Blog Archive

Friday, November 13, 2020



Another day yesterday where I had no words that left my fingers and made sense for this post. Rather than be depressed or upset about that, I’m trying to concentrate on what I did accomplish. I pretty much finished weeding the flowerbed around the deck and water feature. I also spread two huge bags of soil amendment on top of the newly cleared soil. I have one bag to go to finish the south side of the pond and deck. Maybe I’ll get that done today if it stops raining.

I also managed to fall down again…that’s the second time in less than two weeks. This time I don’t seem to have any bruises to show for my klutzy self. I was standing at the edge of the flowerbed and had put a number of wire containers behind me on the grass. These are the ones I put around the dahlias to hold them upright. Anyway, apparently, I wasn’t paying attention, or rather I was paying attention to what was in front of me and stepped back. Boom, down I went on my butt, back and my head got a good knock too. It took me a minute or so to get up and get busy again. I also had a headache for a little bit, but it went away without any pain medication.

So, perhaps instead of thinking about staying here or moving someplace smaller, I should look into assisted living. It’s not something I want to do, but if I’m getting so elderly I cannot stay up on my own two feet, then perhaps it’s time. I’ll have to give it some thought and see if I cannot stay upright from now on. I actually think I just need to pay attention and be more aware of my surroundings, but I’ll see.

On Tuesday, I had my hair cut and Gail, my hair person, was talking about getting a new dog since Douglas had passed on a month or so ago. I jokingly told her she could have one of mine, or even both. She said it would only be fair for her to take my dogs since I took her chickens. I’m torn about sending them off to live with Gail and her husband. Part of me, the part that hates all the dog hair, Kaizer yelping and barking before it’s light outside, and I guess just the responsibility wants to pack them and their stuff and drop them at Gail’s. The other part of me doesn’t want to do that because Karma and Kaizer both each have at least one bad habit that wouldn’t make Gail happy, plus, I think I’d really miss their company, especially when they are laying with/on me on the couch. I do love their warmth and cuddles.

Oh, and I was thinking I wouldn’t leave home today, but it’s a Friday the 13th and I need to go purchase a lottery ticket. I always say I’m going to do that because 13 is my lucky number and has had a significant impact on my entire life, and then I forget. I’m going to remember today and perhaps, just perhaps my numbers will come up and I’ll be monetarily rich…I’m already rich in many other ways and need to always remember that.

Well, I guess that’s it for today. It will soon be time to publish this post. Then, I’ll feed the doggies and put myself in the rain locker for a shower and shampoo. Clean and dressed, maybe the day won’t seem quite as dark and gray as it is right now.