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Thursday, June 24, 2021



          The next morning the group was given breakfast by the river and it seemed like something right out of an old film where the actors and actresses had porters that carted a multitude of stuff through the jungle and then set up a very comfortable camp. The tables were covered in white tablecloths with china, silver and glass ware. Most of the offerings were served buffet style, but there was a chef who would make you an omelet just the way you wanted it. Of course, it was all started off with mimosas for those who wanted them.

Then, it was on to the small plane bound for Nairobi. Charlie sat by the window and looked down on Kenya below her. At first, she thought what she was seeing were game trails, but then she realized what she was seeing were pathways which Kenyan feet had made over the years, decades or maybe even centuries. It was certainly different than anything she’d ever seen in the states.

As soon as they were aboard the jet, it took off, bound for Amsterdam. That was when Adam told Charlie they were going to spend a few days touring that city, in particular the Red-Light District. Adam had already looked up information on this part of Amsterdam and once they arrived at their hotel, Charlie went online to look for herself. She couldn’t wait to get started the next morning.

Since their hotel was just a couple blocks from that particular district, they decided to walk about and look at everything. They had read how there were lots of coffee shops in the district and that marijuana could be obtained in practically each one. Adam had tried it in college, but Charlie had never bothered with it. Alcohol was crazy enough for her when she was underage. So, in the coffee shop they stopped at, she bought some small fudge-like candies. The nice young man told her to try just one at first because the high can sneak up on you, especially if you’re not a regular user.

They wandered around the district and visited the Amsterdam Dungeon. They weren’t sure what to expect and were surprised to find the tour led in an almost black atmosphere. As they moved along, various actors portrayed scenes of torture and some of it looked, sounded and smelled like the real thing was actually happening. Charlie was quite relieved to come to the end of the tour.

From there, they walked to Madam Tussaud’s Wax Museum. Both Adam and Charlie knew of this museum but thought it was only in London. Charlie had even read a book called Little, which was the story of Madam Tussaud based on fact. A large animatronic figure greeted them when they entered; and once they purchased tickets, an elevator took them up several floors. They were surprised to find the wax statues were much larger than expected, but it did make them more impressive. A number of times they had to check the signage to figure out exactly who the wax statue was supposed to be. Adam laughed to see Einstein looking as though he were a rock star. They were also offered the opportunity to dress as one of the famous people but declined. Later on, they thought perhaps they’d gotten lost because the last two floors were accessible only by a small gray staircase.

The afternoon was winding down and Charlie’s feet were tired and sore plus she was starving. They’d been so busy being sightseers, they’d never bothered with lunch. They made their way back to the hotel and Adam asked the concierge for an early dinner recommendation. They were directed to a restaurant they’d walked past as they moved through the Red-Light District. It was located in an historic old building that included a hotel and both Adam and Charlie rather wished they’d had reservations there.

Once in the restaurant the wait staff were unbelievable, treating them as though they were the most important people in the room. Encouraged to take their time before ordering their meal, they both ordered a drink and asked their waiter to bring them his choice of an appetizer with them. Charlie had never tried oysters on the half-shell and was sure they’d make her throw up, but Adam had eaten them all his life and showed Charlie how to pick the oyster up with the little fork, dunk it into the sauce of her choice and swallow. “You can chew if you want, but these are very small, so you could simply swallow whole. Then, have a small bite of this fresh sourdough bread before you sample another one with a different sauce.”

Charlie was amazed at the taste. Aside from the peppery sauce, there was the fresh taste of the ocean. Now an oyster lover, she ate her fair share and kidded Adam about how she expected his libido to increase as a result.

After they’d reviewed the menu, they decided to go with the seven-course tasting choice. They would be brought seven different dishes, including a dessert at the end. Most of the choices were foods Charlie and Adam had never eaten before but as the meal progressed, they didn’t find a single dish that wasn’t absolutely delicious and beautifully presented.

Charlie didn’t expect to be totally satisfied because the portions were small, but once her dessert plate was empty, she found her tummy was very comfortable. Adam paid the bill and left a generous tip because the service had been superb and they returned to the hotel for a brief respite.

It was after 10:00 pm when they headed out again, but the information on line indicated the Red-Light District didn’t really get going until 11:00 pm or after. Charlie left her purse in the hotel safe, carrying only her passport inside her pants and Adam had done the same although he did add some cash to his pants pocket. Apparently, pickpockets were very busy in such a small and very busy place. There wouldn’t be any way one of those folks could lift anything from either Adam or Charlie.

They slowly wandered down a street and Charlie was amazed to see practically naked women standing in windows, talking and flirting and inviting people to come on in and enjoy what she or other residents had to offer. What Charlie found even more amazing was the fact the majority of the women had good bodies and were very attractive. She’d always thought prostitutes were slovenly, unclean and unattractive. Well, except for high-priced call girls. She said as much to Adam and his response was to tell her, “The women you see here are not considered tramps or sluts. Selling yourself in Amsterdam isn’t against the law and people don’t necessarily look down on the women who are in the profession. They are in business just like anyone else, say for instance a woman with a bakery. They pay taxes, have lives just like other women with husbands and children.”

“I just cannot imagine doing something like this though. What happens when you get a nasty old man who stinks? Can you just say no and send him away?”

Adam said he didn’t know as they moved on down the street. Besides women offering themselves, there were other places where transvestites or gay men and women offered other kinds of sex.

It had been a long day and Charlie was ready to call it a night when Adam suggested they return to the hotel. They had another day and night in Amsterdam and there would be more to see tomorrow.

Adam conferred with the concierge again the following morning. Once they had breakfast in the hotel, they headed out for the Rembrandt House Museum. The famous artist had lived there between 1639 and 1659 and the couple found it amazing the house still stood after all that time. The tour was interesting and they decided to wander through the various city canals until they got hungry and found a place for lunch.

After lunch, they looked for and found Body World which contained over 200 human bodies. A German, Gunther von Hagens, had found a way to preserve human bodies by replacing water and fat with various polymers. Charlie and Adam had both taken Human Health in school, but the bodies in this attraction had been dissected to show all the various systems that make up a human body. Charlie expected it to be quite gross, but it was very interesting.

Charlie then found out what Adam had been consulting with the concierge about. He’d made reservations for them to attend a live sex show. Reservations had been made for them at Casa Rosso whose claim to fame is as the oldest sex theater in the Red-Light District. Adam told her the concierge said this venue was friendlier to women than the others available.

Inside, they were seated just before the show or shows began. There were strip tease acts performed by both males and females, various adult tricks that involved props such as bananas and pens. The main performances were the life sex acts. Charlie was amazed to be so close to the stage she could smell the make-up as well as the smell of sex. The sex acts were very well choreographed and acrobatic and performed by men and women, women with women and men with men. In between the couple sex acts, there was a single performer who did something utilizing only his or her own body or some kind of prop. It was pretty intense and amazing and slightly erotic. Charlie felt her panties getting damp and leaned over to whisper something to Adam but what she really wanted was to see if his cock was hard. It was and she laughingly whispered in his ear, “I think I may have learned some new tricks or at least ideas for new tricks here.”

“That makes two of us Darling. Next intermission, why don’t we head back and get in some practice?”

As they walked back toward their hotel Charlie said, “I don’t think we’re gonna be able to tell many folks about our experience tonight. I know I can tell Sandi and maybe my mamma because I think she and daddy have been here. I can’t imagine they’d visit Amsterdam and forego something like this.”

“Well, it’s certainly going to be something for me to talk about at the poker meetings I plan to set up once we get back home.”
          “Oh poker, is it? Where’d that idea come from?”

“Talking to some of the guys working on the house. They play once a week, usually on Tuesday nights but it never goes late. It’s more to just hand out, have a few beers, toss some cards around and tell lies.”

“So, I’m gonna be a Tuesday night widow, huh? But, that’s okay, I’m sure I can keep myself occupied.”

Back in their room, Charlie used the bathroom first and climbed into bed naked. She figured they’d have a great time after seeing all that naughty stuff. She was completely surprised when she woke up the next morning. What the heck happened she wondered and turned to find Adam looking at her with a smile. “I thought we were gonna try some new sex stuff last night. What happened?”

“Well, when I came out of the bathroom, you were snoring so loud I thought I might need to get another room so I could sleep.”

Charlie gave a huge yawn and responded, “I don’t snore. So there.”

“Yes, you do snore and you looked so peaceful all sound asleep, I thought perhaps I should let you and the wee one have a restful night. But, it’s morning now and I thought perhaps I could try doing this to you.”

While Adam had been talking, he’d moved his hand to her hip and now he slid it down behind her and pressed her close against him. Charlie could feel he was already aroused and ready to go. She tried to move her leg over Adam, but he held her in place. “Remember what that really great looking man did to that blond last night?” 

Charlie felt her eyes widen as Adam’s fingers slid between the cheeks of her ass. Slowly he stroked up and down what was normally hidden there. For some reason, Charlie found it extremely sensual, especially since Adam’s leg was holding her in place and her arms had been pinned between their two bodies.

Adam began to kiss and nip at her lips as he stroked her butthole. First slowly down, almost to the entrance of her vagina and then all the way back up.

“I can’t do it right now because we need a lubricant, but I’m going to fuck you in the ass one of these times. I bet you’d like that a lot.”

Charlie wasn’t sure she would like that, but what Adam was doing at the moment did give her cause to wonder.

Adam pulled his hand back around and rolled over on top of Charlie. Her arms were remained pinned until Adam raised up and brought one of her legs over his shoulder before bringing the second leg over the other side.

“You’re completely open to me right now and look absolutely beautiful. The next time we do this, I’m going to make sure both your pussy and your ass are as wet as possible. You’re not going to know which space I’m going to invade until I do.”

As Adam was saying that, he straightened just enough to bring one hand down to her pussy. “Oh, my goodness, but my words and ideas seem to have made you wetter than usual. Maybe there’s more than enough to wet your asshole.”

Charlie felt Adam’s fingers enter her vagina and pull back out before sliding down toward her bottom. As she felt his fingers rub her butt hole, she moaned loudly.

“I knew you’d love this. I just knew it.”

Adam continued to put his fingers in her and then massage her ass. She didn’t know how long he kept doing that, but eventually, as his fingers entered her, his thumb stroked her clit. Charlie squirmed and moaned and pleaded when his hand moved back. Soon, Adam’s thumb was rubbing her clit and she was totally unaware his penis was poised at her bottom until she felt it begin to stretch her asshole.

Charlie wasn’t sure how this was going to end, but she was game to give it a try. She squirmed a bit, trying to give Adam a chance to push further. Slowly, he did push until she could feel his balls against the top of her ass. He was fully engulfed in her ass and it felt incredible.

“Charlie, I’m sure if I stroke just once, I’m going to come inside your ass. I’m so ready.”

“So am I Adam, so am I. Just put your fingers in me and stroke m y clit.”

Adam did so and said, “Oh my God, I can feel myself through your pussy wall. I don’t think I can hold back another second.”

Adam pulled and pushed once as his thumb rubbed Charlie’s clit hard. Simultaneously, they came. There were still some aftershocks as Adam collapsed on Charlie and she lowered her legs.

All she could say was, “Oh my lord, oh my lord, oh my lord.”

“Nope just Adam here.”

“Oh, you know what I meant. That was amazing for me. How about you?”

“I’m not sure there’s a word that would do my orgasm in your ass justice. I’m afraid we’re going to have to do this again so I can see if I can find one.”

“I know what you mean Adam. I thought it would hurt, but it didn’t and I think my orgasm was the best one I’ve ever had.”

Adam heaved a big sigh and pushed up off Charlie. “I’d really like to just lay here and go back to sleep, but we need to get ourselves ready to go to the airport. Honeymoon’s over babe.”

Charlie looked up at Adam, smiled and said, “No it’s not babe. With sex like what we just had, our honeymoon’s going to last the rest of our lives.”