Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 24, 2020



          By the time Luke urged his horse up the little incline to the waterfall and pond, he was so eager to be cold and wet and clean, he didn’t even try to be quiet. He even uttered yeehaws to get his horse to move faster. Luke and his horse burst into the small clearing in a final surge of noise that included Luke’s loud yells and the sound of his horse’s hooves. They thoroughly disturbed the peaceful silence.

          Hannah had been comfortably dozing on her towel and idly thinking about jumping into the pond again. The sun had come around enough that her shade was now in partial sun. Only her head and neck remained out of the bright light.

          At Luke’s loud arrival, she sat up, startled and slightly frightened. Then, she saw it was Luke and saw the look in his eyes. What she saw there excited her, made her want to get up and approach him. He looked like a man who’d been in a desert and just found water. He also looked sweaty and dirty.

          Luke just sat there on his horse, staring at Hannah. God, he thought, she is absolutely gorgeous. Her hair was loose for the first time since he’d met her and it cascaded down her chest, hard rosy nipples poking through the strands. When she sat up, she’d automatically assumed a cross-legged position with both knees bent and he could see the golden-red thatch of hair between her legs. He could also see skin peeking through that hair.

          Instantly, Luke’s cock was hard and he was torn about what to do. He wanted to jump off his horse and on to Hannah. He wanted to turn his horse and ride away. His ability to make a decision was taken from him by Hannah. She rose from her towel and walked toward him, pushing her tumbling hair behind her shoulders so her entire front was open and visible to him. When she reached him and his horse, she approached from the left.

          “Take your foot out of the stirrup, Luke, please.” She asked.

          Unsure, Luke did so and Hannah placed her bare left foot into it and pulled herself up so she was astride his horse facing him, her pelvis against his saddle and her legs over his. Before he could think or respond, she put her hands on his cheeks and brought his mouth to hers. Tentatively, she kissed him and that’s all it took.

          Luke put his arms around Hannah and yanked her as close to him as possible. Where her kiss had been tentative, his was not. Luke crushed her mouth, forced her lips apart and sucked on her tongue so hard, Hannah thought he was going to remove it. But it was so exciting, so wonderful, she tightened her grip and kissed him back just as hard. Later, she would wonder how they’d managed not to split each other’s lips.

          Luke’s arms pulled back and his hands went to her breasts. He rubbed and squeezed them, finally pinching and pulling on her nipples. Hannah could barely breathe and thought between Luke’s attentions and the feel of his saddle between her thighs that she would come right that second.

          Hannah leaned back over the horses neck and head, giving Luke better access to her breasts. He didn’t waste any time, kissing his way down her neck and finally nuzzling and nursing at her nipples. Hannah squirmed her bottom against the saddle and moaned, stiffened as the orgasm took her. Luke immediately stopped making love to her and the look of horror in his eyes as he looked into hers made her grin and then laugh with delight as her orgasm finished.

          “Oh my God, did I hurt you? Oh Hannah, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t be touching you. We shouldn’t be doing this. Get down, get down right now. I need to leave. I have to be going.”

          Hannah smiled at Luke and put her arms back around him, laying her head on his chest just beneath his chin. “You’re not going anywhere Luke. You didn’t hurt me, you made me come. I loved it. I want more. And, you know what, you stink. Why don’t you get off this horse, strip and I’ll wash you squeaky clean in the pond? All of you.” she laughed as her hand came back around and found his hard cock inside his jeans.

          Luke tried to pull back, but a saddle didn’t allow much space for that. Her fingers rubbing against his cock only made it harder until it was almost painful. “Luke, you have to get down first. I can’t get back down until you get off the horse. It was hard enough getting up here, but I really cannot get down until you do.”

          Luke got down and Hannah held out her arms so he could help her. She made sure the entire length of her body rubbed against his as she slid down. She took the reins of his horse and led it to the tree where Onyx was standing. When she turned back around, she looked at Luke and said, “Okay, now strip.”

          Luke tried to come up with reasons and excuses, but Hannah wasn’t having any. She walked over and began to undo his belt, then his pants until his cock sprang free. She took it in her hand, squeezed and rubbed up and down it’s length. Luke thought his legs weren’t going to keep him up much longer, so he sat down. Hannah knelt in front of him and pulled his boots off, then his stinky socks and finally yanked his pants free of his legs.

          “Stand up Luke, and take off that nasty shirt.” Luke did so, thinking this all had to be some sort of dream or fantasy. He’d never pictured Hannah this way, all bossy and naked and calling the shots. He’d thought she was a virgin with no experience. Maybe he’d been wrong.

          When his shirt was off, Hannah led him to the pond and pushed him in. The cold water brought him back to reality. This was real. This was happening and he loved it.  Then Hannah joined him, her loose hair floating around the two of them like octopus arms. She’d said she was going to wash him and wash him she did. She began with his head and ended with his toes, giving his cock barely a touch and stroke. But, if she’d done more, he would have climaxed that very minute.

          “You can touch me too, Luke. I’d like that. I’d like more kisses too. I’d like to have and know it all. Can you do that for me, to me, with me?” Hannah asked. “I’ve done everything I know how to do to get you here, but I’ve never made love. I want to make love with you. You have to teach me how to do that.” She began to kiss him and rub her body against his in the water. Luke threw all his reasons why this wasn’t a good idea away and simply kissed and stroked and loved Hannah the best he knew how.

          Even though Hannah had two orgasms already, she really did want more. The sex between her legs seemed larger than ever, more needy than ever and she wasn’t sure how long she could wait before demanding Luke satisfy her, that is if he could. She loved the way his skin felt, the way his calloused hands moved over her body, stroking her breasts, rubbing between her thighs, pressing against her clit, but it wasn’t enough.

          When Hannah was about ready to scream with frustration, Luke led her to the side of the pond, climbed out, helped her out, picked her up and took her to the towel. They were both very cold, so the towel, warm from the sun felt so good. Once there, Luke began to kiss and lick and touch her all over again. She was doing the same for him, but she needed something else.

          “Please, Luke, please. I need you. I know I need you. You have to put your cock in me. Please, I’m desperate. I want you so much.” Hannah panted as she rolled her head back and forth and her body squirmed beside him.

          Luke knew it was time. He knew he wouldn’t last for long but he’d do his best. He moved over her and she automatically spread her legs as wide as possible. Her hand came down and spread her sex, opening herself totally to him. Luke trembled. He so wanted to slam himself into her, but he held back. “Hannah, look at me. Look at me.” He ordered.

          Hannah’s eyes opened and they looked at each other as they felt his cock at her entrance. Slowly he pushed and her eyes widened. He pushed further and her panting increased. Luke gave her a little more and it was then her legs came around him, her heels digging into his ass as she clamped him to her and all the way into her. Luke pulled back, she pulled him in and they did this slow dance for a few thrusts. It was on his last thrust her legs fell off him as her pelvis raised up even higher than it had been and he realized she was climaxing. That was all he needed and with one final thrust, he emptied himself into her.

          Luke tried to keep his entire weight from crushing her, but it was difficult. And then, he felt her chest tremble and raised up, thinking he was hurting her. Instead, she was laughing, giggling really and he wondered if he should be angry. Was she laughing at him? “Oh Luke,” she tried to explain between giggles. “I always laugh after I come. It always feels so good, and this was the absolute best come I’ve ever had. I’m surprised I’m not hysterical.  You feel so good inside me. I wish I could keep you there forever.”

          His cock was growing soft and soon escaped from its warm nest. Luke moved to his back and pulled Hannah into his arms. They lay there in the sun, intertwined, not talking until the sun became too hot. Hannah was the first to rise and pulled on Luke’s arm. He would have been perfectly happy just laying there and getting baked to a well-done, but he allowed her to pull him up. Together they walked to the pool and jumped in again. They kissed and touched as the cold water cooled their bodies once again.

          When they climbed out, Hannah moved the towel to a shady spot and they laid down together, arms around each other. For a while they just dozed, not talking, and then Hannah asked, “Is this why you’ve been so mean to me since the last time here at the waterfall?”

          “Actually, yes. I was attracted to you before I saw your tit fall out of your tank top. After that, it was all I could do to keep from touching you. I figured if I left you alone, didn’t spend much time with you, the feeling would subside.

“And did it, subside I mean?” Hannah asked, running the tip of her tongue over Luke’s nipple.

“Well, no, but I’m your grandpa’s hired help. You shouldn’t be fucking the hired help.”

“Fucking?” Hannah asked, raising up and staring down at him. “I thought we were making love. It was everything I imagine making love to be. You can’t just call what we did or will do fucking. Naughty Luke, naughty.” She put her head back on his shoulder.

“Will do?” Luke asked. “We can’t be doing this again. It isn’t right. I’m going to be leaving one of these days and then what. I’m just a broke-down cowboy and you need a man with potential. I’m definitely not that.”

“We’ll see, won’t we?” Hannah responded, reaching down to clasp his cock in her hand. With minimal attention, she had it growing and before long, was sitting on it, bending to kiss him, surrounding him with all that glorious hair until she straightened up, increased her rise and fall on his cock and made them both come within seconds of each other.

They spent the rest of the day at the waterfall. Hannah’s hair had become all tangled from getting in and out of the pond and Luke thoroughly enjoyed combing and brushing it until it fell straight and silky free down her body. They also managed to have intercourse a third time and Hannah was surprised to find she was a bit sore and unable to come.

Luke laughed and kissed her sex, telling her that his kiss would make it all better. Hannah stiffened when his tongue found her clit and it didn’t take long before she was coming in his mouth. When he rose up to kiss her, she could taste the both of them on his lips. It was exciting and so satisfying.

It was late and dusk was falling when they climbed into their saddles to head back to the ranch. In the barn, once the horses were cared for, they shared a long and heady kiss before heading up to the house. Gramps was still on the porch and took Hannah to task for not having dinner ready.

“I made most of what we’re having this morning when it was cool. C’mon in the house and I’ll set out the fried chicken and potato salad. I’m not heating up the baked beans though because it’s just too damned hot. You’ll have to eat them cold.”

“Why that sounds right good Han. I do think I remember thinking I smelled fried chicken this morning. Where you two been anyway.”

Luke felt himself freeze and couldn’t think of a thing to say, but Hannah didn’t have a problem. “I went to the waterfall before it got too hot. I was up there when Luke showed up and I was nice enough to share just like you taught me gramps.

“As a matter of fact, if it keeps on being this hot, I’m going to be spending a lot of afternoon up there. Maybe you’d like to come up there too gramps to get out of the heat. And, Luke, you’re always welcome.” When she said that, she looked at Luke and raised one eyebrow accompanied by a small secretive smile.

“Naw, I don’t think so. This heat feels good on these old bones and that cold water would most likely stop my heart. You young’uns just go on ahead and enjoy yourselves when you can. And, it’s nice to see you seem to be getting along better than before.”

“Yeah, we managed to work out our differences this afternoon. Really just a stupid misunderstanding. Isn’t that right Luke?” Hannah said.

Luke agreed while frantically thinking of ways he could avoid the waterfall and Hannah in the coming days. He was just going to have to come right out and ask the old man about his plans for the ranch and the water than ran through it. He felt so guilty for making love, no it was fucking Luke, just fucking, with Hannah that afternoon, he could barely eat his dinner. He’d had a knot in his stomach for a while now and today’s activities had only made it harder and bigger. Luke simply didn’t know what he was going to do, but he wouldn’t be fucking Hannah ever again.

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