I don’t know how many of you saw the
article or televised report about the young man, Avi Schiffman, who lives on
Mercer Island. He’s 17, has been coding since he was seven and put together the
Coronavirus Dashboard. You can find it here: https://ncov2019.live/data.
It’s an amazing piece
of work, at least in my opinion, and he updates it on a regular basis. In the
upper right-hand corner, there’s a little red button that says, “Buy me a coffee.”
I haven’t done it yet, but plan to.
honestly don’t know if this accumulation of facts is reassuring or frightening.
I’m trying to go about the business of living without actually living beyond my
front door. Even though I have email, Facebook and my phone, I’m finding myself
feeling a bit cut off from life as I knew it. No meeting friends for lunch or
dinner or a drink. No deciding at the last minute to go to a restaurant for a
meal on my own. No deciding to go to a movie unless it’s on my own television. I’ve
a feeling if it lasts until June or July which I’ve heard mentioned, I may be
depressed enough to want anti-depressants.
the plus side, however, is I now have all the time I want to do the things at
home I’ve put off c I was too busy. Of course it’s also on the down side, since
when I was so occupied with outside activities, I could excuse my inability to
buckle down and get the job done because I was simply just too committed to
other stuff. Now, there’s no excuses for not doing projects I’ve put off for
days, weeks, months…years???
far, I haven’t delved into a book to while away the time, but I could easily do
that. The library may be closed, but I can get books on my I-pad. I also haven’t
turned to the television to binge watch shows that my friends and family have
told me are absolute must-sees. Before coronavirus, I was much too busy to read
and/or watch TV.

on when coronavirus disappears and I can return to the normality of my previous
life, if that happens, I should have completed a whole bunch of projects. Maybe
all my windows will sparkle from cleaning, all the floors shine, the dust be
totally removed, houseplants repotted and showered, John’s bedroom ready for
repainting and redecorating, garage sale items priced and boxed…the list should
be endless.
hope all of you who are reading this are healthy and as happy as you can be
with where you’re located and what you’re doing. I’m making the effort, and I
must admit that crossing off an item on my list definitely brings a big smile
to my face. What are you doing that brings a smile to your face? Any
suggestions for activities I could add to my list?