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Thursday, March 26, 2020



When John was alive, he contracted with a pest control company that came once a quarter to spray around the house and eliminate spiders and bugs. They also did mole control (not very effective in my opinion) and rat/mouse control. I think one of John’s reasons for doing this beyond his inability to do it any longer with safe and sane traps, was getting to interact with the pest control guys. It had to get boring interacting with just me most of the time.

          In any case, I wasn’t terribly appreciative of the pest control company and after their fall visit where the operator indicated on his slip that he’d seen no mole activity…really, really??? he walked right by it, so how could he have not seen it…I called and cancelled their service. I figured the spiders weren’t too much of a big deal; and as for the rodents, I’d have to see.

          Mabel is the only chicken left. Her mates, Lucy and Ethel are long gone, but Mabel lives on. I lock her up every night and let her out every morning so she doesn't become a coyote snack or worse. In the process, I sprinkle food on the ground by the back gate. She and the squirrels love it, and I do laugh when I see her chase the squirrels away.

          Today, I was sitting here at my desk on the phone and looking out the window. The sun was shining and suddenly there were mice and rats dashing to the food, loading up and dashing away. They all looked very healthy, fat, their fur shiny and bright. If I knew for sure they’d stay away from the house and continue to live behind the fence, and not breed like rabbits, I probably wouldn’t do anything. And, why is it that rats give me the shivers. Snakes and almost any other animal are fine with me, but rats…don’t like em.

          As I’m typing this, there’s a big healthy one out there stuffing his face again. Hopefully, he won’t last long because I went to Ace Hardware and bought some rat eliminator. I put it down the holes into the tunnels made by the moles and then covered them up. I’m hoping they have a wonderful underground snack (moles and rats) and stay there, underground. This particular rat is coming under the gate from behind the fence. I don’t want to put any kind of poison on the surface where Mabel or any other non-rodent bird or animal could get to it. So, I don’t know what to do about the under the gate guy. Maybe some of his friends will turn him on to the tunnel tasties.

          I really don’t want to call the pest control folks and have them start coming again, but I don’t want this to turn into a major rodent problem. Do any of you have any ideas on how to control these that doesn’t involve poison? I like the idea we have foxes and coyotes and who knows what else living in my little neighborhood. I don’t like thinking they could be affected by my attempts to rid myself of what would probably be a great snack for them.

          In the time it took to type the last two paragraphs (and I type really fast), the big fat rat has made at least six trips to the chicken food. Back and forth under the garden gate. So, any ideas you may have and want to share with me about rodent control would be most appreciated. Apparently Mabel noticed what was going on. She’s now roosting in front of the gate where the rat comes and goes. Maybe she’ll take care of him???

          Another instance where John would have made the decision about what to do...well, he wouldn't have cancelled the service to begin with. Sometimes I actually envy the people I know who have moved into a facility where every single thing is taken care of for them. I know I'm not ready for that, but lately, having someone else make all the decisions would maybe be a blessing...for a while anyway.

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