Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 15, 2023



          Ah, I do so love these, my golden years. For example, the other day as I was driving to my river exercise class, I realized keeping myself fit is almost like having a job…just without any monetary reward. For years, I’ve attended an Enhanced Fitness class at the senior center (and you have absolutely no idea how long it took me to accept the fact I qualified for a place identified as senior) three times a week. The beginning of 2023, I added the river exercise class twice a week (for folks sixty-two and above).

          Now, I realize math isn’t my strong subject, but I am now getting up five days out of the seven to do my home exercises, eat breakfast, and leave home in order to exercise. And, yes, the last few years I had a monetarily rewarding job, I got up at 4:30 am to go to the gym, but that was different.

          Why was that different you wonder and maybe even ask. Well, I’ll tell you. When I retired, I expected to have no days with any sort of schedule. You know, just get up whenever I felt like it, laze around, eat when and what I wanted, go to bed whenever I pleased and not live my life according to any sort of schedule.

          And, okay, having this exercise schedule benefits my physical and mental well-being so that I can remain independent and intellectually sound. Still, the older I become, it seems the harder I have to work to remain that way. Seriously, I’ve stated before that calling this time of my life my “golden years” should have been called the “fool’s gold years.”

          Please don’t get me wrong when you read this whiney post. I’m extremely grateful I’m still able to drive myself to these torture, I mean exercise, classes; grateful I’m able to handle my own medical, dental and prescription needs, grateful I’m able to handle my own finances as well as live in my own home by myself (with Kuma). Still, I had really looked forward to a time when I wouldn’t have to do anything at all. I just didn’t realize that when that time came, I’d be in a bed in a storage, I mean nursing, facility.

          If anyone young is reading this, take my word for it…they, whoever they are, lie about growing older and enjoying your golden years. Don’t wait, take your golden years now while they’re still golden, and then get a job when you’ve reached the point where it is turning into fool’s gold.