Blog Archive

Sunday, April 2, 2023



         Last November I happened upon Uncommon Creatures at a craft fair. The woman who owns the company takes your photo of your animal and makes it even better. I took one of Michelle’s cards and told her I’d be in touch after the first of the year.

          I emailed Michelle the end of January or beginning of February and sent off photos of Kuma. Using those photos, she turned them into works of art and sent me so many proofs I had a very difficult time choosing. There were some I didn’t like at all, but there were so many I would have loved to order, but when you’re on a budget, you have to look at your expenditures and cash availability. They will be available for a year, however, so should I come into some money (not likely), I can order more in order to do what was suggested in the next paragraph.

          My friend Claudia looked at all the proofs and suggested I do a Warhol display in the way he did ten photos of Marilyn Monroe. I would have loved that, but the expense kept me from choosing my favorite ten photos. I did end up choosing two and have included them in this blog as well as on Facebook.

          Michelle asked me, “What is it about my artwork that brings you enjoyment, or makes you feel a connection to it?” I didn’t have to think about my answer for very long. These two pieces of artwork are how I see Kuma in my head. They seem to reflect the love we have for each other. True, a photograph is more realistic and shows Kuma’s true appearance; however, when I think of him or look at him, he becomes the “Uncommon Creature” I know and love.         

          If you like Kuma’s artwork and are interested in providing Michelle with a photo of your favorite pet, or perhaps human, you can find her website at: I absolutely love her work.

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