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Tuesday, December 15, 2020



Yep, the fun is just never-ending for me, all spike heels, sequins, fancy hair and makeup. Yep, can hardly make it through these partay days. Yesterday, I did as the MD online suggested on Sunday and called Kaiser at 7:00 am. I was surprised they answered that early, but ended up with an MD appointment at Northgate Clinic at 8:20 am. Had to hussle, but I made it on time.

The MD there couldn’t come up with any new theories about the throat and chest pain, but ordered a bunch of blood work, but only the results of one has come back. The good news is the COVID test I had on Sunday came back negative.

Then, it was back home to call the dentist who said I really needed to call the endodontist which I did. Then, it was all laughing and dancing and carrying on for the remainder of the day until he finally called back at about 3:30. He, too, seems stumped over my symptoms, but ordered a new course of different antibiotics which I went and picked up at Bartell’s and hour or so after our phone conversation. Began taking last night, but so far haven’t noticed any improvement.

The endodontist is going to call me again tomorrow to check in and then wants to see me on Thursday or Friday. Yep, I tell, the fun just keeps on keeping on.

So, just in case anyone is keeping count, it’s now been 24 days since I turned 75, and of those 24 days, I’ve spent 17 miserable and in pain and thanks, in part, to pain medication, also very depressed.

Still, yesterday while eating, dancing and laughing, I decided I was really tired of feeling shitty, so I chose to change my attitude. So far so good, but who knows how long it will last if we don’t find a solution to whatever my problem may be. This morning I got up, had my coffee and did all my exercises even though having to take deep breaths didn’t feel great. I was going to walk with Kathy this morning, but since I still had a fever last night, decided being out and about and having a great time in the rain wasn’t wise and that I’d best wait for a drier time.

I just know each and every single one of you reading this post is horribly envious of my current lifestyle. What can I say…I’m just extremely lucky!!!