Blog Archive

Thursday, May 9, 2024



Boy, it’s amazing how my mind works and manages to retrieve memories that had long been filed away prior to computers. I like to think those memories reside in my old 286 and that’s why they don’t reach the forefront very often…takes too long and the 286 was so slow.

Anyway, when I started thinking about Goofy’s and the gang that hung out there, another memory surfaced. It’s also amazing how some of the names are right there and others are just a shadowy figure in the background. These were men and women who occupied a large portion of my life way back then.

Anyway, the movie The Exorcist came out and was discussed by everyone. I had read the book and it scared the shit out of me. I almost wanted to sleep with the lights on. Anyway, one late afternoon the Goofy’s gang decided it would be a good thing to go down to the Cinerama and see The Exorcist.

We carpooled down in a couple of cars and found we’d have to wait for the next showing. We bought tickets and retired to a nearby bar, had drinks and played pool. When the time came, we returned to the Cinerama and found our seats. I don’t remember any of us purchasing drinks or popcorn.

Like I said, I had read the movie so I knew what was coming. John sat ono one side of me and Dennis on the other. Whenever I knew things were getting a little scary, I’d rock my seat…the seats rocked back then. Dennis would put his hand on my knee and whisper, “Stop.”

The movie was just as scary as the book. When it was over, we returned to Goofy’s. There wasn’t much discussion about the movie in the car I was in and when we got to Goofy’s, none of the guys had a lot to say. In fact, I don’t think any of them had more than a beer if that before deciding it was time to call it a night…it wasn’t even midnight.

Some of the guys may have been raised Catholic, but even so, I think the movie either scared them or gave them something to think or not think about. I don’t remember any of them discussing the movie even later on.

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