Blog Archive

Wednesday, May 1, 2024



to not hum, “My Favorite Things” today, but that’s okay since I managed to blog positively for the last twelve days. I’m giving myself permission to hum a dirge (if I could think of one) instead.

In the process of thinking about today’s blog, I went back and looked at the various comments that have been made since I began this blog in 2020. In particular, I read the one I posted that was entitled, “I’m depressed.” Even though it’s been over a year and a half and Kuma has been added to my life, so many things I wrote than are still quite applicable today, maybe more so because of the back pain and Percocet.

So, for today, and just for today, I’m giving myself permission to be depressed and look at the darker side of my life. Tomorrow will be a new day and I’ll CHOOSE to adopt a positive attitude regardless of pain or depressive medication.

Meanwhile, rather than just sit around in a funk, I’d best look for projects to occupy my hands and mind, always a good way to CHOOSE to feel better…and I will.

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