Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


          There are two varieties of crocosmia in my garden. The photo shows the big red one, but the smaller orange one has yet to bloom. The orange one was given to me by a woman with whom I worked at the Primate Center back in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s. I had no idea it would replicate itself so much. I planted it in one area and have since moved it to where it seems to be quite happy.

          When I purchased the big red crocosmia, I also bought some small yellow bulbs, but to date they have not bloomed. Perhaps they won’t, but I’ll be on the lookout this year. What I was attempting to do when I planted the bulbs where they are now located, was to make an area around the pole the on which the magenta clematis grows. I also threw in some small allium that I dug up from other areas in the garden. I had this visual image of what I expected, but thanks to that &*#$%&*#^& alstromeria it didn’t happen this year. My image was the large crocosmia in the center and behind the pole, surrounded by the smaller crocosmia and alliums. With the exception of the large crocosmia, the alstromeria laid down on top of everything else.

          Since last Wednesday, I’ve talked to three people and that’s actually been fine. I didn’t walk Wednesday/Thursday/Friday or today (Monday). I did do my physical therapy on Thursday and again today. To be perfectly honest, I haven’t actually missed the human connection and am seriously considering just sheltering in place with only a trip to the grocery store once a week.

          It’s not that I don’t love my family and friends, it’s more that this continuing pandemic is scaring the absolute shit out of me. I cannot imagine how I would feel if I were to actually watch an entire newscast or read the newspaper each and every day. The 20 minutes of Good Morning America and the Good Morning email from CNN I receive every day provides enough information about all the craziness that’s going on around the world, and especially here in the US. And, of course, there’s the posts on Facebook…even when I page down, I get way more information than I want.

          Just when I think people cannot be so stupid, there’s just enough knowledge provided to make me realize that the human race is most likely bound for extinction within a short period of time. The latest items are (and I gained this only from small sound bites):

1.     Kanye West…he’s going to run for President. Doesn’t he realize that he’ll take votes away from the “Asshole’s” opponent? So, even if Biden wouldn’t be my first choice, to quote a great friend, “I’d vote for a potato if it meant defeating tRump.”

2.    tRump announced that coronavirus is going away and it will prove that he’s right…may not be his exact words, but that was the meaning. Really??? Has he no understanding of what death actually is? Does he think scientists are lying about this pandemic?

3.    People continue to protest. Protesting is fine with me, as I’ve stated before, but why does it have to become violent with people killed and/or injured and property destroyed. What good does that do absolutely anyone?

Please don’t get my message wrong here. I’m not feeling depressed as in I’d like to take the gaspipe, but I certainly don’t feel very hopeful for the future of this planet or the human race. So, aside from continuing to announce a new personal blog post each and every morning, I think I’m going to stop watching ANY news, reading any newspapers, and even paging down in Facebook. I’ll announce my blog post and close FB out. I also think I’ll defer any further walks or lunches or even phone conversations because…well, just because I can I guess. If I could take a selfie of me doing the Spock hand sign, I'd do so and ask you all to, “Live long and prosper.”