Blog Archive

Saturday, October 3, 2020



Once again, I didn’t have a SHE episode to post for today. A friend passed away yesterday morning. He was a colleague at Woodland Park Zoo, and there are many many of us who are going to miss this caring and devoted man. I know he read my blog because he told me so. He read it because I became a widow and he wanted to have some idea of what his wife, as a widow, might experience. He never commented on SHE, but it’s my hope he was continuing to read and that he saw my writing of SHE as a positive, that once time passed, I was able to become creative again.

I miss knowing he is out there living amongst us. I believe I’ve said something like this in the past, that my life (your life?) is made up of all these threads and it resembles a tapestry that grows and grows over time as more and more threads are woven into it. Eventually, that tapestry begins to lose a thread here and a thread there. Each time the loss of that thread leaves a hole in the tapestry. Today, there is another hole in my tapestry and my heart hurts for all those who loved this man and the thread of his life that was woven into each of their tapestries.