By the time you are reading this, I will have arrived in Ft. Lauderdale and most likely will be aboard the ship. Unfortunately, I’m unable to post anything about my flight or how things are here because I will not have access to the internet unless I’m willing to pay the big bucks. Even then, according to the guy at the AT&T store, you can end up with a big surprise. He had family take a Disney cruise and everyone thought they were good to use their phones anytime, anywhere. Well, the $13,000 bill was a HUGE surprise. Luckily, since he had been a long-time AT&T employee, they forgave the bill.
So, I’m not taking any chances. My
phone will remain on airplane mode until I arrive back at Sea-Tac. The posts you’ll
see in the upcoming days are the ones I wrote and scheduled for publication the
week prior to leaving town. I hope you like them. They are on a variety of
I also won’t be on Facebook to tell
you which post it is, but if I get them all done, they’ll be Posts 39 through
47. After this one, I’ll still have four more to write and schedule.
As for the weather in Ft. Lauderdale
and throughout the cruise, it’s supposed to be in the high 70s, low 80s. If you’re
reading this, you undoubtedly hate me because I know it’s still raining in
Seattle…at least that was the forecast yesterday. It’s supposed to change on
Sunday…did you know there’s a Supermoon on Sunday…and the rain is supposed to
be replaced by sunshine. I sincerely hope so since everything is so utterly
My I-pad is going to accompany me, and
while I type like someone who doesn’t know how on that thing, I will make an
effort to record the highlights of each and every stop. I’m also going to take
a ton of photos, so be prepared to be inundated upon my return.
I’ll miss my daily Facebook posts and
I hope you will too. But, I also hope you continue to go to my blog because I
promise there’ll be something new each day. I’ll be back live on Sunday 2/16.