attraction, he wanted to lay down on top of her and have his way with her. Luke didn’t think he’d ever wanted a woman as much as he wanted Hannah. He needed to leave and not just the pool, but the ranch because he was becoming too fond of both Hannah and her gramps, and now, he so seriously wanted to make love to her it hurt.

“Um, uh, I’m going to head on back, maybe check one of those other paths that branched off the main one.” Luke said as he sat down to put on his socks and boots.

“You sure you don’t want to stay? Maybe we could have a contest for who can do the best cannonball? Or, can you swim? If you can, we could race back and forth in the pool.” Hannah had raised up, rolled to her side, to look up at him with her head resting on one hand. Her breasts looked as though they were just about to fall out of the tank top.

My God, Luke thought, Hannah has absolutely no idea how sexy she looks laying there. How inviting. He almost groaned aloud. Instead, he stood up, trying to keep his eyes on her face and not on her chest. “No, thanks Hannah. I didn’t know there’d be water sports and so I’m not wearing a bathing suit. And, I know from experience that riding a horse in wet jeans tends to be extremely uncomfortable.

“Well then, take your jeans off and go in your undies.” Hannah proposed with a laugh as she tugged gently on the bottom of his jeans.

Luke stepped back and away from her hand. “Well, that’s the problem, I’m not wearing any shorts.” He couldn’t bring himself to say undies. Good God but this was fucking embarrassing. He needed to go and right now.

“See you in the barn later.” Luke called as he mounted his horse, turned it toward the trail and walked away.

Well, that was a little strange Hannah thought. We were having fun until he looked at me just before he was going to give me a toss. I thought he was going to kiss me instead, but he just put me down. I wanted to throw my arms around his neck and find out what it would be like to kiss him, to have him kiss me.

At this point, Hannah started to turn over and that’s when she realized her entire left breast was hanging out of her top. Oh crap, she thought. I wonder if that’s why he left in such a hurry? Maybe it embarrassed him. Oh, probably not. He left quickly so I wouldn’t be embarrassed.

She tucked herself away and moved to a rock in the shade. She didn’t want to get a sunburn, but she wasn’t ready to leave yet. She laid there with her head on her arms and made up a few little fantasies about Luke and how she just knew he was the one to show her what it would be like to make love.

As she dozed and fantasized, she thought of various ways in which she might be able to seduce him. That was the word in all those romances she’d read as a teenager. How could she make him want her? She knew he was a few years older and as good looking as he was, she was sure he’d had a lot of experience. Maybe he only liked girls with experience. Maybe the thought of a virgin scares him. How would he know I’m a virgin anyway she wondered?

She was sure he had to have some idea about her life by now. He knew how the kids in town treated her. Gramps had said enough stuff so that Luke had to know all she’d ever done was go to school and work on the ranch since she arrived from New York. He had to have noticed she had no friends visit during the time he’d been here, just her grandfather’s cronies and there weren’t many of those left either.

Oh, face it, she told herself. You’re just a country bumpkin, no makeup, no fancy clothes, no engaging repartee about the state of the world or whatever. Unattractive and boring, that’s me. Her optimistic side countered with the fact Luke hadn’t been into town alone since he arrived, so unless he was a virgin too, and she didn’t think he was, then he had to want or need a woman soon. Maybe she could be that woman. She’d have to give it some thought.

Meanwhile, Luke was already fairly far down the trail and giving himself hell. There’s no way I can take advantage of Hannah and her gramps. I don’t know what I’m going to do, but I want her so badly I could almost convince myself to turn around, go back and spend the rest of the afternoon making love to her. But I’m not going to. I’m going to keep my distance. When I leave here after I get whatever information Jamison wants, I don’t want to feel any worse than I already know I’m going to feel. Slumped in the saddle, tormented by his own bad thoughts, Luke chose a path at random. He’d just poke along here and wander around until it was time to go back to the barn. That’s what he was going to have to do until he could leave. Ride around, be gone, do whatever it took to stay away from Hannah.