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Monday, February 6, 2023



          Xander’s Christmas present finally arrived on February 2nd, exactly two months from when it was ordered on December 2nd. I was rather appalled at the flimsy product which weighed barely anything. I was able to turn it on, but didn’t try to make it fly. I also plugged it into the USB port so it would be fully charged and ready for Xander to play.

          Since Xander had had to wait so long for his Christmas present, I decided to make his receipt of the gift a bit more fun than just putting it into a bag with some tissue paper. First, I wrapped the box in which it arrived (surprised it hadn’t broken) in shiny paper. I put that box into another box, gift wrapped that and so on. I think all told I gift wrapped a total of five or six boxes each nestled in the previous one. I put a big ribbon around the last box and pasted all the Christmas bows I had on hand to the top. I’ve included a photo of the final box with Xander sitting beside it. He was surprised his gift was so big.

          At about the third box Xander wanted to know if I was tricking him to which I replied, “You had to wait so long for your present, Nana wanted you getting it to be very special.” When he finally got to the last box, even though he’d wanted to purchase it with Christmas money he’d received, he wasn’t sure what it was. Dad had to read the instructions and for a short time (a few minutes), the flare sphere worked pretty well. All the lights lit up, the little fans whirred and it floated about the room. Success.

          That success was short-lived. First the lights stopped working. Xander thought perhaps it needed to be plugged in again and went to do so. I left after a while and it hadn’t returned to working as it had initially.

          Today I sent Thor a text, “Is Xander’s toy still working?”

          “Yes and no. The light strip came unglued and we tried to glue it back. It came off again and got cut in half by the blades. Now it shocks you when it’s going.”

          “Yikes…a dangerous toy. Wish it was better after waiting for so long. Damn, damn, damn.”

          “It’s more fun now, ha ha.”

          “For you or for Xander?”


          So, after all that, the Christmas gift was a bust. Oh well, at least Xander had fun opening all those packages, and Nana had fun wrapping and watching. Also included below is a not very well done video of Xander's first try with the flare sphere.

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