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Monday, November 23, 2020


          Hannah didn’t understand what had happened, but after their interaction at the waterfall pool, Luke began to be around less and less, at least around her. They still worked together when it came to taking care of the animals, but there was little in the way of talk, kidding around or anything that kept them in each other’s presence.

          Luke spent more time with gramps and that only made sense since gramps was in the process of hiring hands to help with the ranch work. He made Luke his assistant so it wasn’t necessary for him to go out onto the ranchland itself. Hannah was grateful for this because her grandpa’s strength and physical ability had suffered and gone down over the winter and spring. Luke was knowledgeable enough to undertake and execute the directions gramps provided. There were days where gramps felt well enough to climb up in the saddle and on those days, he’d ride out with Luke, but gramps never wanted to include Hannah or just ride alone with her. She was feeling very left out.

          Still, Hannah missed Luke and couldn’t understand what had changed. She went over and over their meeting at the waterfall and the only thing she could identify as something that might have changed their relationship was her boob falling out of her tank top and her being unaware. Still, it seemed as though Luke had taken a kind of dislike toward her. She didn’t like that one bit because she became even more attracted to him with each passing day. His ignoring her only made her feel more desperate for his attention.

          Hannah really hated it, but she took to following Luke around as much as possible. She attempted conversations and even attempted flirting although she didn’t actually know what that entailed. One day, just kidding around, Hannah snuck up and put her hands over Luke’s eyes. She was amazed and very hurt by his response, “Goddamn it, can’t you keep your fucking hands to yourself. And, why the fuck do you have to keep following me around all the time. I’ve got work to get done. Don’t you have any work that needs doing?”

          Hannah tried hard not to react, but could feel her eyes filling with tears as she stared at Luke’s angry face. She turned and ran as fast as she could toward the house. She didn’t stop even when she heard Luke call, “Wait, Hannah, wait, stop.”

          For the next several weeks, Hannah went back to the way she’d been when Luke first arrived. She did her chores, cooked, cleaned and worked in the small garden she’d planted, originally with Luke’s help. When he’d asked if she wanted him to assist, she politely and firmly told him no thank you. She did not look directly at him at dinner or any other time and addressed most of her talk, when she talked, to her grandfather, her voice so soft Luke was surprised the old man could hear what she said.

          At one point, Thomas said, “Seems as though you and Hannah aren’t getting along so well. What seems to be the problem?”

          Luke couldn’t, of course, tell Thomas that the problem was he wanted nothing more than to strip Hannah naked and have his way with her, so he just responded, “I’m not really sure. It’s just I’ve been so busy I haven’t had time for card games and fooling around the way we did during the winter months.”

          “Well, maybe I oughta give the two of you a day off to catch up on your games and stuff.” Thomas responded.

          “No, no need to do that. You’re paying me well to get the work done so you don’t have to work yourself into an early grave and I know Hannah is very grateful for that. It’s all fine, really.” Luke responded and then made an excuse to head for the barn, his horse and out into the ranch’s outer reaches.

          Thomas also tried to take up the subject with Hannah, but she didn’t respond any better than Luke had and eventually told him to just mind his own business, that there wasn’t anything going on between her and Luke.

          The days became not just warmer, but hot. One morning Hannah got up before dawn and completed her chores before breakfast. Once the breakfast dishes were done and her grandfather and Luke had headed out to check on the horses in the far pasture, she gathered a small lunch, towel, and other essentials, pulled Onyx out of the barn and rode out to the waterfall. Since the day was going to be the hottest one of the years, she planned to stay there until dusk. True, it would still be hot when she went home, but the main part of the day would find her wet and cool.

          At the waterfall, Hannah stripped off her hot clothes and took the band from the end of her braid. She pulled it apart and let the silken tresses flow down over her body. She knew her hair was heavy, but she’d never known it any other way because aside from small trims at the ends, she’d never actually had any of the length cut off.

          She jumped into the pool and shuddered initially because it was still quite cold. It only took a couple of minutes for the cold to become more than bearable. Using a natural shampoo because she was in water that would flow downstream to other ranches and families, she washed her hair, dunking herself a number of times and letting her hair flow downstream. It felt so good.

          Hair clean, Hannah ran her hands over her body, touching and smoothing her skin. It felt delightful when her hands slipped softly over her breasts and nipples. She wondered what it would feel like if it were Luke’s hands and immediately became aware of the sensation between her thighs. She let her hands glide down her tummy and one of them cup her sex. She pushed against herself with her hand and it felt wonderful. She decided she deserved to feel great, so she allowed herself to imagine it was Luke’s hand on her.

          Mmmm, Hannah thought, this feels so good. She’d masturbated in the past, but only in her room in her bed. Being out here in the water and thinking of Luke made the feelings more intense. She removed her hand, moved to the side of the pond and hauled herself onto one of the rocks that was partially underwater. There, she spread her legs and gave herself over to the sensations between her thighs. Soon, a couple of her fingers were inside and her thumb was rubbing on the soft and yet hard nub just above. It didn’t seem to take long and yet it seemed like forever before she began to climax. The feeling was more heightened than ever before and Hannah softly caressed herself, pulling the last small tremors forth until she lay back, gasping and laughing out loud.

          Hannah moved to the big towel she’d placed in the shade and laid down on her tummy. She rested for a bit and then sat up, pulling her big comb and brush from her knapsack. It took a bit of time to pull the comb and then the brush through the length of her hair, but she enjoyed the doing and the feeling. Finally, it was completely smooth and felt like a curtain made of silk. She laid back and arranged her hair so it flowed over her shoulders and breasts and down her tummy. She closed her eyes and dozed, enjoying the sound of the waterfall, the call of the birds and the beat of her own heart.

          While Hannah was at the waterfall satiated and cool, Luke was having one hell of a day. Because of how the ranch was situated, there weren’t many fences, but wouldn’t you just know that a number of the stupid cattle had found one he hadn’t yet checked and managed to push it over.

It took a bit of time to round up the cattle and force them back behind where the fence had been erected. Then, he had to fix a makeshift fence to keep them there while he rode to the location where spare fence posts and a shovel was located, and drag two back behind his horse while holding the shovel across his saddle. He cussed a blue streak both there and back. To make matters absolutely perfect, the fence was in full sun and it was hotter than hell.

          It seemed to take forever to get the old broken fence posts out, deepen the holes and insert the new posts. Then, he had to restring the wire. By the time he was done, he had sweated through his shirt, and even areas of his jeans. He felt dirty and dusty and miserable. And hungry, he was hungry as hell too. It had been hours since breakfast and he hadn’t brought any food with him because he was just going to be gone long enough to check on the livestock in that one small area. Finally, Luke just felt pissed off. He wanted to scream and shout and do something to alleviate all the frustration that had been building up since he’d arrived at the ranch. He wanted Hannah but couldn’t have her. He needed to know the plans for the ranch, but couldn’t get Thomas to tell him anything. He wanted and needed to leave, but Jamison was being a real son-of-a-bitch about everything, threatening to have him thrown in jail for stealing all the money he’d given Luke to date.

          Luke made it back to the ranch and found Thomas dozing in the shade on the front porch. He explained what he’d been doing for the last several hours and asked Thomas, “Where’s Hannah? Did she get you some lunch?”

          “I think she’s in her room and I wasn’t very hungry, so I just had an apple and some crackers. Don’t know if she left you any lunch out or not. I’ve just been right here since we got back from checking the horse pasture this morning.”

          “Well, I am starved and filthy. Think I’ll get me some lunch and see if I can scrub off some of this dirt and stink. You want anything Thomas?”

          Thomas asked to have his waterglass refilled which Luke was happy to do. He was even happier after he made himself a huge sandwich and gulped it down. Then, instead of a shower, he thought he’d just ride up to the waterfall. Since Hannah was in her room, it should be safe for him to go there.

          Thomas was dozing again, so Luke quietly led his horse away from the house, mounted and set off for the waterfall. He could almost feel that cold water flowing over his head, cooling both his mind and body. He couldn’t wait to get there, be alone, be clean and cool and fantasize about Hannah which he did a lot anyway. He didn’t try to make any of those fantasies become reality, but it was those thoughts that make his cock hard to the point where some times he just had to find a private place to relieve himself. He thought he’d have a fine time pleasing himself with thoughts of her and his own hand at the waterfall.

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