It certainly seemed
as though John didn’t do very much around here except eat, sleep, spoil the
dogs and sit in front of his computer. Imagine my surprise when:
- The iceman didn’t come…I suddenly had to find the magic recipe (he always said it was a family recipe) so I’d have fresh ice in the freezer.
- The waterman didn’t show up either…the couple gallon Britta container in the fridge was suddenly empty. How John managed to get it back in the fridge full of water, I’ve no idea…it’s veeeerrrrry heavy.
- Toilet paper didn't miraculously appear in the bathroom. It was always John who replenished the supply in the cabinet. Fortunately, I remembered before it was way too late.

There are surely other things John handled that I took for granted and in the days going forward, I'm sure I'll realize and appreciate exactly what I'm now missing.