Blog Archive

Sunday, January 5, 2020


         Today I’m deviating from the posts I already prepared to write about how I have most likely used up all my luck for the entire year. If I have, it’s actually all right with me because I almost lost my entire life on Thursday.

          I try to give my grandkids experiences for birthdays and Christmas. On Thursday I took Arayli shopping, to lunch and then to see Jumanji. All was good until after the movie when we went into the bathroom.

          When I’m wearing jeans, I carry my phone in my back pocket. To make sure it didn’t fall into the toilet, I took it out and placed it on top of the toilet paper know where this is going don't you? I’d already done that once this day and didn’t expect a problem.

          Arayli and I were a couple blocks away from the theater when I realized I didn’t have my phone in my pocket. What followed was a lot of bad language, a very quick trip back to the theater and a dash into the bathroom.

          One of the things I wondered as this was going on is why after 74 years when something like this happens, I repeat, over and over, “Please God, please God, please God.” It’s not like I actually believe he’s up there watching out for me and keeping my phone safe for me…or handling any other emergency when I repeat that litany.

          I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked into the stall I’d used. There on top of the toilet paper holder was my phone. I am so unbelievably grateful to have it back…it contains my life, i.e., all the phone numbers I’ve not bothered to memorize, apps I use for other stuff, etc.  It doesn’t contain any bank or credit card information, but what it does contain would be so very hard to replace.

          Thank you God! Thank you Universe! Thank you other dimension! Thank you to the Good Luck suppliers!!! If that’s all my luck for 2020, I’ll be fine

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