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Sunday, March 8, 2020


         Feeling so much better this afternoon (Saturday) since I managed to get help to figure out why the IRS didn’t like my return. Apparently there’s some kind of glitch in the system because it told me the net income for John (no mention of me) in 2018 was incorrect. Well, excuse me, but that’s the number from the 2018 return. The Turbo Tax lady told me that for some reason when a spouse had died last year, this is what happens. So, I can’t file online, I have to print and take it to the post office. She also suggested I send it certified mail so I know it’s arrived. That will happen first thing Monday morning.

          Then, I moved on to the property tax reduction request and what a PIA that was to complete. For some reason, my scanner will only do one page at a time, so I had to import 16 pages into the document. And, yes, I could have imported my tax return, but you’re supposed to black out your SS number. It shows you how, but I couldn’t get it to work for me. So, I had to scan my tax papers as well.

          So, I’ve been singing Halleluiah for the last couple of hours. Now, all I can do is wait and hope that both the IRS and the property tax assessor will be happy with my submissions. If not, then I’ll have to try again. And, if it does go well, supposedly I can file for property tax reduction for previous years, but I’ll only look into that if this goes through without a glitch (pray for me!!!!).

          Then, since it wasn’t raining, I went outside and cleaned up after my dogs. Then, I brought all the bird feeders into the house. Well, I brought them in after I emptied all the rotten seed into the yard waste can. I don’t understand how some of the feeders don’t allow the seed to get wet and others do. I have covers for them, but apparently those don’t always work either. The bird feeders are now in the dishwasher getting a good bath. For today, the birds will have to either eat suet (I had a downy woodpecker on there this morning) or eat seed I put on the ground (big Stellar’s jay out there right now). I love this space and the ability to look out into the garden and see all the activity.

          The downturn that began on Thursday appears to be turning up. It’s not that I got up this morning and CHOSE to have a better day. I got up determined to get the taxes taken care of…and I did. Over the last couple of days though, I’ve thought about how I felt and decided what I really wanted was someone to take care of me. I've been taking care of people since I was 12 years old and really like the idea of someone taking care of me. I know that’s not going to happen (unless I become ill or have dementia), but the idea of having someone who would come in and take care of absolutely everything sounded (sounds) pretty wonderful. I’d just lean back with a bunch of books while whoever that person might be would do the shopping, cooking, cleaning, bed changing, exercising…just every single thing that I have to do now.

          I know, it sounds as though what I want is to be put into some kind of home, but not really. It also sounds as though I should think about another cruise. I didn’t have to do anything on the ship…just play and read and visit without a single responsibility aside from getting myself to my own room at the end of the day. Yep, I’m going to have to mull that over…it could be a definite possibility if the IRS and the assessor like my submissions and provide me with some money.

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