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Tuesday, February 21, 2023



In an earlier post, I made reference to the fact that in thirteen years I will be ninety years old. I am so sorry I ever did the math for this fact because I cannot seem to keep the litany, “thirteen years to ninety” out of my head. It doesn’t repeat time after time, but every so often and way more often than I’d like, that phrase darts into my mind and gives me great pause.

          I guess I’d never really looked at how much time I may or may not have left. Yes, I get a year older with each passing year. Yes, I’m not as capable with regard to some things as I once was. Yes, I’ve been retired for eleven years. No, I hadn’t really thought about what those yeses meant. Now I have and I believe I am most sorry.

          On the other hand, perhaps it was a good wake-up call because I am being more optimistic about the future and making plans that will enhance that time. But I’m also not dwelling on the phrase that keeps popping up, but trying, and succeeding for the most part I think, to stay in the day and time that’s here right now.

          It’s not going to hurt to make some plans for the future. Making arrangements for new experiences will give me events to which I can look forward. At the same time, it’s important I look to today, to now for the immediate experience at hand.

          As my time passes and that phrase, “thirteen years to ninety” pops into my head, I’m going to beat it back, ignore it, and turn my immediate attention to whatever is happening in that moment whether it’s typing for my blog, spending time with friends, hugging, petting and playing with Kuma, just whatever can enrich my life right then. Sounds like a good plan doesn’t it???