Blog Archive

Saturday, July 11, 2020


        Today’s flower is the Bleeding Heart, but it’s not because my heart is bleeding. I also have a white bleeding heart, but its blossoms were done when I began taking photos. As a matter of fact, my own personal heart is in great shape both physically and emotionally…aren’t you just so happy to know that.

          Yesterday, Friday, Claudia and Maryanne and I all ordered from Panera and had lunch on my deck. As always it was a wonderful time talking and laughing and complaining about how our lifestyles are now so small and uncertain. Maryanne and her husband are going to Port Angeles on Sunday for a few days; and while I admire their willingness to get out there in the world, I’m not sure I have enough courage to take that kind of chance…I’d sure like to though.

          Anyway, I didn’t get anything written yesterday and couldn’t do it first thing this morning, even to post a sentence about being sorry I’ve nothing to post. AJ and Haley were due at 9:00 am to load up her truck with stuff for the dump and AJ’s with metal and wood for recycling. We all just keep shaking our heads at how and why John saved so much SHIT!!!

          So, it’s now way later than my usual posting time, but I did get it in today so it counts toward my goal of a post every single day. Hopefully, I’ll come up with something funny and/or happy and/or interesting for tomorrow.  Hope y’all are having a great day.