After I
published yesterday’s blog, I got to thinking…something which I should try very
hard not to do…that perhaps it made it seem as though I were living in the past
surrounded by just memories of what had gone before and stuff acquired in the
past. Sort of stagnating at this stage of my life.
The post was
about how happy I am to be in my own space, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t
ever leave it to have new experiences and acquire new stuff…although I don’t
try to acquire much because I don’t need it. Still, if I see something that
speaks to me, I do purchase and add to my collection.
Leaving my home
adds to my happiness as well. I’m so grateful I’m able to drive myself wherever
I want to go, to handle my finances and medical care without assistance and
engage with my friends and family.
My friends add
so much to my life. It’s not just knowing they are there and ready, willing and
able to assist me with whatever idea or need either I or they come up with. Dialogue over coffee, during walks, or just sitting around adds much to my life, and hopefully theirs as well. Lunches in new or favorite places is always a lot of fun, especially if there’s
a bigger group of us. Still, the one-to-one lunches are great as well and I
eagerly look forward to them whether they are planned or impromptu.
Family, of
course, also hits the happiness button. Phone calls and visits are always
keenly appreciated and enjoyed. I, of course, would love lots more of these and
think fondly of the almost mandatory Sunday dinners at the grandparents or
parents when I became older. I also remember being annoyed by the manditoriness
(is that even a word?) part of those dinners, but in some ways wish I had a way
to require my own family members to show up here Every. Single. Sunday. I also
know times are different now and covid certainly changed the way a lot of folks
interacted during and now after.
knowing my kids are just a phone call away and more than happy to help out if
help is needed makes me happy and is very reassuring. I try not to be a pest
and ask for assistance only when it’s actually needed. It would be so easy to
become a nuisance just for the joy seeing their faces and having them here. Of
course, I could whine for help with the least little thing to make that happen,
but it makes me proud of myself when I’m able to solve whatever the problem may
be on my own.
So, while I’m
happy in my home, surrounded by my stuff, I’m not stagnating. I’m out there
looking for good times and great stuff…just wanted to be clear about that.