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Friday, April 30, 2021



         Charlie and Adam flew north the day before Thanksgiving. She was very nervous about meeting his family and Adam was nervous because he was going to tell them about his writing career. Still, they both looked forward to this next step in their relationship, Adam especially because he was sure that once they were over this hurdle, Charlie would be more amenable to a life together.

Rather than have family pick them up, Adam had rented a car. He said it was because he wanted to be able to take Charlie to some of the places he’d told her about and this way, they could go without having to depend on one of his relative’s cars. They were staying with Adam’s folks and he’d told Charlie to be prepared for a room separate from his. Even though she’d become accustomed to sleeping with him every single night, she thought under the circumstances, she’d be able to sleep alone just fine.

When Adam pulled into the drive that led to the house, Charlie was a tad bit surprised. She’d come to the conclusion that his family had some money, but she hadn’t been prepared for the neighborhood which seemed to be made up of rather large pieces of land with the homes set back from the streets amid trees and shrubs that made viewing them difficult or impossible. As they drove forward and the house came into view, again Charlie was amazed.

The house looked to be all one level but spread out with a central portion flanked by a wing on each side that appeared to be attached to the central part but was angled back. She wondered if there was a patio or courtyard in the middle that would connect the entire structure. She guessed she would find out. It was beautifully landscaped around the house, but further away, nature had been allowed to grow pretty much as she pleased. It was definitely a small estate.

Adam stopped the car in front and said that normally, he’d pull around to the garage in the back, but since it was her first visit and she was a guest, they’d be welcomed by his folks in the hallway. He leaned over and gave her a quick kiss before he got out and came around to open her door. Charlie had never felt this nervous in her life, not even when the principal had called her parents because of a huge stunt she’d pulled in high school.

As they walked up the steps, Adam holding her hand, the door opened and a very patrician looking woman stepped out, followed by a man who looked so much like Adam, she would have known they were father-son if she’d seen them together on the street.

“There’s my boy, safe at home again.” Adam’s mother said as she hugged Adam and kissed his cheek. “And this must be your friend Charlotte. Welcome my dear.”

“Please call me Charlie.” She responded, taking the woman’s hand in hers for a small squeeze.

“This is my husband, Adam’s father, Paul and I’m Patricia. Now, please come on in out of the cold.”

Charlie took Adam’s dad’s hand and allowed him to escort her through the door. “I would have known you were Adam’s father. You look so much alike and now I know what Adam’s appearance will be once he reaches your age…still handsome.”

“Why thank you my dear. Even old codgers like myself enjoy compliments.”

“Come along now.” Adam’s mother encouraged them. “I’ve some snacks and drinks ready just down here.”

Adam took off his coat and then took Charlie’s. He put them on a hall tree Charlie hadn’t noticed because it was in sort of an alcove or more like a fancy mud room just off the entrance.

In what seemed to be the main living room, Patricia offered Charlie her choice of drink and she elected to have a white wine. Without asking, when Adam’s mom brought her wine, she also brought Adam and his dad a beer in the bottle. Somehow Charlie had expected the beer would be served in a glass. She then brought a tray filled with small canapes and napkins to the coffee table. Finally, Patricia made herself a martini and came to sit on the couch next to Paul. “Now, just help yourself to anything that looks good. Just a little snack before we have dinner at 6:00 pm. I do hope you’ll be hungry at that time. If you’re used to eating later, we could postpone.”

“No, that time is just fine. Depending on when I leave work pretty much depends on when I usually eat, but since I’m not working, dinner at 6:00 sounds perfect.” Charlie responded and mentally slapped herself. Dummy, you’re blathering. Just stop it and try to talk like an adult.

“So what do you do Charlie?” Paul asked. “Adam hasn’t told us too much about you and we were so surprised to hear this old confirmed bachelor was bringing a woman for Thanksgiving, I don’t think we even thought to ask.”

Charlie smiled and immediately felt comfortable because she would be talking about something she loved. “My father started a construction company when he was a young man. He had a fairly serious heart attack about eight years ago and I stepped in to help out. Now, my daddy and mamma travel the world and I keep the company going in his absence.”

“Construction?” Patricia asked with a raised eyebrow. “What kind of construction? You seem very feminine to be in charge of a construction company?”

“It’s called The Ridgeway Construction Company and our tag line is, Only one way to do it right, the Ridgeway Way. We build homes, office buildings, pretty much anything a client wants. Since I took over the company, we’ve gradually moved toward using products and methods which are environmentally friendly.”

“So, you have a single project or multiple projects?” Paul asked, sipping from his bottle.

“Multiple projects. The company currently has five crews working on different projects. Each one is headed by a foreman who runs the job but checks back with me about any questions or difficulties. Of course, my favorite work is to be out on a job site with the crew swinging a hammer and doing what daddy taught me to do so well.”

Adam spoke up for the first time. “That’s how Charlie and I met. She was building a house on the property next door and I marched over there and disconnected her power because of all the noise that was being generated. That little piece of heaven I’d been living in for so long went from peaceful one day to loud and prolonged noise the next. But she didn’t let me get away with pulling the plug. She gave me what for and started the noise right back up.”

Adam looked at Charlie and they laughed. “Then, a couple of weeks later, I caught him nosing around my project after the crew had gone home and peace had returned. I offered him a beer and he accepted and we had the first of our little chats.”

“So, is the house finished now?” Patricia inquired.

“Yes ma’am, it was finished before Labor Day and I live there now.”

“If you’d really like to know what Charlie builds, there will be an article published in the January issue of Green Design and Construction magazine. Her little house looks as though it grew in place and is both beautiful and earth friendly.”

“It certainly sounds like you’re managing a going and growing firm. Is it difficult to handle all the men that have to be involved in the various projects?” Paul inquired.

“Actually, no, it’s never been a problem for me and the few times it’s come up, the individual hasn’t remained with the company. Ridgeway Construction offers excellent benefits and opportunities to its employees and their families. To be hired by my firm is a definite sign the individual brought on is at the top of his or her trade. Quite a few employees were hired by my father and they mentored the new ones brought on by me. It’s a good company to work for.”

“You mentioned your mamma. I’m surprised she allowed you to take on that kind of work. Perhaps it’s just fake news and ideas, but I always thought southern girls were raised to be ultra feminine.” Patricia said.

“Well, it’s not like my mamma didn’t try. She certainly did and I did learn all the proper manners and the important information a girl or woman is required to know to get along in society. But, as an only child, I’m afraid my daddy spoiled me some and mamma didn’t have much of a chance when it came to some of that girlie stuff. But, I do know when to get my back up and battle as well as I know how to acquiesce when necessary. My mamma has a backbone of steel and I’ve lost way more debates than I’ve won.”

Charlie heaved a quiet sigh of relief when Adam and his dad took over the conversation, discussing how the family business was doing and how his brother Matt was managing when it came to assuming the reins. She and Patricia sipped at their drinks and listened. Every once in a while Patricia would add a snippet of information about the topic being discussed. When Charlie’s glass was empty, she declined a refill. It wasn’t soon enough, but Charlie was immensely relieved when Patricia said, “I’ve had your bags put in your rooms. Adam, I put Charlotte in what was your sister’s room. I’m sure she’ll be very comfortable there.”

“I’m sure I will Mrs. Foster. Thank you so much.”

“Please, call me Patricia. Why don’t we all repair to our rooms and meet again at 5:30 for a libation before dinner. And, Charlotte, we don’t really dress for dinner. What you’re wearing is just fine unless you want to freshen up after your flight.”

“I just may do that Patricia. Thank you so much for making me so welcome.”

Adam took Charlie to the wing on the right. “This was the kid’s wing when we were growing up. Mom and Dad and the grandparents were on the other side. You’d think we kids would have gotten into all kinds of trouble being on our own over here, but we never did. I think the folks simply terrified us to the point we knew we’d never stop being in trouble if we snuck out or behaved badly.”

“If electronics had been what they are today, I’d say your folks had you on camera, but that’s not likely. Wonder if they’ve installed any now and could catch us being naughty?” Charlie said with a laugh as her hand patted Adam’s butt.

“Here’s what was my sister’s room and is now the first guest room.” Adam said opening the door and pulling Charlie inside. He followed that with a kiss that made her want to toss him onto the bed on the other side of the room and have her way with him.

“Now, you just stop that, Adam.” Charlie said pulling away. “We’re going to be good while we’re here at your parents, so don’t go tempting me. It’s not fair when I’m trying to make a good impression.”

“Oh, we’ll be good, promise you that.” Adam responded, putting a hand on each of her ass cheeks and pulling her tight against him so she could feel his erection.

Charlie laughed and pulled away. “I mean it Adam. Or, at the very least, wait until every one goes to bed. I don’t want to appear for a,” and she used her fingers to make air quotes, “libation before dinner. Now, go, git. I’m going to shower and change.”

Just before 5:30, Adam knocked on Charlie’s door and she answered, clad in black leggings, a red turtleneck covered by a red and black printed top. Her feet were shod in soft short black boots and her hair had been allowed to flow down over her shoulders. “Wow, you look terrific.”

“Thanks. Wait until you see the attire I brought for dinner tomorrow night. Your mamma is going to know without a doubt that my mamma did her best.”

“Now, just relax. I think my parents were as nervous as you. My dad came to my room and asked me just how serious I was about you.”

“What did you say.”

“Just that eventually you’d become my wife. Now, let’s get down stairs.”

Dinner was relaxed and delicious. Charlie listened as Adam and his parents talked about people she didn’t know, family members that would be present the next day and a wide variety of topics in which Charlie was able to participate. As she’d expected, his parents were conservative, but more than willing to listen to her opinions and debate the facts. She found herself enjoying their company quite a lot. In some ways it was like being at dinner with her folks although they weren’t quite as conservative.

After dinner, they played a card game and finished off the evening with snifters of an excellent brandy. Charlie found it so good she could have inhaled the entire amount and told herself she was going to have to find out the brand so she could buy some for her folks and gift a bottle to Adam’s parents.

Adam kissed her good night at her door. It wasn’t passionate or long. He followed it with, “Night Charlie. Sleep well. Tomorrow the hoard arrives. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Night Adam. I’ll miss you.” Charlie responded, giving him a quick kiss before stepping back and closing her door.

She thought she might have trouble getting to sleep all alone, but as she snuggled down beneath the covers, she found it very difficult to keep her eyes open and the next thing she knew, Adam was knocking on her door. “C’mon sleepy head. Time for breakfast. I’ll be back in 15.”

Charlie stretched and hopped up. Teeth brushed, hair combed, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, Charlie was ready in less than 15. She was standing with her door open when Adam left his own room.

 “C’mon, slow poke. I’m starving.” Charlie said and leaned in for a quick kiss. Holding hands, they ran down the stairs together.