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Wednesday, February 7, 2024



          It is a total mystery to me how I can feel like I’m on top of the world one day and wake up the following day to feel as though the world is now on top of me. Do you ever have that experience? I have it far more often than I would like and cannot identify why this happens.

          Yesterday was a great day and I went through it feeling as though I really had my shit together. I accomplished a lot. There was some back pain, but not serious enough to keep me from chucking the ball for Kuma or take care of my usual chores around the house. I made myself a wonderful dinner of baked potato, baked squash and barbecued country style ribs…very tasty.

          I went to bed feeling good and dozed off fairly soon only to awaken and be unable to go back to sleep for hours. My Fitbit says I slept beginning at 8:42 pm and woke up at 5:47 am. During that time, it shows I was awake for one hour and twelve minutes. I beg to disagree since I know I was awake until almost midnight with the exception of the early doze off. I guess I need to move about in bed a lot more or something to let the Fitbit know I’m not sleeping.

          What woke me up before 5:00 am this morning was extreme pain in my big toe joint where it joins to the foot. The left was much worse than the right and felt as though someone were digging around in there with a very hot poker. It brought me right up out of a sound sleep. Was this due to the shoes I wore yesterday? My Fitbit shows I finally gave up and got up at 5:45 am.

          After drinking my latte and watching the crawl on Good Morning America, I felt so tired I went back to bed and fell right asleep. I didn’t wake up until almost nine when I got up, fixed another latte and my breakfast and began this post. I won’t be attending my fitness class, which begins in one minute, today. But, I do feel much better than I did the first time I woke.

          Once I’ve finished whining here, I’ll do my at home exercise program and maybe take a walk. I’ve not been walking much for some time now, just around the neighborhood with Kuma on a leash. Kuma cannot leave the neighborhood because he is such a horrible puppy, barking his fool head off and jumping around whenever he sees another dog on a leash. Since it’s kinda sunny, maybe I’ll leave the neighborhood and see how far I get on the old route I used to do most every day of the week. That should definitely make me feel as though perhaps I’ve been able to move at least up to the equator. Definitely won’t be a day on top of the world, but at least now I’m not feeling as though I’m on the bottom like I was a few hours ago.