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Monday, April 19, 2021



           When Charlie arrived home after being gone for five days instead of three, Adam couldn’t wait to see her. He was amazed at how much he’d missed seeing her each day. True, they’d talked at least once and sometimes more than that every day, but it wasn’t the same as seeing her in person, being able to breath the faint gardenia scent that seemed to always accompany her, to touch the soft creamy scent, to pull her body against his. He felt as thought he could toss her on his bed and ravish her for hours, maybe even days.

Charlie had also missed Adam, the feel of his hard body against hers, his lips in the best kisses she’d ever had, the comradery they shared when together, the food Adam so painstakingly prepared. She hadn’t had a really decent meal since she’d left.

Charlie was also excited to tell Adam about the interview and her expectations from it. Adam knew he was going to have to be careful when she talked about the project to not say something that would make her think he didn’t want her to accept the job. They came together in the late afternoon after Charlie had checked in at the office, found everything just fine, and walked from her place to Adam’s cabin for dinner.

Fortunately, Adam had prepared something that wouldn’t be hurt by them waiting to eat. When Charlie arrived, clad in a pair of sweats and a tank top covered by a heavy sweatshirt, Adam swept her into his arms and smothered her with long deliberate kisses that left them gasping and Charlie’s legs barely able to support her. Without stopping the kisses that had gone from their mouths to their ears and neck, Adam scooped Charlie up in his arms and walked through to his bedroom.

He knelt on his bed, which he’d made fresh that day with clean sheets and a clean duvet cover. He’d even gone so far as to turn the covers down to the bottom of the bed. He laid Charlie gently down, never breaking their kiss and joined her, laying his body on top of hers.

Charlie’s arms went around Adam and pulled him as close to her as she could. She hoped like hell he didn’t plan to get her all aroused and then get up to finish making dinner. She thought she just might commit her first homicide if he did that. But no, one of Adam’s hands was on her hip and then sliding up beneath her sweatshirt and tank top to gently fill his hand with her breast. Her nipple was already a very tight bud and as he pinched it gently between his thumb and finger, Charlie thought she might very well orgasm, the feelings between her thighs so strong.

Adam straightened up, his knees on each side of her and yanked off his t-shirt. Then he took the bottoms of Charlie’s shirts and pulled them up over her head. Both bare from the waist up, Adam returned his body to rub against Charlie’s. His matt of chest hair provided a thousand tiny stimulations to Charlie’s nipples. She moaned and tried to writhe beneath him, but he wouldn’t allow her any freedom to move her own body. His lips left her mouth and slowly traveled back to her ear and neck, then so slowly, she wanted to take his head and vigorously move it so his mouth was on top of her nipple he moved toward her breasts. He kissed all around them before finally licking the nipple and then blowing on it.

The only thing Charlie was aware of was Adam’s mouth and hands. As he laved her breasts, his hands moved downward, pushing her sweatpants and undies down her belly. She could feel his cock beneath his jeans pressed against her tummy and wanted to touch it, hold it, rub it, but again, Adam held her prisoner on the bed, taking his time, driving her crazy with desire. All she could do was to rub and scratch his back or hold his head against her breast.

Charlie surrendered. She let Adam have his way, let him direct their sexual experience. She laid there and let Adam kiss her with an open or closed mouth wherever he chose. When he straightened up to remove her pants, she didn’t resist, didn’t try to participate, just waited to see what he’d do to her next. When Adam had her totally naked, he knelt to the side and slowly worked his way down her torso to her center. Even then, he didn’t try to reach the area where Charlie wanted him to be the most. He kissed and nibbled his way down her thighs, calves, feet, sucked and licked her toes before he began to work his way back up.

Charlie had had no idea there were sensitive areas below the juncture of her thighs, especially her toes, but she was slowly finding that with Adam she might not have a single cell that wouldn’t respond to his touch. When Adam reached the top of her thighs, he moved and pushed her legs apart to kneel between them. Again, he returned to her mouth and kissed her slowly and completely, as if he had all the time in the world. Then, once again, he traversed the area between her mouth and her center. His fingers spread her vulva, exposing the erect little bud that had desired his attention and ministrations for what seemed like decades.

Still, Adam made Charlie wait. He blew on her clit, then licked it and blew some more. Charlie’s hands tried to reach his head, her hips tried to rise to meet his mouth, but Adam kept control. Charlie’s head moved to and fro on the pillow, she moaned and gasped and begged, “Adam, please, please suck me. Please. I want you. I need you. I want you now. Please Adam, please.”

Adam chuckled deep in his throat, the huffs of warm breath floating over her clit. “Be patient Charlie. I want this to be the absolute best sex ever for both of us. Just be patient.”

He returned to licking and blowing and then inserted one finger into her. She was so wet, she could barely feel it and she moaned, murmuring, “More, more.” Adam acquiesced and inserted another and then a third finger, gently moving them first in and then back out. Charlie was on the verge of orgasm, but every time she thought she was going over the crest, Adam would back off and leave her panting and wanting and crying out for more.

Finally, when Charlie felt she’d simply pass out from desire, Adam shoved his fingers into her and his mouth found her clit. While he sucked hard, his tongue flicked over her clit again and again and Charlie felt her orgasm taking hold. Adam didn’t retreat this time, but continued his ministrations until Charlie stopped quaking and was lying completely still.

It was then he stood up and removed his jeans and returned to the bed. He moved between her thighs and placed first one leg and then the other over his shoulders. That left her wide open and Charlie gasped with pleasure as he rammed his rock-hard cock into her vagina. For a few thrusts, Adam moved slowly, but then as Charlie’s response increased and Adam was positive she was moving toward another orgasm, he increased the timing of his thrusts until he was moving fast and slamming himself into her. He was desperately trying to stave off his own orgasm when he felt Charlie begin to quiver, to moan and say, “Now, now, come now.” And, so he did.

Charlie’s legs felt boneless as they slipped off Adam’s shoulders and he collapsed on to her. He didn’t feel heavy and his cock remained inside. She thought she wouldn’t mind actually dying right that very second just so they could stay like that forever. They were both sweaty and breathing like they’d run a 100-yard dash in mere seconds but they both also felt as though they’d just had the best experience of their lives.

It seemed like hours but was probably only minutes before Adam’s semi-flaccid cock escaped its velvety surroundings and he rolled to the side and brought Charlie with him. Still, they didn’t speak but just held on to each other while their hearts and lungs began to function normally again. Suddenly, Charlie began to giggle. “What the hell?” asked Adam, angling his head so he could look down at her.

Charlie looked up, a huge smile on her face as another giggle escaped. “When I’ve had an earth-shaking orgasm, I always end up laughing. I guess because it feels so good and, Adam, this wasn’t earth-shaking, it was universe-shattering. My God, but you practice what you write don’t you?” She snuggled back against him, putting one leg over his legs. Her hand went to his now flaccid cock, touching and caressing. “It’s so hard to believe that something so tender and soft can grow and bring such pleasure to a woman.” Charlie said meditatively. “I’ve always been fascinated by the penis. And when I got older and discovered what it could do, I found it even more interesting. I swear it’s a good thing I don’t have my very own, because I’d be so mesmerized, I’d probably do nothing but play with it all the time.” Charlie gave it a little squeeze and asked, “How come men aren’t enticed to jack off all the time, or at least play with it all the time?”

          Adam laughed and shook his head. “Are you fascinated by your own sexuality or is it just part of you as it’s always been? I’ll admit I was fascinated for a while after I discovered what it was to jack myself off, how it felt to have an orgasm, but once the actual novelty wore off, I never felt like I needed to do it every day all day. I’m sure it’s that way for most guys. What about you? Do you have sex with yourself every single day or more than once a day?”

          Charlie kind of shrugged her shoulders. “Well, it seems like I’ve always known what an orgasm was, that it was something that felt really good. I don’t remember ever getting in trouble for making myself feel good, but I think I also somehow knew it was a private thing. And I didn’t do it all the time, just every now and then until I entered puberty. Then it was like every single cell in my body wanted, demanded sex and orgasms. Of course, me and my best friend talked about it all the time and wondered how it would be to do it with a guy.”

          “How old were you when you found out?”

          “My best friend, Sandi, didn’t find out until she married Les. I was braver or possibly more stupid because I couldn’t wait and didn’t wait. I was just past 16 and what a disappointment. I somehow thought having sex with my high school sweetie would be like the books Sandi and I sneaked when we were younger and figuring things out.”

          “Disappointed, were you?”

          “Hell yeah. I was all hot and bothered and expecting to have the best orgasm I’d ever had in my life. My boyfriend barely got it inserted and came. Then, he was like done. I had to give myself my own orgasm once I got home.”

          “Sounds pretty much like my own first experience. Of course, I didn’t know my girl was disappointed and hopefully she wasn’t, but I really have no idea because we never talked about it. She didn’t want to do it after that…might get pregnant you know…so that was that.”

          “So, how did you learn such fantastic control? How did you learn to do what you did to me this afternoon? How did you learn everything you know and use when you write?”

          “That’s a secret I may share with you one of these days. Now, let’s get up and have something to eat. I’m starving and if you keep handling Tally, he’s going to grow up and take notice and we’ll be even more hungry.”

          “Your penis has a name? Tally?” Charlie let go of his penis and sat up laughing. “What’s it mean? Is it short for Tally Ho? Do all guys name their penises?”

          Adam sat up as well and put his legs over the side of the bed. “I don’t know about all guys, but me and some of my friends did. My mother always referred to it, when she had to refer to it, as my tallywhacker. So, I just shortened it to Tally. One of my friends had the biggest penis I’ve ever seen outside porno movies and he referred to his as the Big Guy.”

          “Fascinating,” Charlie responded, pulling on her sweatpants and tank top. “You’ll have to share some other penile names with me. If I ever meet any of your friends, I want to be able to shake Tommy’s hand and say nice to meet you as I think ooooh, it’s the Big Guy.”

          Laughing, they headed for kitchen and dinner, but once there, Adam pulled Charlie in for a long and deep kiss. When he let her go, he said, “Let’s have dinner and replenish our energy.”

          “Replenish, whatever for?” Charlie responded, dipping her hand to the base of his tummy and rubbing.

          Adam pulled her back for another kiss, his own hand reaching down to cup her mons. “I think we’re going to need a lot of energy before this night, or hell, this weekend is over.”