Blog Archive

Thursday, December 31, 2020



This will be my final blog post for 2020 and I’m sorry to say I didn’t reach my goal of 366 posts, or one each day. I was unable to write and post to my blog during the five days I was in the hospital. Still, I’m proud of myself for sticking with my goal even though the blog posts I initially imagined I would do never came to fruition. Those would have been all the posts I’d have made during my travels in 2020. As we all know, travel was no longer an option after February.

I also envisioned a readership of hundreds, if not thousands, when it came to my blog. I don’t believe my number of readers ever passed ten and certainly not even 20 unless folks read my blog but chose not to “like” or “comment.” But that’s okay, because I found I was writing more for my own self rather than any readers. True, it was nice to see comments, to know people looked forward to the next post, and to read how much they liked what I’d written.

Beyond that, I’m proud of myself for a number of reasons which I’ll reiterate here.

(1)           When I began this blog, I was so angry at John I could barely say a single good thing about him. Over the course of the year, I’ve managed to let go of that anger. Rather than remember how he hurt me I’ve now chosen to remember all the wonderful experiences we shared during our long marriage. As someone told me decades ago: ”There are times in a marriage when you feel as though you are walking alone through a very dark valley and the sunshine is a mere pinprick in the sky. But you persevere and eventually you’ll climb back out of that valley to create and share even better memories in the sunshine. It’s great memories that get you through that valley.” And in our marriage of 53 years, we had far more great, fun, loving and exciting good memories than bad.

(2)          When I began this blog, I thought I’d be blogging about the exciting life I was planning. I managed to go on one cruise before the world came to a screeching halt and I really enjoyed that cruise and blogging about the experiences I had. Since life was definitely not very exciting, I still somehow managed to find stuff to blog about. Hopefully, the majority of my blogs were not full of “poor me” and whining.

(3)          Well, I did get a bit tired of whining and looking for stuff to blog about, so I decided to write an erotic book. I was surprised at how the words fell out of my fingertips. Even more surprising to me was the fact I managed to follow the story line and actually complete my story about SHE. In 2021, I’m going to submit it somewhere and see if it’s publishable. Also, did you know there’s an erotica group on Facebook. I’ve joined, but haven’t done much with them just yet. I’m going to spend a bit more time there and see if I find it helpful. Apparently, you can self-publish through Amazon, but I don’t know anything about that yet either.

(4)          I started a second book that’s more story and less eroticism. It’s something that’s been in the back of my file cabinet for many years. I wasn’t able to finish it before 2020 ended, but I’ll continue to work on it in 2021 and bring it to closure as well.

(5)          Most of all, I found I really enjoy writing. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, or have been a writer, but never actually took or made the time to sit and actually follow through with a project. I cannot begin to tell you how many projects were more or less completed that found their way into the shredder. It makes me feel very good and accomplished when I push back from the keyboard knowing I’ve created something whether it’s a book chapter or a simple blog about gardening or a memory of something in my past. I plan to continue writing because it brings me pleasure.

So, finally, tonight at midnight, 2020 will come to an end. They always picture the end of the year as the grim reaper. This year in particular, the grim reaper has to be totally and completely exhausted from all the souls he harvested throughout the year. I know, like most people, I will be exceedingly happy to see the end of this year.

The beginning of a new year, 2021, is always pictured as an infant. I seriously hope 2021’s infant has had every single vaccination available. I seriously hope this coming year will be 1,000% better than the past year. It is my fondest hope, wish, prayer that by July 1st, if not before, we’ll once again be able to congregate, exchange hugs and kisses, and look at shelter in place as something in our pasts, that those of us alone don’t HAVE to be alone, but can simply CHOOSE to be alone when we wish to be.

So, I’m wishing each and every single one of you a HAPPY and HEALTHY  2021. And to ensure that it is HEALTHY, please continue to wear your masks, use sanitizer, wash, wash, wash those hands and STAY HOME as much as possible. I’m also hoping, praying, and wishing that come 12/31/2021, this pandemic will be over and that we all learned something extremely valuable from the experience that will make our lives more wonderful going forward.