While I couldn’t stand to pick and
bring into my own house because the odor is overwhelming, they do make my
entire deck smell lovely. Having enough room for the perfumey smell to spread
out, I do like it then. I think I have a few more Stargazers to go, but they
haven’t begun to open yet. I just thought that perhaps I should buy a few more
bulbs and plant them in the front so the vague wonderful smell would come into
my bedroom next summer.
I have something going on that is
driving me absolutely nuts…itching. I’ve always had dry skin and have always
used lotion, at least since the winter I drew blood scratching my tummy.
Lately, it seems like there isn’t a square inch of my body that doesn’t itch at
some point or other. I use the lotion I’ve always used, and even tried a
different one or none. I purchased new hypoallergenic laundry detergent and
wool dryer balls in case I’ve developed a sensitivity to the ones I'd been using.
I’ve also reviewed the various
vitamins and supplements I take and eliminated ones that could possibly have
begun to cause this reaction. I’m just about to the point where I’m ready to
eliminate every single pill from my regimen except for the prescription ones
which I do need to take each day. I guess I need to send another email to my
doctor and tell her what I’ve done so far isn’t working to reduce the itch.
Of course, I don’t have long acrylic
fingernails anymore, but my short and sharp ones are perfect for scratching.
Sometimes, scratching the itch is just short of orgasmic. Other times, it
actually hurts and when I look in the mirror, there are definite red marks from
scratching. I use an anti-itch cream on those, but just sitting here typing, I
want to stop and use my fingers to scratch the back top of my shoulder.
If that isn’t bad enough, apparently
my 52-year immunity to mosquitos has worn off. Eating lunch on the deck on
Thursday, I was bitten, probably by the same mosquito, numerous times on the
outside of my right leg just below the knee. Initially, I thought it was just a
red mark from having my left leg rest on my right. But, no, it was definitely
bites and I’m afraid I scratched and scratched. Today, the red splotches, the
size of an egg, are still there, but the swelling has gone down and they don’t
The very same day, at some point,
another mosquito decided to feast on my right arm. I ended up with four
different bites in different places from my forearm to my shoulder. I don’t
know when that happened and I cannot hear the mosquito whining around me
because I’m hard of hearing. And don’t try to tell me the reason for the bug
attraction is that I’ve become sweeter in my mature years…it ain’t so.
It serves me right I guess for feeling
so superior all those years everyone else got bitten and they left me alone.
Even when my immunity began to wear off and I got a bite or two during the
summer, I liked it because it was so fun to scratch the itch. Well, not any
^&*)^&*^&^#$@#$@!, just
found the reason for the should itch…another mosquito bite. Maryanne told me
about a product which I think is called After-bite which will take the bug itch
away. I guess rather than waiting until tomorrow to do my errands, I’ll have to
get to the drugstore today and purchase some of that stuff. I tell you, if this
pandemic doesn’t drive me right round the bend, this itching may just do the
trick. If there’s news about a naked woman running down the middle of the street
screaming, “SCRATCH ME, PLEASE SCRATCH ME.”, you’ll know her identity without
looking for a name.
Well, enough whining about my itching
problem. I’d best begin getting myself together for the day. The doggies and I
didn’t have any snuggle time yesterday morning, so we had some extra this
morning before breakfast. And, no, my doggies do not have fleas, so that’s not
what’s bugging me…pun intended. So, it’s now late morning and my Sunday
morning chores haven’t even begun. Hope you had a pleasant Sunday yourself.