Seriously, I
love AJ and Haley, but their visits tend to leave me both on the verge of a
major depression and unbelievably thankful they are so willing to come here and
help me. They came on Monday and spent an hour or so pulling boxes out of the
other side of the garage attic. Then, AJ showed me photos of what’s still up
there and it’s just unfuckingbelievable!!!!

will return on Wednesday to help me sort through all those new boxes (including the ones not photographed). As for
the others still up there, son Thor is going to need to come at the same time
as Haley and AJ so the remainder can be brought to ground. Then, please God, light
a candle, rub Buddha’s belly, do a crap-fest dance, whatever will help bring all
this wading through 50 plus years of crap to an end.
they were here Monday, they also managed to tip over the five-gallon glass
water jar full of pennies without breaking the jar. Now, when Haley isn’t
available, I can have a real fun time rolling all those damn things. And,
actually, the bank will undoubtedly be happy to see me once they’re rolled
because I just read in the paper yesterday there is a coin shortage…and I’ve
probably got the market cornered on the pennies.