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Friday, November 18, 2022



Last weekend, Haley and her boyfriend, Tyler, came by to give me a hand with some stuff in the garden. Once they were finished, Haley asked, “Do you want us to get the Christmas stuff out of the attic for you?” AJ and Thor were scheduled to do the deed this weekend, but I responded, “Sure, if you want to. I’m sure your dad and Uncle Thor would appreciate that.”

It's been three years since any of those boxes were brought down. I’d forgotten how many there were, especially because I remember eliminating some stuff in 2018. The last item to come down was the Christmas tree in a huge zippered bag. There was no more room in the bedroom with all the other stuff, so Tyler put it in the middle of the living room floor where it sat, totally in the way, for a couple of days.

I hauled the parts out of the bag and amazingly, put them together even though I tried to put the middle on the bottom at first. I totally expected Kuma to try to pee on the tree (Although he’s not yet lifting his leg and I’m seriously hoping that’s a taught habit.), or at the very least to try to gnaw the lower branches and pull the dang thing over. He did try a snack, but I don’t think the texture or taste was to his liking because he hasn’t done it again.

At this point, I should explain that I changed my living room around for the first time in the 53 years I’ve lived in this house. The couch has always been too big to go anywhere but in front of the window, so the Christmas tree has never graced that window. I moved the big couch (it’s so heavy, phew) to the wall where the fireplace is located and organized the remainder of the furniture. I no longer build a fire, so there’s no need to leave it open. The couch and two end tables fit perfectly on that wall. Of course, the coffee table now sits right in the way of getting around, but I can deal with it until January.

So, today I was beneath the tree trying to figure out why one of the light segments wasn’t working. Could not find a reason even though Kuma did his very best to help me. But the tree can swirl around, so I put those branches on the back. They’re even lower than the window, so the neighbors won’t have any idea lights are not lit.

I asked AJ if I could leave it lit 24/7, but he didn’t advise that and suggested I get a timer. I did, and I’m not stupid, but I’ve so far failed in getting the damn thing to work as it should. The last two nights I’ve simply flipped the switch. At some point in the next couple of days I’ll pull the timer off and give it another try.

Anyway, as I was adjusting the branches and investigating the lack of glowing lights on some of the bottom branches, I realized this is not only the first time ever a Christmas tree will glow in the window, but also the first time ever me, myself and I will be responsible for how the tree is decorated. I can pick and choose the ornaments, pick and choose the snow globes that will be placed around and other decorations that just me, myself and I like. True, I’m a little sad to be doing this all on my own as well as it will be just me that enjoys the tree and decorations for the most part, but I’m also kinda excited about this new adventure on which I’m about to embark.

 In the process of decorating, I’m going to seriously cull all the ornaments and display pieces. I’ll keep only those that are important to me although seriously, it will be very hard to choose. I have, in some ways unfortunately, the blessing of a great memory. Almost every item in the house and in the holiday collection will have some kind of meaning to me. Ornaments made/given by my kids and friends. Ornaments that celebrate places John and I vacationed. Ah, it does make me a bit sad to think about eliminating some of them. Still, I can travel down that particular memory as I place the item into the “not going back in the attic” box. The kids can go through what’s there and what they don’t want, I’ll give away.

As for other matters not holiday related, I’ve pretty much got my garden put to bed for the winter for the first time ever. With all the sunny days in November, I have been able to spend a couple of hours in the afternoon in the sunshine raking, cutting back, trimming, pulling and tossing plants that usually hang about until a nice day in February.

As a matter of fact, instead of sitting here at the keyboard I should be outside doing a bit more work. But when the urge to write comes upon me, I’m learning to listen and to plop myself in front of the keyboard. Still, I’m going to finish this first.

I find having my garden put to sleep exciting because it means I’ll have a jump on spring gardening. I’ll be able to spread out my soaker hoses so they water what will rise from the ground. I’ll be able to use the pet/bird friendly mole stuff (sheesh, I hope it works) around and, hopefully, force the little devils back into the greenbelt…at least for a time maybe. I should also be able to control the spread of some plants by yanking them as they sprout in locations I’d prefer they not be.

And, as long as I’m typing away, I will provide an update on Kuma. I still love, love, love him and think he’s going to be a beautiful dog when he’s full grown. I think I said he’s a Tri Red and in certain lights, the reddish-brown fur looks as though it’s been given a magenta rinse. His fur is also extremely soft and it looks as though he’s growing the “feathers” he’s supposed to get on his legs.

At his second Vet appointment, he had gained almost five pounds which is good. I keep his bowl filled and he grazes throughout the day but isn’t over eating. He loves his toys and it’s all I can do to not go buy out the store. Kuma’s breeder said to not get him any soft toys because he’ll destroy them. I couldn’t resist a teddy bear, and sure enough, he had the ears, bow and tail chewed off in no time. Teddy has also lost an arm, but his squeaker is still in place and working. Even the “tough boy” toys are no match for his teeth and jaws. Kuma also loves to play fetch even though he refuses to “drop it.” I can have it to throw when he’s ready to give it up.

Kuma goes in the car with me most places. When he has to stay home in his crate, he gets a Kong filled with frozen peanut butter or dog food. I’m always amazed at how little, if any, of the frozen product is left when I return. When I’m sitting here at the computer, he’ll come and I’ll put my hands under his front legs and lift him to my lap. He really likes that and I’m wondering if I’ll still be able to lift him when he’s fully grown. I’m hoping that old adage about picking up a calf every single day once it’s born will allow it to be picked up when it’s a bull is actually true…don’t think so.

I wanted to sign Kuma up for a behavior class, but he couldn’t go until he’d had his shots so we missed the fall window. I figure we’ll go in January unless I believe his doesn’t need to go in order for him to obey.

Well, the back yard is in full sun for the moment, so it’s time to replace my jammies with my gardening clothes and head out there. I’ve some bulbs that have to be planted and after this weekend, this fair-weather gardener will most likely elect to remain inside.

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