Blog Archive

Monday, June 29, 2020


          Today, Sunday, I’m especially grateful for water that comes to my house, gets warmed up in the hot water tank and allows me to shower. The reason I’m especially grateful is that it’s going to be a two-shower day. I showered and shampooed first thing so I could go grocery shopping. Once back home, it was time to pick up after the dogs and get the garbage ready for pick up tomorrow.

          My neighborhood gets yard waste picked up every week and there wasn’t a lot in my tote. So, I decided I’d just go ahead and clean out the flowerbed that’s in the shade. My tote still isn’t completely full, but that one flowerbed is a lot tidier than it was and I am dripping with sweat. Have I ever mentioned just how much I hate to sweat…no?...well, it’s probably my least favorite thing in the world. So, before I get in bed tonight, it will be shower time again.

          My glass half-full program seems to be off to a great start. When I begin to see less in the glass, I remind myself to just knock it off and think of something that’s more uplifting and positive that the negatives that inhabit the days that are behind me. And, okay, it’s only been a couple of days, but I’m happy to have two in a row and will push for three and beyond.

          Something else I’m happy about is frozen lasagna. I love lasagna, but what an ordeal to make an entire pan. And, yes, I could make an entire pan and then cut it into pieces and freeze single helpings for future dinners. But, I can purchase a frozen lasagna that’s just the right size for me. Something like seven minutes, maybe more, and it’s hot and ready to go. I do add extra mozzarella to the top when it’s done and put it back in the microwave for another minute or so. That’s what’s for dinner tonight with a couple slices of leftover garlic bread I froze a few months ago…and a salad.

          In my garden, I have these gorgeous red poppies. Many years ago, on my walks to Lake Forest Park Towne Center, I would pass this woman’s garden. I admit I stole a couple of the poppy seed pods from her.  Every year they come up and have managed to seed themselves into almost every single flowerbed. And, it seems like every year, they get bigger with more flowers per stalk. When they’re done blooming, I cut the seed pod off and leave it to dry in an open container. Then, I shake the seeds out. I’ve given these seeds to lots of folks.

          Another time my friend, Claudia, and I were at some event, maybe the Lavender Festival. There were these gorgeous lavender poppies and, once again, I committed the crime of stealing a couple of seed pods. I haven’t had as much luck with the purple ones as I did with the red ones. I had a single plant one year and then nothing until last year. Then, I noticed some very small purple ones that apparently seeded themselves because I’ve more this year and one of them got rather big with more than one flower pod. I do seem to remember the ones I stole were more lavender than purple and bushier like the red ones. Maybe in time. It would be wonderful if the two colors seeded themselves way more and together. Imagine how lovely that would be.

          Well, I’ve cooled off now and the next episodes of “Heartland” are calling my name. I’ll get myself some iced tea, and continue rolling pennies while my television entertains.