Blog Archive

Saturday, February 1, 2020


          Congratulations to moi!!! It’s February 1, and I posted on my blog Every. Single. Day. Of. January. Hopefully, those of you who read them, enjoyed them and are returning each day for my latest post.

          February is going to be both a great month and a sad month. The great parts will be the cruise I leave for on Friday, February 7. I am already anticipating the beautiful blue water and the warm sun on my bare skin. Another great (or maybe notso great because it emphasizes my age) is my youngest son’s 40th birthday.

          The sad part will be the 55th anniversary of the first time John and I met. That will require an entire blog post all its own. I was talking to a friend just the other day and she wanted to know how we met. In telling her how it came about and what ensued in the following days, weeks and months, I realized what a wonderful romantic John was. I also realized that perhaps I didn’t appreciate his romanticism as much as I could/should have.

          I’m looking forward to sharing and remembering those very old times as well as the new memories I’ll be creating as I cruise the Caribbean. Then we’ll have the family celebration of Thor’s birthday, the first one where his father won’t be singing him the birthday song. I hope you enjoyed January's posts and are looking forward to my February ones as well.

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