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Sunday, November 22, 2020



My birthday didn’t end on Friday, but continued on into Saturday. Angie and Jackie Studioso showed up unannounced in the early afternoon. It has been their habit to decorate the outside of their homes or family homes with balloons, signs and other stuff to reflect the event that’s currently happening. What they do is amazing and I was so delighted to be included in their efforts.

I probably wouldn’t have even known they were there but I was carrying a load of laundry from the hamper to the laundry room when I came into the front hallway to see Angie walking away. I thought she’d just dropped by to leave a gift, so I opened the door and called her name. She ignored me, so I dropped the laundry and went outside to find both her and Jackie. What a surprise. I was told to go back inside until they were finished.

I did and eventually there was a knock on the window and I went outside to find what you see in the photos. They took pictures of me with my big 75 balloons, and Jackie even got one of me jumping into the air. How about that for 75, huh. There was also a small carrot cake, flowers, and a bottle of Rainier gin, with a card from AJ, Angie and Haley…HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME.

The surprise didn’t end there, though because this morning I found they’d put balloons in the side yard in front of the living room window and a happy birthday sign on my bedroom window. I didn’t see those yesterday because I didn’t move to the living room or my bedroom until after dark.

Yesterday, I was also feeling much better and began two weeks-worth of laundry and vacuumed. I also spent hours on the phone talking to family and friends who had called and left messages wishing me a HB. So, while I may have felt like I was 95 on Friday, yesterday I felt more like 55. It was a very good day and I extend my love and appreciation to all those who helped make it so. THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!

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