Blog Archive

Sunday, July 7, 2024



          Last Monday I went to the senior center for my fitness class. At the end of the class, we were informed that a staff member had tested positive for covid so the center would be closed most likely until Wednesday while they did a deep cleaning. As it turned out, the center was to remain closed until Monday, July 8th.

          Wow, an entire week with nothing on the calendar. No appointments, no classes, absolutely nothing. So, I know you’re asking yourself, what did I decide to do with all that free time. Well, wait no longer for the answer…GARDENING!!!!

          Until this year, I’ve always begun my weed war in February and continued on through the entire growing season. Because of my back issues, I did not get out there and do a single thing. Let me tell you, the weeds were so damn grateful. They flourished as if given a huge shot of fertilizer. They pretty much took over all the flowerbeds.

          This week, I spent hours out there removing weeds. I have almost filled my yard waste tote to over-flowing. And, still, I’m not done. I did, however, find three dahlias I didn’t know had returned. Of course, they’re not very big, but I’m going to protect them with wire cages and provide a hefty drink of fertilizer. I also found a couple of hydrangeas I’d forgotten I had transplanted to the back garden. My hope or plan is to put hydrangeas all through the back flowerbed and just have these easy-care plants. I’m hoping the transplanted ones that made it through the winter will flourish now they aren't buried under weeds.

          I’m going to see how the rest of the summer progresses, but it may be time for me to bite the bullet and hire more than just a kid to mow and edge the lawn. Perhaps it’s time to look at and determine if the budget will allow me to engage a firm that has employees that know a weed from a flower to come and fight off the weeds. Perhaps a service that would come once a month and beat them back. And, in looking at that, perhaps it’s time to evaluate whether or not the budget would allow a housekeeper a time or two a month.

          And, no, I’m not becoming lazy, just older and kinda feeling it after my weeding marathon.

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