Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 3, 2023


          Sleep. Don’t you just love to sleep? I do. In fact, almost the first thing I think about in the morning when I wake up is how soon I can be sleeping again. It’s not because I’m depressed or anything like that. It’s simply that sleep is such a restorative and it just feels so good.

          Let me also say I hardly ever nap. I think it’s a huge waste of my valuable time. How can I possibly nap when there’s books to read, ball throwing for Kuma, gardening, seeing friends and family. Nope, too much other fun stuff awaits to lay upon the couch and nap.

          Sleep at bedtime is perfect. If I dream, I rarely remember the dream. And, yes, I don’t sleep straight through because my bladder insists I get up and make the trip down the hall. I find that very annoying, but age does have its drawbacks. The ability to return to sleep right away is a blessing.

          So, what do you think about sleeping? Is it your favorite activity? Do you feel like sleeping is wasting
your time? Do you nap? Please, share your thoughts.


  1. I love sleep, but I'm like you my bladder makes me get up a couple of times ar night,some times I can fall back to sleep other times my mine starts thinking about things and it takes a while to fall asleep

  2. One of my favorite things is getting into bed at night. I wake up a few times during the night but usually get right back to sleep. Being retired I hardly ever use an alarm clock and I love that too!
