I may not have been quite awake before
my knees hit the floor, but let me tell you that pain has a way of really
opening your eyes. I moved so I could sit on my butt and put my shoes on. It
was certainly harder getting up than it was going down. The good news is I didn’t
break anything. The bad news is that some skin was removed from each knee, due
to sliding on the slick floor I guess, and I’ll most likely develop a bruise or
have sore knees for a while.

On Saturday, I also noticed I have a
huge purple bruise on the inside of my thigh. I have no memory of pinching
myself there or running into something with that portion of my anatomy. In
fact, I’m not sure you could run into something with the inside of your thigh.
Since the bruise is about the size of a small lemon, I think the injury would
have had to hurt. But, I have no memory of any pain or discomfort associated
with this bruise.
Now I have to wonder if my brain or
memory is having difficulty as well. Will I wake up tomorrow and wonder why I
have bruises on my knees or why my knees are painful? I know I’ll continue to
wonder how that thigh bruise originated. They (whoever they are) always say you
forget the pain of childbirth. Well, I’m here to tell you that isn’t actually
true. I do remember the pain, but I also remember it didn’t last all that long
and the result was worth it. I’m sure there are women out there who will
disagree with those statements, but it’s my reality I’m writing about.
Fortunately, neither my thigh nor my
knees resulted in my being unable to get up and move about. I do know as I sat
on the floor putting my shoes on, I did think about how long I would have had
to stay there were I seriously injured until someone came along and found me. I
did laugh at the image of myself saying, “Help, I’ve fallen and can’t get up.”
I also had my cell phone nearby, so I could have called for help if needed. Still,
living alone is certainly one adventure after another.

Still, I did manage on my own. That’s
more than enough to be thankful for this Sunday morning.
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