Blog Archive

Thursday, May 2, 2024



to pull up my big-girl panties after my pity-party yesterday and spent some time making an effort to look nice. That was because I had a date to have lunch with my eldest son. On the way to pick him up, I stopped at business Costco and bought gas…hadn’t even put that on my to-do list.

AJ directed me to a Mexican restaurant called Avacados which is on Hiway 99 in south Everett. We had a very good lunch and the prices were more in accordance with what they used to be prior covid…all the other restaurants I’ve been to before this one ran me close to $24 for one entrée without a tip. Not ony did we have a good lunch, but AJ ordered deep-fried ice cream with strawberry topping. I was going to have one bite just to see how it tasted because I’d never had it before…let’s just say there wasn’t much left when we put our spoons down.

After dropping AJ at his house, I stopped at the store for milk and yogurt and went to the pet store for more yummy frozen bones. That’s two more errands that were not on my list.

At home, I took Kuma out front and we played bally-ball until he was almost too tired to chase the ball one more time. I swear, he’d keep chasing until he fell over if I didn’t call a halt.

Then I changed into gardening clothes, got Kuma a frozen boney-bone and we went out to the back yard. I worked for a while, sitting on my little stool so I don’t have to bend a lot, pulling weeds out of my flowerbeds. Kuma licked and gnawed his boney-bone. I didn’t work long or hard, but stopped feeling as though I’d made some progress.

That’s what happened when I CHOSE to pull up my big girl panties and get on with my day. It ended with me feeling quite good plus I have yummy left-overs for lunch today.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes my big girl panties seem awfully heavy!
