evening, about 7:00 pm, will be the 55th anniversary of when John
and I met. A woman I worked invited me to dinner so I could meet a friend of
her husband. My daddy dropped me off at their house. My feelings were kinda
soso because it seemed like the guys I’d been dating for the last while had all
been such losers…buy you dinner, take you dancing, whatever; and they wanted
payment at the end of the evening. I lived with my parents and was never
willing to go to wherever my date suggested we go. I didn’t expect this “date”
to go anywhere either.
When the door was opened, I bent down
to keep the dog from leaping and snagging my nylons. Yes, this was ages ago
when a woman wore nylons, a girdle, and nice clothes (in my case a blue and
white sweater and blue wool skirt) when going out. My eyes began at John’s feet
and travelled upward. Nice shoes, khaki slacks, belt, a crisp, patterned short-sleeved
shirt. And, then his face, a very nice smile and those eyes…WOW, was all I
could think. Don’t know about John, but for me, I think it was love at first
We had dinner and played a card game.
When the evening was over, John drove me home. We sat in his car and necked for
the longest time. He was the very best kisser, and I think if he’d suggested
going to his house, I just might have gone, I was that in love…and maybe lust.
The next day I was in a tizzy. I
waited and waited for him to call and he didn’t. I was sure I’d been too “easy”
the night before with all that necking. My mom and grandma had indoctrinated me
on how boys want just one thing and that an “easy” girl won’t be called on
again. I really liked this guy. I was really attracted to this guy. I wanted him
to call and jumped every time the phone rang.
Just about dinner time, John did
finally call. Would I like to go back to our friends and play cards again that night?
Boy, would I. And, that was the beginning.
Over the next few weeks, we talked often
on the phone and saw each other as much as possible. One subject we talked
about and agreed on was neither of us was looking for a permanent relationship.
We just wanted someone to have fun with. In an effort to keep us from becoming
too serious, on Friday nights we each did something with other people…Saturday
nights were our date night.

I won’t tell you how long it was
before we consummated our relationship. Initially, it was disappointing, but it
didn’t take long before we were both enjoying these wonderful interludes. Since
I was still living at home and he lived with his mom, we had to become creative
in our efforts to be together. Thank heavens for blankets, darkness and Seattle’s
many many parks. Thank heavens too for being so young our bodies were supple
and being together in John’s car was also one of our chosen, but not exactly
favorite places.
Toward the end of that summer, my daddy
accepted a job out of town and so I either had to find an apartment or move
with them. I couldn’t leave John. I couldn’t leave my job. I found an apartment
within walking distance of my job in Fremont. Being together was no longer a
problem. John didn’t move in, but he spent most weekends with me.
Funny story here. John had lots of
friends. Most of those friends didn’t have girlfriends or wives. They all knew
where John was, but do you think they would come by my apartment or phone
there? Nope, they’d call John’s mothers
and leave messages…after all, we were sinning. When we were married the
following year, they showed up the day we arrived home and never really left
until they had wives of their own. I basically became their den mother once we
were legal.
It was also toward the end of summer
when marriage came up. Not in the way it usually does with a ring and the asker
on his knee. Nope, I was in John’s bedroom waiting for him to change his shoes
or something. I was looking (snooping) through his bookcase which held a coffee
can over half-full of pennies.
“What are you saving all these pennies
for?” I asked.
“For rings,” he responded.
“Rings, I thought you just put rings
in your car. How often do you have to do that anyway?”
At that point, John pointed to his
ring finger and said, “No, this kind of ring.”
I guess that was his way of asking me
to marry him because he never actually asked “the” question.
We referred to each other as our “early
Valentine’s” during the ensuing years and never actually celebrated Valentine’s
Day. We gave each other cards and gifts and candy on February 13th.
It was our special day.
This year before I left on this
cruise, I went to See’s and bought myself what John always bought or ordered
for me…a box of dark chocolates. Tonight, I’ll sit myself on my verandah with
my open box of chocolates and let my memory loose to remember some of the
wonderful times we experienced together in the beginning. I look forward to
sharing more of those memories with you.
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