Blog Archive

Saturday, November 21, 2020



Yesterday I may have joked about turning 75, but seriously, it was absolutely no joke. If you have a birthday or special occasion coming up, I highly recommend you NOT go get the second shingles shot the day before. By the end of yesterday, I knew without a single doubt what my life could/would be like when I get really old, say 95, and it sucked!!!

First my arm really hurt, and then I was roasting but had chills, so I checked my temperature and it was slightly elevated. That was probably the reason so many of my muscles and joints hurt as well. And I think I said my head felt too large for my shoulders, so my neck hurt for most of the day too. And, I stumbled around here as though I was just learning to walk or had had way too much to drink. I didn’t fall or hurt myself in any way, but if the walker I used to have had been on hand, I might have pulled it out and used it.

Friends and family remembered it was my birthday though most of them were not aware I was feeling so crummy. My friend Hadassa who lives back east and whom I met on my February cruise was the first one to text me a HB greeting. Haley was next and sent three different birthday greetings, followed by her mother, Angie’s greeting. Kathy came by on her walk and dropped off a bottle of wine, pumpkin bread, a card and a book from her neighbor Mary. Then AJ called and sang me the HB song in his own inimitable way. Thor texted HB greetings. Ernie called to wish me HB and Claudia drove out and brought me an amaryllis and card, but didn’t come inside. Kim came down with a card and Maryanne called to say HB…she was hoping I’d answer so she didn’t have to sing to voice mail. Even my old boss, Dave, called and sang me the HB song.

So, even though I felt as though I was 95, it was still a great day with family and friends reaching out to recognize my special day. I thank you all for bringing smiles to my face when by body was miserable. And finally, I just know when I do reach 95, I’m going to go around as though I’m JUST 75 because I’ll definitely deserve it…don’t ya think.

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