Blog Archive

Friday, September 8, 2023


           I’m absolutely positive, dear readers, that you want an update from my Labor Day post. I’m happy to report I did everything I said I was planning to do with the exception of cleaning the kitchen/dining room. I did that on Thursday as opposed to Monday.

          The blackberry pie almost didn’t come to fruition. Kuma and I went to ballyball hill after I went to the grocery store. I couldn’t believe how the blackberries had turned into small, dried lumps. I persevered, however, and managed to pick enough very small ones to fill my small cast iron skillet. Kuma had a fine time chasing the ball up and down the hill as I worked to fill my berry container. The first time I set it down, though, Kuma thought I’d picked the berries for him. I very quickly pushed his nose out of the bowl before he could gobble up the ones I’d managed to pick.

          Back home, I used one pie crust from the box I bought to make the pie. I really should have taken it out of the oven sooner…the recipe said forty minutes, but that was for the big skillet. Later that day, after the grilled flank steak and corn-on-the-cob, I had a dish of blackberry pie with vanilla ice cream…YUMMY!!!

          Thursday I had an appointment with the podiatrist. In the morning, I watered everything outside, did my office work, and then decided it was time to Swiffer up all the dog hair in the kitchen and dining room. Seriously, I don’t see how Kuma has any hair left. There was enough on the pad I had to use the hand vacuum to suck it off twice before tossing the pad. The rugs were washed as was the floor, so now everything looks very nice.

          Of course, it’s not going to stay that way for long. Almost every day I tidy up the house. This involves using the little vacuum to suck up the dog hair that’s drifted down the day before. The bathroom had quite a bit of hair which also included mine. There were also Kuma pawprints all over the floor because he’d gone out into the wet garden and neglected to wipe his paws on the way back in.

          The podiatrist was really a waste of time. I have one toe where the nail points downward and pushes into the footbed. If I keep it as short as possible, it’d not too big a problem. I was hoping for a better solution, but the doctor merely trimmed it more and said if that didn’t work, he could remove the nail. Whoa, I’m not going there, especially when he said it would just grow back.

          This appointment was far down on Broadway in Seattle. I don’t usually drive to or in those areas and today’s trip made me very sad. There’s so much garbage on the streets and sidewalks, people living up close to buildings beneath a big umbrella or even in a bus stop shelter. Broadway is also narrow with only two lanes, unless there’s a left turn lane which trucks and cars park in while making pickups or deliveries. There’s also rails in the road as well as electric wires overhead for the transit system. My memories of Broadway from eons ago do not match what I saw today at all.

          Finally, I read there were 60,000 children who traversed some pass below Mexico to escape their countries and try to come to mine. Altogether, there have been 250,000 people over that pass just this year. This brings me to my “pie in the sky” idea.

          A year or two ago, there was a chart online which showed how much money some members of the 1% had. It was set up in such a way that you flicked your screen to the left. Jeff Bezos was the richest of the 1% and I finally gave up flicking the screen because it seemed as though this illustration of his wealth would never end. What if Bezos decided to play God with all his millions and set out to rectify the world’s problems? Perhaps we could reach a goal where everyone had a home, food, health care, and violence was eliminated. Like I said, pie in the sky.

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