I thought
about how I should post regarding my cruise and decided to just go with the
exciting events first…today, it’s SNORKELING and MANTA RAYS.
First, the snorkeling. I had never
done this before and was fairly nervous about it, especially because I do not
swim well. One of the women on the boat said the instructions the crew provided
were the best she’d ever heard and another woman who had all of her own
equipment provided a number of suggestions based on her experience. I was so
grateful to both these women as well as the crew of the boat. This is the boat:

Let me tell you, I only tried to
breath through my
nose once…okay, maybe twice. All that does is suck your facemask
closer to your face…you get no air. I quickly learned to breath through the snorkel
in my mouth. I was also wearing a vest that contained air as well as one of
those pool noodles through the vest. They helped hold me up so I didn’t have to
worry about drowning due to my lack of swimming ability.

Actually, you don’t swim. You use your
flippers to move you through the water while you’re gazing down into the
beautiful blue depths. I saw a number of fish, one of which might have been
Nemo, some sea fans and other stuff I couldn’t identify. Eventually, fish came
up, mostly yellow ones, but some blue, and swam around me. It was so
astonishing to be in the middle of them. The next time I do this, I’m going to
have a camera that will take pictures under the water. And, there will be a
next time. I loved, loved, loved it.

I wasn’t the first, but I wasn’t the
last either to wade out to the crewman to have my time, and photos taken, with
the manta ray. As you can see, I even kissed it. They mantas feel very silky
and smooth on your body. The crewman also put it onto my back, but those photos
weren’t very good so I didn’t purchase.
Not only that, but the only time I
thought about Steve Irwin was when the crewman held up the manta ray’s tail for
us to see the wicked barb. Once we all had our time with the manta ray, it was
released and swam off to join the others until the next time, I guess. Not to anthropomorphize
the manta ray, but I’ve thought some about what the one we interacted with had
to say to his/her fellow mantas when they all met up later. Very amused by my
imagination was I.
This was a wonderful experience,
although it wasn’t quite what I expected based on the literature about the
event. I thought I would actually be swimming among them, rather than having a
crewman hold it and arrange for me to hold it for the picture taking. Perhaps I
was a bit naïve to think I would actually swim among them. I’m sure there are huge
liability issues when it comes to this type of experience. Still, I wouldn’t
have missed it for anything. I’d even like to do this again. I believe if you go
to Hawaii, you can actually swim with the manta rays after dark. I’ll be
looking into that.
Of course, the majority of the other
folks on board the boat were couples. Some seemed to be surprised I was alone;
and if asked, I told them my husband had passed away last August and this was
my first venture without him. Response comments varied from, “So sorry.”, “You’re
so brave.”, to “Good for you.”. Being a widow in instances like this can be
very awkward…perhaps I should have just lied, but I’m a horrid liar…will have
to share with you the why about this at some point.