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Friday, November 27, 2020



           Laying in bed that night, Hannah could feel her face heating up when she thought about how wayward she’d been that afternoon. It wasn’t like she was a slut or had any experience when it came to sex, but she’d read a lot of books as she grew up. She remembered finding her first romance novel that had some pretty racy stuff in it. Neither her mom and dad nor her grandparents had looked at what she read. They were all just happy she had a book in her hands.

          Hannah remembered the first time one of those books had resulted in her touching herself. She remembered how surprised she was at the moisture between her legs, how the feeling kept building and building until it washed over her like a huge wave, just like it had been described in the book. Hannah giggled quietly to herself as she remembered how night after night, she’d touch herself and make that incredible wave of sensation wash over her entire body.

          Today, when Luke showed up at the waterfall, Hannah felt as though the meeting had been ordained. She hadn’t felt nervous or shy but determined to get some kind of reaction from Luke. What she saw in his eyes as she approached him only made her more determined to do whatever it took to get him to be with her. At first, she thought she wouldn’t be successful, but when she orgasmed against his saddle, there was no holding back. It had been the most wonderful afternoon of her entire life. As her eyes closed, she hoped and prayed just a bit that it was the first of many to come.

          The next morning, Hannah hummed as she made their breakfast. When gramps came in, he said, “Well, somebody sure seems to be in a good mood today.”

          “Yes, gramps, I am in a very good mood. I’m even making your favorite French toast for breakfast.”

          “Well, whatever got into you, I sure am glad to see your smiling face and hear that happy hum again.” Gramps said, getting his coffee and setting down.

          It was all Hannah could do to keep from laughing out loud because it wasn’t whatever got into her, it was who. Still, she was grateful gramps couldn’t read her mind or even had a clue as to what had happened the previous day.

          When Luke came in from taking care of the chores, Hannah had breakfast ready and on the table. Gramps said, “Hurry and get washed up. I don’t think you’ve had Hannah’s French toast before and it’s a real treat, especially when you put some of those huckleberry preserves on top.”

          Hannah took one look at Luke and thought, uh oh. He looks like he’s not too happy this morning. That probably means he’s really uncomfortable about yesterday, but that’s too bad. I am positively absolutely not going to leave him alone. He’d best just get used to the idea of me being with him, whether he wants it or not.

          After breakfast, Luke complimented her on the French toast and then quickly headed for the barn. Since gramps was going to clean up the kitchen, Hannah followed right after Luke. In the barn, he tried to ignore her, but she walked right up to him and put her hand on his crotch, while sticking her tongue in his ear.

          “Stop that, Hannah,” Luke demanded while removing her hand and pulling his head away from hers.

          “No, I won’t. I wanted you yesterday and I know you wanted me. You proved it more than once. And, just because we’re not at the waterfall doesn’t mean I’m going to ignore you and I’m certainly not going to let you ignore me the way you’ve been doing.”

          “Look, Hannah, that was yesterday. This is today. Your gramps would have a fit if he found us together like we were yesterday. He’d probably go looking for his whip and whip me off the property.”

          “I wouldn’t be too sure of thAT Luke,” she responded. Gramps likes you a lot and has trusted you with a lot of ranch responsibility. I bet if I told him about us, he’d be perfectly fine.”

          “Well, I’m not willing to take that chance.” By then, Luke had managed to saddle his horse while fending off Hannah’s hands, arms and mouth and began to lead it out of the barn. “Now, I’ve got to head out to huckleberry hills and check the cattle located there. I’ll try to be back for dinner.”

          Hannah stood beside the saddle after Luke mounted. She reached up and grasped his cock which was already hard inside his jeans. “I’ll be at the waterfall this afternoon if this,” and she patted his cock, “should want a bit of attention. I know I would like to have it and a lot of other attention too.”

          Luke took off at a gallop and Hannah walked slowly back to the house a small smile on her lips. She thought her sluttish ways were having the right effect on Luke and that he’d be at the waterfall that afternoon. She took care of her household chores, gathered up what she’d need for the waterfall, made sure gramps had water and a covered lunch in the fridge. Then, she mounted Onyx bareback and trotted off to the waterfall.

          Hannah wasn’t too happy when she returned late that afternoon. Luke hadn’t shown up. He wasn’t even back from the huckleberry hills, or if he was, he was hiding out. Hannah began dinner and then brought the laundry she’d put on the clothesline that morning inside and put it away. Luke arrived just as she was putting dinner on the table.

          “Oh great, you’re just in time.” Hannah said with a big smile. I’ll bet you’re starving since I know you didn’t take a lunch with you.”

          Luke looked at her as though she’d grown another head. She checked to see where her gramps’ attention was and winked. Luke just shook his head and ignored her. He spent the dinner hour telling Thomas all about his foray into the back hills. As an aside, he told Hannah he thought the huckleberries would be ready for picking in another couple of weeks. She thanked him and proposed they go picking together and once again, he ignored her.

          After dinner, gramps watched a couple of his television programs before he said, “Think I’m going to head to my bed. Seems like I need so much sleep these days I wonder sometimes why I even get myself up.” He kissed the top of her head, waved to Thomas and disappeared down the hall. Hannah continued reading her book even though she hadn’t turned a page or understood what was happening for most of the evening. It took all her will power not to get up and jump Luke where he sat.

          As if he could read her mind, Luke got up and offered her the channel changer. “Think I’m going to bed too. It was a long, hot day and I’m pretty tired. I’ll see you in the morning Hannah.”

          Hannah took the channel changer and clicked the television noise off. She called good night as Luke headed up the stairs, but she had a wicked gleam in her eyes. She sat there in her chair, the book laying on her thighs and gave her imagination free rein when it came to Luke getting in bed. After a bit, she got up and went around, checking on the doors and windows, turning off lights and got herself ready for bed.

          In her room, Hannah removed all her clothes, freed her hair from its braid and quietly opened her door and crept down the hall to Luke’s room. She remembered which boards squeaked and avoided them. She also knew Luke’s door made noise unless you pressed down on the handle. She did so and entered so quietly Luke didn’t stir from where he lay on top of the sheet, covers kicked to the bottom of the bed.

          Hannah crept across the floor and eased herself into bed. Before Luke could move, she’d covered his body with hers and all her hair. “I gathered you weren’t going to come visit me, so here I am.” She whispered in his ear.

          Luke’s hands had come up and were now on each side of her waist. He tried to push or roll her off, but she was determined to stay where she was. She rubbed her breasts against his chest and Luke’s chest hair felt a little like sandpaper being rubbed against her nipples. She nipped at Luke’s chin, found his mouth and plunged her tongue into it. Hannah not only felt Luke’s cock stir, but could feel it growing within his boxers and against her tummy. She squirmed just a bit and Luke tried to hold her still, saying, “Hannah, this is not a good idea. Now, get down. Go back to your room. Your gramps is just down the stairs. You don’t want to wake him up being in here with me.”

          “Well, we’re just going to have to be slow, careful and very quiet.” Hannah murmured into his ear. “Now, let’s get rid of these undies. She raised herself up enough to grasp his boxers on each side and gave them a yank. His cock flew free and she grabbed it with both her hands. She leaned forward just enough to reach his ear, “Mmmmm, I think I like this. I think I want this.”

          Luke tried hard not to moan or groan, but Hannah was driving him crazy. He wanted her desperately, but she was in control and not making any noise was a huge factor. Still holding his cock, Hannah raised up again and moved the tip of his cock to her entrance. She felt wet and hot and Luke wanted to haul her down until she completely encased him. Instead, she teased, rubbing his cock head against her sex, easing slowing down and then back up, but never quite seating herself completely.

          Finally, Hannah allowed his cock to enter her fully. When they were as close as possible, she again leaned forward, rested her breasts on his chest and began to give him little kisses and nips. In between, she sighed into his ear, “Doesn’t this feel good? I think I could lay like this all night. How many times do you think I can remove you almost all the way before sliding you slowly back in? How’s your ability to hold back? How long before we can both come slowly and quietly?” Her questions ended with a small huff of laughter.

          Then, there was nothing but the feel of Hannah pulling away and slowly allowing his cock back. It was torture and Luke wanted nothing more than to roll her over and fuck her brains out, but that wasn’t possible. There’d be enough bed noise to wake gramps and Luke so didn’t want him to find out about them. He already felt bad enough, but once gramps learned the truth, there’d be absolutely no future for them at all.

          Once again Hannah moved over him and this time, Luke’s hands moved to her ass and pulled her as tightly against him as possible. When her clit came in contact with his body, Hannah gave a small gasp. Luke lifted her and brought her back. Where it had been Hannah torturing Luke, now it was the other way. When he pulled her back tight, she ground herself against him and moaned.

          “Kiss me Hannah, kiss me. You can’t make any noise, so kiss me and keep silent.” Luke breathed lightly into her ear.

          The kisses were hot and wet and so satisfying. Between them and the on again off again friction against her clit, she was barely able to lay still. Luke had the upper hand now because he’d placed his legs over hers and she really couldn’t move much more than what Luke was allowing.

          Hannah could feel her orgasm growing, could feel Luke’s cock getting harder inside her. Luke’s slow movements became a bit faster, but not fast enough. She wanted more, a lot more, but Luke was determined to maintain the silence. Finally, he was trying not to pant or groan but he managed to say, “Now, Hannah, let go now,” as he held her hips and ground her tightly against his body where they were joined. Luke felt his own climax exploding as Hannah begin to quiver, to shake, to gasp and he moved one hand to her head to force his lips against hers so they could stop each other’s moans and groans.

Satiated Hannah sprawled over Luke’s body and tried hard not to laugh out loud. Her body shook with her efforts to be silent. Finally, she stopped shaking, raised her head and looked into Luke’s face. She could barely see him for the darkness, but said quietly, “Now wasn’t that fun?” and laughed again.

Over the next few weeks, Hannah refused to leave Luke alone. No matter how Luke tried, no matter his excuses, she found ways to tease him, touch him, and make love with him. That’s how she’d begun to describe their unions, making love; and to be perfectly truthful, Luke thought of it as making love too, because he’d come to realize he loved Hannah more than anything. The problem was, well, he had a problem and he wasn’t sure how he was going to deal with it. He decided that the next time they met at the waterfall, he’d tell her all about Jamison and what he wanted. She’d either have to forgive him or have gramps fire him.

Hannah also had a secret now. She was pretty sure she was pregnant and the very idea made her so happy, she wanted to shout the news to Luke and gramps. She knew Luke would marry her and stay on the ranch forever. They’d have this baby and a whole bunch more and make the ranch the successful venture it once was. Their next time at the waterfall, she’d tell Luke he was going to be a daddy.