Blog Archive

Sunday, March 1, 2020


          I think I must have been daft to tell you I was going to publish a post every single day of 2020, but here it is March 1st which means I’ve completed the first two months or a total of 61 posts, including this one.

          Sometimes I think I cannot possibly come up with anything to post about and then I sit down at the keyboard and the words flow from my fingers. I’m sure nothing I’ve posted could be considered great literary work; and I don’t seem to have developed a very huge following of readers, or at least readers that write back. But, for the most part, I like writing and will keep doing this for as long as it’s interesting and fun for me.

          It does get a bit lonely sitting here at this keyboard. To make it less so, what I would like to see happen is for you readers to tell me what you’d like me to write about. Is there anything about being a fairly new widow that you’d like to know that I haven’t covered? Is there anything you’d like to share with me whether you’re a widow or not? Are there topics you would find interesting that I haven’t thought of?

          I’ve actually been working on a post about sex…yes, sex. Anything in particular you’d like to know about that topic? Go ahead, post a comment, send me an email, reach out. I would so love to hear from each and every person who is reading my blog.