Blog Archive

Monday, September 4, 2023



 It’s Labor Day. It’s raining. It’s cold. I’m wearing long pants for the first time in quite a while…it was 80+ on Saturday…my “I’m Sad” sweatshirt and socks. I guess summer is over, more or less.

          I’m feeling kinda sad for no particular reason other than it’s now September and before I know it, it will be time to decide if I’m going to buy another Christmas tree or give up that tradition. I’m not sure what the answer will be when the time arrives. Maybe my kinda sad is due to the change in atmospheric pressure because it rained and may still be raining for all I know.

          Anyway, since time is passing by so quickly, I really don’t have time to sit around being sad. I need to get my flank steak in the marinade so I can grill this evening…what’s a Labor Day without grilling? I also need to find my recipe for cast iron blackberry pie. I don’t know if I can cut it down enough to simply use my small cast iron skillet or if I’ll need to make the entire recipe. If I do use the big skillet, someone(s) going to get to share this pie.

          Of course, making that pie means Kuma and I need to go to our Ballyball hill so he can chase the ball and I can pick berries. Then, it’s off to the grocery store and the completion of some other errands. I was going to go to Costco today too, but that wonderful company has given its employees the day off. Why is it I like Costco so much and detest Amazon even though I use Amazon often because it usually has what I want/need and the prices are good. I think it’s because I see Amazon as an evil giant…kinda like the one in Jack and the Beanstalk…and Costco as more family friendly. I digress

          There’s also one more room to clean, i.e., dining room and kitchen. I need to Swiffer the floor, wash the rugs, wash the floor and put the rugs back. To pat my own self on the back, I did the rest of the house (except for the two bedrooms I don’t use) in the last few days. True, I could wash all the windows, but I’m not going to do that. Eliminating all the dog hair, detritus from the garden, dust from the various tables and tchotchkes is clean enough for me. Oh, I also did all the laundry, including stripping the bed and turning the mattress.

          Don’t you just love the internet and Google. I couldn’t find the proper spelling for tchotchke, so I typed in, “Jewish word for knick knacks,” and there was the correct spelling. I digress again.

          So, I’m not going to be sitting around here being sad. I’ve things to do, places to go, people to see. By the time I sit down with a glass of wine, I’m sure to be quite happy…or become so after the wine.

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