Blog Archive

Monday, January 23, 2023



          I  opened the drawer in which I toss papers to be filed and was instantly reminded tax time is upon me once again. Prior to retirement, I used Turbo Tax (TT) and continued to do so while John was alive. I used TT because I had more than enough deductions to go long form and TT made sure I got what was coming to me.

          For the last couple of years, I have continued to use TT and pay what to me seems like an exorbitant sum to file my taxes electronically, especially since I cannot go long form now because I do not have enough deductions. So, it makes no sense to me to pay TT to do my taxes when I can do them myself…and pay myself.

          So, I’m going to research what it means for me to do my own taxes. I think there’s a form 1040 Easy that only requires you list your income and the income taxes you’ve already paid. It gives you the correct deduction. I’m assuming I’ll get back most of the taxes I paid, but I don’t really know.

          How do you do your taxes? Do you do them yourself?  Do you pay someone to do them? If so, who do you pay?