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Saturday, March 7, 2020


          I’m sure you’re just dying for a report on how my day went yesterday (and, even if you're not, pretend). First, I went to Costco and my left hearing aid was adjusted while the right one has been sent in for repair…Karma managed to bite each of them last fall when I was temporarily out of my mind and stupid enough to leave them on the table after she ate my previous pair. So, I’m hearing on the left side, but not so much on the right.

          My exercise class was cancelled because the senior center was closed for today and all next week for a deep disinfecting. My comment on that has to do with the fact that no one had the coronavirus there; and, once it’s disinfected, all it will take is one…that’s ONE…person with a coronavirus germ to come in and touch something to expose us all again. Okay, I guess that’s better safe than sorry, but I was just getting into the swing of things after being gone for a couple of weeks.

          I did meet one of my two friends at Bongos (the other one was ill, hopefully not coronavirus) and we had a wonderful lunch. I had a pineapple hard cider, but wouldn’t order it again. I ordered a sandwich for lunch and a plate to go for dinner, plus an order of plantains for dessert.

          Okay, I know you’re wondering about the food I ordered yesterday. I did have the quiche before I went to bed. The German chocolate cake is still waiting in the fridge as is the Jamaican chicken, beans and rice I ordered today. I’ve a feeling I have enough food for dinner for today and tomorrow both.

          Once lunch was over and my friend and I said our farewells, I planned to come home and work on the taxes, but once here, I didn’t want to. The laundry was folded all over the dining room table and chairs…and still is…and I just didn’t want to deal with anything. So, I got myself some water, the book I was reading yesterday and went to the couch with the doggies. I didn’t end up sleeping, or dozing, the afternoon away, but it was close. Instead I read, but I’m sure if you asked me, I wouldn’t necessarily be able to tell you the name of the book, author, or storyline.

          Now, it’s getting into the evening, about 7:00 pm,  and I’m sure I’ll be heading for my bed before long. I checked my fitbit and last night, I slept for more than nine hours…that’s after “dozing” for almost two hours in the afternoon. I guess I’m a bit depressed or at least that’s what I’m telling myself. So, the extra sleep, dozing, etc., is probably good for me even though it annoys the hell out of me.

          Tomorrow is a new day, and I’ve already promised myself I’ll get up and deal with the income and property taxes as well as put away the laundry, and figure out what else I need to take care of since I’ve had a two-day pity party. And, okay, it wasn’t really a pity party, but maybe just some down time I needed. I am reminding myself that I need to be kind to me, myself and I. Still, some days that reminder doesn’t do much at all for me, myself and I. Instead, we huddle together and wait for a better day…that will be tomorrow, I promise me, myself and I.

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