Blog Archive

Friday, May 10, 2024



Today is going to be a very busy day. I have my MRI at 6:00 am in Bellevue and have to be there by 5:30 am. Later that morning I have to be in Maltby to deliver my driftwood sculptures and assist with set-up for the show. And, it’s supposed to be HOT. I’ve a feeling by the day’s end, I’m going to be exhausted.

On my return from Maltby, Kuma will expect some attention. The asphalt is going to be too hot to play bally-ball on the street in front of the house. That means we’ll need to take a short drive to a grassy location where he can run free and chase the ball to his heart’s content. I’ll have to make sure I take water for his bowl I keep in the car.

As for lunch and dinner, it depends on when I get back from Maltby. If I’m starving before that, I’ll have to pick up something…maybe a double ice cream from the Snoqualmie Ice Cream Parlor…especially if they have both Kentucky Bourbon and Tennessee Whiskey. If I get back home for lunch, maybe I’ll bring dinner in. Right now a MOD pizza or salad sounds great.

Meanwhile, that old 286 I spoke of is grinding away attempting to bring forth more memories of those years. Makes me wonder if smoking all that marijuana and hash oil caused some of those files to simply drift completely away. I’m going to have to think about all that during my travels and experiences today.

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