Blog Archive

Wednesday, November 25, 2020



did the shopping for Thanksgiving dinner first thing and was back home by 10:30 I think? Then, I finished off the stew I’d begun making the day before, whipped up some cranberry sauce, cleaned up the kitchen and decided to spend the remainder of the day on the couch with the doggies and a good book. What a lazy lazo I was yesterday. Of course, you know what that means…Hannah and Luke didn’t continue on into Chapter 7. It’s not likely they’ll return until Friday or even Saturday.

Today is house cleaning day and dressing preparation. While I won’t be joining either of my two sons and their families tomorrow, I am making the dressing for one of their turkeys. Maybe, just maybe if I go easy on the cleaning and dusting, I’ll be able to get back to Hannah and Luke…their lives are certainly far more interesting than mine own.

And, today is the 331st post in a row for the year. That means there are only 35 to go and I will have achieved my goal of a post every day of 2020. True, some of them, like this one, haven’t been too terribly fascinating or fun, but there were some that definitely were. Here’s looking forward to more Hannah and Luke.

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