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Sunday, April 2, 2023



          In a previous blog post, I mentioned Kuma was having a spa day. I took photos of him prior to his visit as well as after and am posting them here so you can see the difference. His paws are now well defined and his booty and penis trimmed up. The groomer didn’t do too much else to him aside from an anal gland and ears check and a bath. Kuma’s coat smelled wonderful and he felt like silk when I picked him up. 


         Amanda at Hippie Hounds also provided me with a list of brushes appropriate for brushing Kuma. I purchased them and am waiting for delivery on the last one which is a Zoom Groom. Amanda said to not brush with the Zoo Groom in long strokes, but short ones as that will pull the hair free.

          Next Saturday will be graduation day for Kuma’s intermediate training class. I fully expect him to pass; however, we’re going to have to work hard this week on him staying in place when someone comes to the door. He’ll stay just fine other times, but he is serious about wanting to jump and greet whoever comes in the door. That is probably going to be extremely hard and he may not get a gold star for his efforts at graduation.

          The other elements don’t concern me too much. He’ll sit, down, shake, stay, wait, walk, heel, and switch to my other side and heel. I’ve even had him walk, heel and switch in the house without a leash. Probably wouldn’t work outside because there are too many distractions.

          Kuma still barks like a fool at other dogs on leashes, especially little ones. I’m trying to teach him to “focus,” “leave it,” and provide treats, but once he begins, it’s hard to get him to stop. I’m sure the other dog parent thinks Kuma is vicious, but he’s not. Given the opportunity to approach the other dog, Kuma wags his tail and indulges in the, “I’ll sniff your butt and you can s niff my butt exercise.”

          We also attended a birthday party for another Aussie whose parents are Ken and Supa...his photo is on the wall in this picture. Oreo is black and white and he and Kuma got along well. There were two other dogs there and one of them never ceased barking. It didn’t seem to bother that dog’s parents, but I had one hell of a headache when we were done. The doggie birthday cake was a plate with whipped cream. I have a photo of Kuma trying to suck it right out of the can…bad dog!!!

          Kuma will be nine months old on April 7th. Hard to believe so much time has already passed. Also hard (sort of) to believe what a wonderful and loving addition Kuma has been to my life…so very thankful and happy I chose him to be my companion.

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