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Sunday, April 17, 2022


          I was raised with the idea that if you weren’t up and had accomplished something before 8:00 am, then you’d wasted the entire day. I find it amazing that I can still hear my mother and grandmother reciting those words to me whenever I get up late. I know that’s not necessarily true and that the belief has a lot to do with getting farm-like chores done early…I mean, how long can a cow wait to be milked???

          Anyway, Saturday morning, my love for my bed and its accoutrements just could not make me rise up and face the day. I know I woke up a number of times, stretched and snuggled back down in my nice warm bedding. It was actually 10:10 am when I finally pushed the covers back and got myself out of that bed. I tried very hard to ignore my mother’s and grandmother’s voices scolding me for being such a lazybones.

          The new dark shade I purchased and had AJ install really keeps my bedroom dark when the sun comes up. That allows me to ignore the fact the sun is up and I’m not. And, even though my predecessors continued to remind me about how I’d never accomplish the chores I’d decided to do today, I persevered and managed to pretty much complete every thing I’d planned…even taking breaks to read chapters in my latest book on my I-pad.

          Now that it’s just me, myself and I, laundry only gets done every two weeks. I have enough undies, washcloths and other stuff to last me for that entire time. I have to admit I really like not doing laundry every single Saturday. While I miss my doggies, I cannot believe how clean the house is staying without the fur and detritus brought in on the four (or eight when Kaizer was here too) paws each and every time a trip was made to the back yard.

          I did vacuum Saturday, but there wasn’t a lot of stuff to vacuum up. Still, I felt like I’d met one of the day’s goals…I really only clean house every other Saturday as well.

          There will be Key Lime Pie for Easter Dinner on Sunday. I made it late in the afternoon and would have actually had more than a few finger tastes if I hadn’t planned to make something special for Saturday’s dinner. I wanted to be sure to be hungry when it was ready.

          There’s a story behind what I wanted to make for dinner. Decades ago when I worked at the Primate Center at the University of Washington, I almost always brought my lunch, but the hospital cafeteria had two things I absolutely loved. The first was cinnamon rolls, but I didn’t often go there for coffee in the morning unless I went with a friend. The second thing on the menu which always had me putting my lunch in the fridge was fried chicken livers and mushrooms on a piece of toast. I absolutely loved that lunch. And, hopefully, if one of the folks I used to have coffee/lunch with reads this, they’ll let me know they remember too.

          Anyway, I, quite by chance, came across a fairly small container of fresh chicken livers…at $2.10, how could I pass it up. I purchased, brought home and put in the freezer. I took them out Friday night. Late Saturday, I rinsed them in a colander. I washed and cut fresh mushrooms in slices. Then I cut up some onion and garlic before putting flour, salt, and pepper into a bag. Butter was placed in a heated pan, followed by the garlic and onion. While that cooked, I put the mushrooms and chicken livers in the bag with the flour and seasonings. Finally, I added the floured mushrooms and chicken livers to the pan with some more butter.

          That might not sound all that good to you, but I have to admit it certainly tasted like what I remembered that cafeteria cook making all those years ago. It was a very yummy dinner although I wasn’t able to eat the entire pan.  I’ve a feeling I’ll have some leftovers for lunch on either Sunday or Monday, and hope they are just as tasty after being microwaved.

          Tomorrow will be Easter and ham dinner…even though I’m full, the thought of a ham slice between a split roll or biscuit sounds heavenly…not to mention the soup I’ll make with the ham bone.

          You know, I think I like cooking.