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Sunday, July 7, 2024



Today is Kuma’s second birthday. It’s hard to believe this furry fuzz-muffin  has been my companion for so long…it will be two years in October that he came home with me. I cannot begin to share just how much he has added to my life when it comes to love, laughter and, of course, annoyances.

Unfortunately, I sometimes feel that even though Kuma knows I’m his person, I’m letting him down. He loves to play bally-ball either in the cul-de-sac or at bally-ball hill…that involves a car ride with his head hanging out the window to catch all the new smells. I feel like I should play bally-ball with him every single day and I don’t. It seems, to me, like that is horribly unfair to him. If he had a younger person, he’d definitely get more exercise.

Still, I am his person and he does love me just as much or more than I love him. I do toss his chickie-ball and beefy-ball down the hall repeatedly during the day. He loves to chase it, make it squeak and play keep-away even though he wants to have it thrown again. And, if he did have a younger person, would that person be ready for bedtime peepee and bed at 8:30 pm…I think not although I’m sure Kuma would have adjusted his schedule.

I do spoil the heck out of him. He has free reign of the entire house and all the furniture. Whatever I’m eating, he gets the last bite and maybe one or two in between. I purchase frozen boney-bones and he gets one a day. When I have a project and need him to be occupied, I give him a big one. Whenever possible, he goes wherever I go as long as it isn’t too hot. And, even in winter, I open his window and turn up the car heater so he can stick his head out. I also give him lots of hugs, pats, loves and talk to him often even though he cannot respond, although I swear there are times he knows exactly what I'm saying and how I'm feeling.

This year with the nice weather, we have developed a special time at the end of the day. Kuma gets a frozen boney-bone and I get my martini. I sit and enjoy my deck and garden and sip my drink while he snuffles and chews his bone…very relaxing for both of us. I know it’s time to go in when he brings me his clean boney-bone. Not long after, it’s time for bed.

I’m not giving Kuma a birthday party, but I did make him a hat. Getting him to pose in the hat was not an easy task…it took a lot of treats, but I finally managed to get a couple of photos with the hat on his head. I also filled up two of his hollow toys with spendy dog food and put them in the freezer. He’s enjoying one as a reward for the hat photo as I type this. There’s another, bigger one waiting in the freezer for later today.

I love, love, love this doggie. He’s added so much to my life and I’m so very grateful.  Happy Second Birthday Kuma-doo-doo…may you have many many more.

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